It is time for yet another competition to find a lucky winner for a european beta key! I have seen alot of different topics for these competitions, but so far I have not seen one covering dance.
The rules are simple:
* Upload a video to youtube where you perform any dance. You are welcome to perform "famous" choreographies, but I value originality.
* Make sure to mention your TL nickname in the video so I know that you are not stealing it from someone else. If it is an old video I can accept it if you add a clip of you presenting yourself before the actual dance. And ofc I need to be able to see that it's actually you!
* Post a link to your video in this blog for everyone to enjoy!
* Deadline for submissions are Sunday 2nd of May 18:00 CET (which should be something like 12:00 EST?). A winner should be named within 6 hours.
Since I'm a newly registered member (even though I lurked here a whole lot during the last two years), I'm willing to send the key to an admin that can keep it safe untill the competition ends (please give me suggestions on who to contact).
Good luck everyone!
Let's hope we will see some sick moves.
update: I found out that a contest with an erotic dance to some christina aguilera song already existed, so I guess I'm not that original. But hey, atleast I let you choose your own style and music