Forgive the crude title, but I am a tad irritated at the moment. I'll keep this brief since I have class in 6.5 hours and I'm fucking exhausted.
There's this girl in one of my classes last semester. She's nice, I don't talk to her often but she makes the attempt to talk to me. I honestly don't like overly forward people like this but I try to stay polite and shit. She adds me as a friend on Facebook, fine. She posts every so often, fine. OK, not so fine because her messages are like, "Have a happy new year" or whatever. It could be she's trying to be nice, but fuck; I want to be left alone. I do not want to associate myself with this person. But she keeps up with the constant prying posts on Facebook. If I put my status as, "Jaeyoung is working," then she would post something like, "oh what are you working on?" I'm probably overreacting but that's why I'm posting this.
I probably didn't make a whole lot of sense, but bottom line: There's a person at school I do not wish to associate myself with but she keeps trying to become close with me.
Oh and funny story which leads me to believe she's a TAD insane: she tags photos of me on Facebook (I rarely take photos, it's strictly with close friends only) and I was about to check it out for the first time and I think to myself, "Huh, I don't recall her taking a picture of me." (which is fucking freaky as it is) I look at the photo, it's a picture of Dong Bang Shin Ki (or w/e they're called/spelled). What the FUCK? I check where I'm tagged, it's some shaggy haired member of the group. And I'm not just tagged either, another Korean guy in my class is tagged as well. I haven't talked to him about it, he probably thinks she's fucking insane as well.
I wish I had stalkers. This is the new age man, very few people have social skills besides the computer. It's just the way things are turning -.-, so what's so bad about this girl?
Best solution is to just not talk to her. Whenever she talks to you just give half assed answers that aren't technically rude but if she has half a brain she should be able to get the veiled 'fuck off' message. Some girls never get it though T_T.
In a semi related story, tome guy tagged a picture with a bunch of progamers in it. I was Much. Maybe I'm old looking.
Band you were talking about is like TVSQ isn't it? Also DBSK LOL. I think it is because the chinese is 东方神起-->(t)dong (v)fang shen qi. lawl.
Wow, Just be like "Im not comfortable with you stalking be please fuck off"
If all else fails hit her in the face and tell her to go die in a fire.
3861 Posts
um... if she doesn't get the hint (assuming you've sent her some) why dont you just tell her to go away? she must have some asian guy fetish...
i just treat chicks like that really badly if i aint got 2 many mutual friends with the person.
i have this annoying girl thats cute and all but she has no character and she added me to facebook after speaking to her once at this exhibition we both had art up at. She puts attending to all the events i go to (think friday, saturday nights at clubs, bars whatever)
and i've spoken to her once, i alwyas catch her glancing at me.
2 months ago(after like 3 months of this weird stalking) she just jumped infront of me and said "hello!" putting a hand up as if to shake it, and i was SUPER wasted and knew she had a crush on me but i didnt like her so i was like "GOD DAMN IM SO DRUNK, REBECCA RIGHT?
then i just turned around completely and starting to talk to some complete stranger, i guess she walked away cuz when i turned around to look for her she was gone.
edit* oh and her name wasnt rebecca, i said the wrong name to her on purpose
LMAO what is this at, where. high school? college?
United States5784 Posts
it'll be fine if she was super hot right? yeah i've had similar a similar experience but not as insane as your girl. the girl just kept calling me and asking me shit randomly, and yes she was ugly
On January 23 2009 16:33 Kentor wrote: it'll be fine if she was super hot right? I assume it would be lolol
Notice the only adjective he uses is "nice"
Hong Kong4685 Posts
51287 Posts
I just saw Equinox's facebook.
She is insane.
dude crazy bitches man, don't be too mean or she'll probably stab you. Tell her you're in a long distance relationship with the love of your life(that way she wont go looking for said girl to stab) and you're not interesting in being too close.
On January 23 2009 15:59 MarklarMarklar wrote: edit* oh and her name wasnt rebecca, i said the wrong name to her on purpose Oh wow, thats the kicker right there. Good job.
Bang her and tell her to ?!£% off. Or just tell her to leave u alone
Just find a topic she does NOT enjoy talking about. Whenever she talks to you, switch the conversation to that topic. She'll hopefully get sick of you real fast.
Braavos36362 Posts
clearly the appropriate course of action is post on TL, have one of the members link her to this blog, and once she reads it she'll leave you alone
that or kill you