I use this to find streams for events that are hard to watch because I can't watch yy or can't stand watching chinese stream and when there's no daum stream for these certain events, afreeca is the way to go. My post in a LR thread:
Whoever has problems with streaming there are tons of koreans streaming the feed from afreeca, and I use this instead of the other streams because its works fine for me and quality is good(unless theres a daum link then i use that) but for most events like this, just like the MST offline qualifiers for some reason alot of people like to stream these events when it's hard to find a stream.
*First I suggest going to afreeca.com and clicking that blue tv icon or w/e and I'm pretty sure it starts the download or asks you to download something for activex or whatever, just accept it and install it or you wont be able to find the exe in step 4*
This is taken from BroOd's thread about afreeca so all credit goes to him and his sources!
"Since finding socks/http proxies can be a pain in the ass, I recommend the following way to connect to afreeca (most info taken from myp2pforum.eu):
1. Follow this link to download the Vidalia bundle, and just install TOR.
2. Go to Go to C:\Documents and Settings\Your Account Name\Application Data\Tor and open torcc in a text editor like notepad or wordpad. Delete everything. All of it. Now paste in the following:
StrictExitNodes 1
ExitNodes eva
3. Download Proxifier.
Extract, install etc.
Get this patch -> http://www.sendspace.com/file/zx10s0
Extract it to the Proxifier folder to patch the trial version (you also have to manually patch it by opening it)to a full version
4. Run Proxifier. Go to "Proxy Settings" add SOCKS5 server and port 9050. Then go to "Proxification rules" and add: Afreecaplayer.exe, ip:, port 3456. Also, select "Proxify only the following + manual proxy", and make sure that afreeca is the only program with a check next to it."
what I do is load Tor first, wait til it opens a circuit, then load proxifier
then just go to afreeca.com and click the blue tv and the player should load, then search "μ€ν" or look for something that says something like "κ²μTV" then you see on the left said it says μ€ν which means starcraft so click that and look for a stream(there's also really good players that stream there live iccup games here, like BeggarTerran and a lot of other A- A players from [Name] clan)
if you've done all of this right it should work, sometimes Tor fucks up and I just reload it a few times and it finally finds a circuit or w/e. I also had a problem when I reformatted I couldn't find my application data folder, for some reason it wasn't there, to fix this you can simply do a search or go to windows and hit run and type %APPDATA% to open the folder, and nights its just really bad for some reason, like the proxy is just poor and it lags badly, but other nights it runs perfect so just be patient, again all credit goes to BroOd for helping me set this up, just posting this here because people can't find streams for events like these when daum doesn't support 1.