It's a day I feel like blogging after a night of hard work. I come to think of Pigeons.
About a year ago, I saw a Pigeon die. He didnt have the same reaction time as the other Pigeons, unlucky Pigeon. So a car drove straight into it, and hit exactly so he drove over it. It rolled around the weel, and I just heard the "snatch" sound. It broke his neck, a silent moment, and next thing I see is loads of blood floating out from the tiny creature. Wierd moment, never seen it happen like that. And back then, I remember lauging abit. Cruel laugh. You know, "lol unlucky piece of shit animal lol"
So, about 2 weeks ago, I was at work. And a pigeon flys into my work place (gas station) We have huge glas windows, and this is in the middle of the day. And guess what the poor pigeon does, he sees light, and boom. And guess what he does again? He trys again, and "BOOM". So he is still alive, and a thrid time. Its kinda sad to watch. But the fourth time he fails, and I manage to scare it into the storage room. And about an hour later, after locking myself into a small room with it, tiring him out, and finally manage to catch it after he is exausted of flying. (Bird doesnt get it, that I'm trying to help) So the moment of truth, I let go of it outside, and it flys to its nest nearby, lucky lucky Pigeon.
So my mind goes philosphy mode. Do you think he is thankful? What do you think went trough his mind after that moment? Do you think he knows at the end that im only trying to help? are animals just the same even if you help them over and over again? Im afraid not. But then, it feels so lame, it seems so meaningless. Right?
over analyzing the bird's mentality.
Edit: plain and simple, bird gets trapped it tried to escape but failed due to window. it keeps trying because it sees a clear opening.
No, it wasn't thankful. Nothing other than blind fear ran through its mind. No, it can't extrapolate that you are, through methods mysterious to it, trying to help it.
But it is the furthest thing from meaningless.
Your act of kindness, while irrelevant to the bird, has caused you to dwell on important, philosophical concepts. You took a step beyond basic self-preservation to offer help to an animal that could not appreciate it and did not want it. Additionally, you exposed yourself to either being actively attacked or unwittingly contracting a disease. You did so at no physical net-gain to yourself at best, and a fairly moderate net loss at worst.
Instead, you gained psychological relief; you were made to dwell on concepts that we as humans all question at some point, and you have amplified that quiet meditation on a large scale by informing the starcraft-going public of your plight. Take meaning from the fact that you have compassion beyond an interest in self-preservation. Take meaning from the fact that you have gained a new outlook on those who need help but refuse to seek it and even react against it. Take meaning from the fact that you have shared your experience with others who can now draw their own conclusions based on their own morality.
And lastly...
On September 05 2008 15:32 ThePhan2m wrote: Do you think he is thankful? What do you think went trough his mind after that moment? Do you think he knows at the end that im only trying to help? are animals just the same even if you help them over and over again? Im afraid not. But then, it feels so lame, it seems so meaningless. Right?
I bet this is how God feels ALL THE TIME!
If the bird is dumb enough to fly into the same window four times, I doubt it can thankful for you saving it.
Don't worry in the next pigeon blog it is going to thank you.
Netherlands6142 Posts
Kinda see where you're coming from. I save little flies from my wine/fruit juice all the time. I really doubt they know what's going on when they get scooped out of the glass with the tip of a knife, let alone be thankful, but on the other side I reckon they're aware they're drowning since if you leave them they keep thrashing about. I guess some people like to not help them but agnostic as I am I just save them in case they do value life in some way.
Pholon, I kill flies all the time, I dont value them at all. But Pigeons, they seem different. They seem more valuble.
i don't think the bird gives a rat's ass what you were trying to do
I dont think that either, but I still have hope, that somewhat, it understands ^^
Thank you. There I said it, no need to go philosophical with this shit man. Damn. . .
On September 05 2008 16:57 Pigeon wrote: Thank you. There I said it, no need to go philosophical with this shit man. Damn. . . lol
Maybe the pigeon thought he could break though the glass to a epic escape! Lol
On September 05 2008 16:57 Pigeon wrote: Thank you. There I said it, no need to go philosophical with this shit man. Damn. . .