*numbers here do not correspond to your already answered questions*
1) when you get out of the parking lot make sure you don't go off the urb into the street, it's instant phail.
2) slightly overexaggerate your motions when you change lines (looking over shoulder), wearing a cap definitely shows which way you are looking
3) if you go too slow you will fail, stay at speed limit (2 or 3 below is good)
4) don't be afraid about making tiny mistakes, you can afford 15 in my state
to be honest if you drove a lot with your parents over your 6 month permit time period you should do just fine as long as you are not nervous. Make sure you get a lot of sleep too since being half awake leads to more dumb mistakes
On October 30 2008 15:53 MYM.Testie wrote: It's not funny =[ Now I miss out on going to all the places I never went to when I could drive! BLINDSPOT =p i feel you woes
obey speed limit use the middle lane to turn left, if applicable watch the stop lights and obey them, giving right of way when applicable did i mention right of way? obey the signs drive like a wimp have fun good luck dont drive when im out there
i have the test in like 2 hours. im nervous hehe
Cool man! ^^
Just relax the day prior to the test and It'll be all fine ;D
edit: just read u got two hours! :O in that case, just listen to some nice music and relax while thinking about all you know u gotta do!
Florida doesn't have parallel parking D:
i know that the fact ima be so nervous is gonna F me up lolol -_-
w/e..hope for the best! ^^
hahaha seriosuly where are you taking your test? when I took my driving test parallel parking was like not even mention. The closest thing was I had to drive in reverse several feet in the most straightest line possible.
Anywho, know what the speeds are for different zones know where your lights, e-brake, and all the stuff inside the car is at. Dont speed Dont cross the double yellow line Make sure to lookin all directions for on coming traffic Use blinkers When coming to a stop dont hit the brake to where the car jerks forward.Slow easy stops. Dont accelerate hard
basically take your time with your test dont be to nervous it was easy and I passed my first time.
Good luck
On October 30 2008 14:53 clazziquai wrote:
3) What is the #1 thing I should be concerned besides parallel parking (which really isn't so hard)
Check your mirrors whenever you do anything.. and even when you aren't!
hehe i just took it. i got my license w00t :D
CA10824 Posts
YEAH! I told you we Terran players had awesome micro XD
Grats. =D Go buy a vulturebike or a tank.