My ZvZ is fine
My ZvT sucks. period. I constantly mess up on early game and mid game. what about late game? that's the thing, I never get there.
I lied about my beginning to not hate ZvT blog; that was a lucky game i guess -_-
ZvP... Storms + 1a2a3a makes me a sad zerg.
I've switched races multiple times already, but i think im going to go insane if i keep losing like this. Out of my last dozen games or so, I've won one which was a ZvZ.
I've stuck with zerg for a few months now and still haven't hit C-, despite getting C- pretty easily with Terran in the first two weeks of an iccup season(i dont play a lot either).
this isnt even a "which race should i choose?" blog, this is a "fuck zerg" blog
Oh yeah, about the title. My TvP and TvZ are pretty good, but my TvT is what sucked when i played T so I guess I better practice it