For those unaware, there is a TL Tecmo Super Bowl (NES) league being organized and finalized primarily by Mikilatov and me (him moreso). See the thread here: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=89356
I have picked the Chicago Bears despite the S class handicap of not being able to change the playbook. The thing is, unlike many other S class teams, the Bears default playbook has a few of the best plays in the game and the only giveaway plays are two in shotgun formation. But the thing is, if you have to use a giveaway play (a play where they know what you will be doing based on the formation before the snap), do one that is unexploitable. That is, pick one that has multiple receivers going varying distances across the map. This increases the likelihood of there being an open receiver since the AI is so dumb and the coverage ends up coming down mostly to your play trying to cover as much ground as possible.
The two other S class teams, the New York Giants and San Fransisco 49ers will suffer from there easy to shutdown playbook. A playbook is easy to shutdown when you can basically just pick 75% (or more) their best play, 25% their 2nd best play and use your best LB or DB to defend.
I'm also aware of the 3 best playbooks in the game, as well as minor variations on them. I used to play in a league against people well aware of those playbooks and so I have a lot of experience minimizing the effect of the potential big plays. Some plays on offense are so ridiculously powerful that you often will have to sacrifice 5-10 yards or risk giving 30+ yards due to the retarded computer AI.
Oh... and I guess since this is my first blog entry here...
My name is Derek. I'm 25 and specialize in IT. I'm currently inbetween jobs and out of school. I have an associates in Social Sciences, but no bachelor degree. I also have an A+ Certification (qualifies me as a certified PC technician), and a Dell Warranty Parts certification (it was encouraged at my last job since we purchased most of our IT assets through them).
Like Artosis, I'm also a vegetarian. I have been one since I was 16 (so 9 years as a vegetarian). But I don't bother others when they're eating and only talk about my diet when it naturally comes up or if someone is genuinely curious.
I'm a big time retro gaming enthusiast. I grew up on NES and SNES. Playing these games again taught me a valuable lesson - never sell any game that was fun to play through. Months or years down the line, you might want to play it again. I also own an XBox 360 and I'll get into that more in another post.
Time to watch last night's Lost!
God I hate the down pitch run from the Bears. Even when it's called, it can still gain ~5 yards. It's annoying as hell, and my roommate loves it.
Nice introduction to yourself. Retro gaming is an awesome past time. I haven't sold a single game that I've ever owned, going back to the NES--and even an atari game or two. Way to be.
That run is so sick! And the 3rd and 4th slot runs are tough to stop as well. The 3rd run, if called, will make you lose a few yards. Also if the defender has a star player in a certain position, and executes properly (takes the right path), that run can be stopped abruptly, usually for a loss. The 4th run, if called, will generally get you back to the line of scrimmage, and sometimes if you're lucky gain a yard or two. So overall, their runs are safe when called, and tough to stop when not called. And thank god... cuz the Bears passing situation is abysmal!
Two of the pass plays have safe outs when called. They are almost never defended, and the best part is, the open receiver in both those pass plays is Neal Anderson! He is such a friggin beast in the game!
I also guarantee to put up some sick kickoff returns with Muster. Expect to see some Barry Sander's esque runbacks sometime .
Due to some odd programming in the game, your returners maximum speed is not the same as the actual player's maximum speed. Instead the max speed is based off the max speed of a certain player on your team (I forget who, but I believe it's one of your linebackers). Point being, with returners, you should choose someone with the most hitting power first and foremost, since no matter who you choose, the maximum speed will be the same (as the linebacker's). And Muster certainly has enough hitting power!
And if you're curious, the best returner hands down is Craig Heyward on the Saints. Your maximum speed is based on a fast linebacker in the Saints case, and Heyward ties for the most hitting power in the game (with Okoye).
I'm pretty certain your kick return speed is based of the right guard--I think it is anyway, I know it's something weird like that. And I believe the punt return is based off the strong safety. I could be off, but that seems about right.
United States17042 Posts
Huzzah, I was almost right! It's been a long time since I looked that up.
I was way off, but I remember it was based off a different player at least
Shows how long I've been out of the loop.