Some of you may know me from my last blog, today I will be making another one. I am a protoss player currently in the diamond league, but I enjoy watching all matchups! I have seen many zerg games, and the race has always seemed a bit boring and dull (no offense). But I will attempt to create some builds that will make it more fun for me and some others, though CatZ has already created some very clever builds! I have tried doing some 1 base infestor build, some 2 base BL builds etc. with none of them to work yet. But with some practice, watching zerg reps and maybe some coaching from a top zerg, I will do better. I would like everyone who is reading this to post some build order ideas. Now we shall began.
Kiwikaki is a very creative toss, and TLO is the Kiwi of random, some say CatZ is the creative zerg player, but I will attempt to top him creativity. This journey will began tommorw, I will upload EVERY single game I play from tommorow to 1 month from now, and see how high on ladder I get. This will be very hard, very frustraiting, and very time consuming, and the only way I will be able to complete this difficult task I will have to be very determined! I will be using many builds and this will be only for your entertainment, If I can get to 3500+ master in 1 month using this build it could totally change the ways zerg think.
Please leave some Ideas for builds :D
Thank you for reading my 2nd blog,
First of all which league are you in now and at what rating?
Secondly I'm doing this hatch-tech mass expand style, puting emphasis on mass queen and zergling/banes with upgrades and creep spread (no roaches) vs protoss. Then transition into mutalisks. See how it works.
Something with an in-base hatch to start. Might not be optimal, but it'd be intresting to fiddle around with.
Vs A 3300 Master Terran. I was going to do a bling/infestor expo, but I didn't need to.
I am now 5-3
Vs A gold Protoss. I played bad, but the point of this is to create new builds.
I am now 6-3