It does not matter who you support. You can support Blizzard during this entire endeavor, you can support KeSPA simply because you want more Proleague. You can despise Blizzard for being a bit overprotective with their rights to the point of shutting down the BW scene, while you can call it "just desserts" for KeSPA for all of their incompetencies and fouls they've committed.
Please stop talking. Just wait for the results of the trial.
The point is this. In the end, we're all just fans. Realizing this is rather important, because I think a lot of this is lost as the SC2 scene and the SC scene is getting more and more polarized. I don't understand why we can't just realize that, we are, all in the end, fans of the e-Sports, regardless of what games our favorite players are playing.
There is one thing I would like to ask to the Starcraft 2 fans. Please understand where we, the Brood War fans, come from. All we want, in the very end is more Proleague and Starleague. We simply wish to have more of what we have had for ages. And yes, because we are fans, we may go a bit too far sometimes -- at times, condemning Blizzard, or to even disregarding Blizzard's claim to their rights. We may be cursing Gretech. And we may look like we're supporting KeSPA, who has, yes, committed their shares of crimes. Please be understanding of this fact, and please, stop trolling. It gets old. It gets me really really annoyed to see that one Starcraft 2 fan going into a BW related topic, and wishing the downfall of Brood War. To some of us, supporting Blizzard means that you want the death of Brood War. Things like this further polarize the fanbase, which is definitely, not the best thing that can happen for e-Sports.
I want to ask the BW fans the same thing. Please understand why you're so vehement in this, and just realize, in the end, you're in it simply because you want more Brood War. Honestly, we don't know enough about the insider details to make a proper judgment on who to condemn completely. There's no need to "Boycott SC2" or hate on Blizzard, Gretech for this. No one is clean in this matter, and honestly, the more you engage in this IP rights discussion, the more polarized the community will be between BW and SC2.
All we want, in the end, is for BW to go as far as it can -- as long as the players still want to play BW, wishing for the demise for the scene for whatever reason is going to hurt the players, especially if you only want BW to die so they move onto SC2.
Support the players. Don't support or hate the organizations behind this. In the end, taking sides in the debate isn't going to do any good, and all the amounts of internet lawyering is just going to get people angry and attract more trolls. Remember that, in the end, we are all just fans of an addicting videogame, and there's no reason to try and bite each other's head off just because of this entire overdrawn retarded negotiations.
let's keep things in perspective guys