So Im pretty much a casual player on iccup, and I log in but I don’t feel like playing seriously. I decide that I’m going to offrace as P (I usually play T or Z) and that I’m going to do some D level gosu reaver ownage. So I join game, and he is Z. Whenever I think of reavers, I think IntoTheRainbow, and I suddenly decided in the lobby to do the 4 probe harass.
Game begins, and I send my probes to the other mains of python to scout.
I find him by seeing his creep (a la Boxer/oov minerals trick)
My 4 manprobes make his drones cower in a corner, and he throws an early pool in response.
My D level probe micro fails as I lose a probe:
An eye for an eye, bitch!
Inevitably his lings come out, and I begin gateway at my main:
EE HAN TIMING! The zeal pops just as he arrives to try and fag my pylon:
My manzeal thinks he’s the shit and tries to take them all on:
His friend joins in and by accident rather than design I have managed to make a sexy formation:
Resulting in a lot of dead lings!
After this I manage to slip a zealot through, inspired by JF I want to get some drone kills while I tech up.
However he surrounds the poor zealot and he promptly disappears in blue flame.
I have amassed quite a few zealots off 1 gate, and he is just content to sit below my ramp with lings.
I have teched to stargate and my sexy scout is almost done.
I have enough zeal to block ramp, and to pressure with zeals, and after a lot of carnage I arrive at his base and block the ramp between his main and nat.
My scout has enough time to kill an ovie before:
His mutaling cleans up my ramp block
My sense of star predicted his mutas and thus I have 2 cannons around mins, I hurriedly pull my scout back to the cannons:
My opponent is rather rash and he decides to kill the scout:
But fails.
Seeing the flood of zealots heading towards him my opponent leaves the game.
P.S So I forgot to use a reaver but the scout sufficed. Hope you found this entertaining. Merry Christmas and all that.