Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Today I seek to rebuild the Bloodstone Battlecruiser. A legendary royal Anahn flagship from the second generation.
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The original Bloodstone Battlecruiser, as shown on the far right, is an eyesore. It saw nearly no screentime in Salvation due to all of the problems it had, and its general abhorrent appearance. This will have to change for Retribution.
I am fortunate. I know a Lithuanian pizza boy who managed to slap me together a base hull for the new Bloodstone Battlecruiser. Here is what we have to work with.
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This is the new Bloodstone Battlecruiser base mesh, with a few changes by myself. It is already more complex than the most complex Starcraft 2 melee asset. And nowhere near where it needs to be for one of my projects.
There are several major challenges I have to face when bringing this to fruition.
1.) First of all, the weapons cannot clip through the hull when firing. Sins of a Solar Empire has no moving turrets, no arcs, nothing. It doesn't even link effects to damage. But since we're making a movie project, appearance is everything. The original BSBC has inner beam cannons that fire forwards and often clip through the hull. This is unacceptable. Our new ship must avoid this.
2.) We need more guns on it. The new BSBC will be more to canon scale. The original canon scale puts the BSBC at 2,000km, but it's not big enough ingame to reflect this. The new scale puts this ship closer to mobile fortress scales. Since it will be larger, it needs more guns to justify this scale. We have strict poly limits in Sins, so our new guns must be extremely conservative. The Sonsora, seen in the center of the first shot, had 166 individual guns on it when it was revised. We can do better with this ship.
3.) It needs to play the part of the Royal Family's most flamboyant and imposing flagship. Only twelve such ships were created, and their firepower and defensive abilities were unmatched.
The Bloodstone Battlecruiser was foreseen to be the most difficult revision model of Retribution and one of the most if not the most difficult foreseeable ship to get correct in the entire project.
A new stratagem I have employed on some recent Anahn ships is likely to be useful in this one. Normally, I would struggle to figure out where to put any guns at all on such a hull. But I have developed a technique called Box Modeling, that allows me to make a box and put guns on it. Finally, 13 years later, I have developed a basic skill that should serve me well in this ship. You can see the fruits of such labor on the Vanarch.
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The layering plated ribs serve as hardpoint locations rather well. The BSBC is likely to have a lot of these. It is large enough that its smallest guns would be dealing enormous damage to battleships ingame. It will have many such guns. All it needs is a place to put them.
Two weeks pass. Yep. I opened the max file, lost interest immediately, and didn't bother to document any further thoughts. Other than the video developer series, which is mostly filled with bitching and nothing team liquid would ever be interested in (who wants to watch bad people fail at modeling, anyways?)
So, I'll jump right to the juicy parts.
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My stratagem for ribs was working out very well, but the ribs are very poly intensive, and the game has a very low poly limit on its converter. I need to make extra gutted turrets for this ship. Each plating section consists of a box that is then copy pasted a set distance from each other in, fused together, and either bridged or just moved to conform to the shape of the hull. Very basic, very amateur stuff, and for this it works.
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The Flame Lance cannons, one of the deadliest royal weapons, are added. These are from the old mesh, significantly optimized. Their particles ingame need a massive overhaul I have been too depressed to get to.
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The beam cannons are added. There's only going to be the three forward guns. Unlike the original, regrettably, I can't think of a way to justify forward guns without running into severe clipping problems. Therefore, this ship will have to engage in broadside in sins.
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The near final version. I started running tight on polies, which is unfortunate.
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The final version.
Recently I took up finishing the Kerr`Ussan, based on the 2007 Gahennas Carrier.
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The original Gahennas model, a disgusting maya mesh.
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The new variant, the Kerr`Ussan, a still hopelessly disgusting mess but at least a little less disgusting. I still need to fuss over the wings and inner areas a bit, so it isn't done, but it's reasonably close.