food, computer, internet.
internet, my penis, fresh underwear
I don't think I'd function very well without brain, heart or lungs.
towel, food, internet
Teamliquid Teamliquid Teamliquid.
frog eyes, 6-year-old girl tears and that piece of popcorn that looks like Elvis
mmm popcorn
On July 02 2009 10:21 Nytefish wrote: I don't think I'd function very well without brain, heart or lungs. u'd be quite surprised at what ur body is capable of!
btw love, food, clean water
rice , kimchi, chopsticks
Since food shelter and water are the obvious answers, I'm gonna add another three things on top of that. Computer+electricity+internet connection, and if I'm allowed to combine those three, then the other two would be my bass guitar, and a companion (friend, girlfriend, pet, whatever).
computer, sun, strong force
Back then when I didn't have a computer I was perfectly fine. I'm a loner but I think without my friends my life would be really hard.
On July 02 2009 10:56 travis wrote: gravity, butthole, spine
Ha ha, agreed
OKAY aside from vital organs and such: The internet, Art in all forms, nice sunny weather.