Whilst you lay on your back
Unable to move
Joints protected by gothic armour
You, the simple insect.
I watched you writhe on the ground
And pondered what went through your mind
In the minutes before you died.
Did you question the reality of the situation,
That you would never again see light,
Or feel grass,
Or eat again?
In my study
I knew your fate,
And watched, emotions detached
As you began to twitch
And twitch
And twitch.
Slowly softly dying,
You lay on the ground.
I only watched.
No compassion was found
As i awed at your demise
And so i left once your body stopped moving
To return hours later
And see a single leg, one of six, twitch.
And twitch
And twitch
And i knew you were dead,
But for sake of memory the electric pulses
Kept your leg moving.
I watched an insect die in my bathroom today, thought i'd write about the experience.