Seems that snake-oil is still a hot commodity.
Japanese Knocknee Treatment
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Lots of fun fashion victims and quite a large showing of what is called in Japanese “O-leg“—pigeon-toed. Why Japanese women walk this way is a great mystery. In the past, the low protein and low calcium diet was to blame for “tansoku” stubby legs as well as bad genes. Constant kneeing what feet folded and tucked under their butts must not help. Current theory is that Japanese think it’s cute to walk deformed.
Supposedly, NHK TV had a “science” show in this topic came up with the wild explanation that Western women have big butts so they walk with feet pointing out to draw said backside in. Japanese girls have no butts and walk with toes pointing in to push their backsides out. Yeah, ri-i-i-ight.
I had heard that Japanese girls think their bow-legged knock-knee waddling around was cute. So, I'm not sure who this product is for. Its not just in Japan. So many Chinese girls are plagued by either knock or bowed knees. Sadly, this wouldn't help fix their bone structure.