On August 26 2008 03:35 ThePhan2m wrote:
1st thing I make a game that says D+ 1v1, and ppl above my level and lower join, why?? a C- joins, and they realize im not C- they leave. Its so often, ppl join and leave so freakin fast. cant they make up their mind BEFORE they join?? Cant ppl fucking read??
If I'm searching for a while for games at my level, and not having any luck getting in a game, I'll join games one level above/below after a while. And if I see AH OFF for the player, I'll leave right away, otherwise I stay. I'm not too picky.
2nd thing So I dont give a fuck about stats, so I mass play, try out all kind of crazy stuff, do it again, even if I fail many times. Tho I'm not good, I would say I'm still better than my stats says. The thing that annoys me, is ppl that look at my stats in the channel. they have 10-0 in stats, and ask me for a game just cuz I'm I have horrible stats. Thats just retared. the thing is, its not sometimes? its 90% of the times. Stats loosers like that should be banned forever.
Yeah it's pretty gay. I don't respond to any game requests in the channel. I just join games that are waiting.
3rd thing (ingame stuff TvZ) I go 1rax into CC and hurray, every time I get mass linged. I know im bad, and its hard to go 1rax CC, but still, sometimes ppl are lame, I defend first attack, and they come again with mass lings. Retarded all inn tacts.
I've never done that personally. I'd suggest more emphasis on scouting though. I assume you build a bunker. If not you should build a bunker when you 1rax cc. If you send out a scout and see more than 6 or 8 lings, or ling speed, be prepared for a ling attack. In my experience it's not too common to get ling speed right away if you're planning on going standard 3hatch muta, since you need the larva for drones, and the gas for mutas/lurker ups/carapace, etc.
4th thing (ingame stuff TvP) Even that stupid 1 zealot at start that toss sends its just retarded. Or when they take my gas, WTF am I gonna do??? If I go fast CC or even mass rines i dont have a chance. If I delay it and put scvs on it and kill it fast once rines come out, I'm suddently massivly behind. I know the deal, practice practice practice. And I'm horrible somtimes, my multitasking just wins the newb-polls.
You gotta be prepared to take your gas as soon as you see his scout enter your base. If you wall, or have a partially complete wall, you'll see the scout as he comes in, then you need to save up or cancel your qued SCV if you have one waiting in the que and build your refinery. I dunno, I don't play terran, so I can't give great advice here.
5th thing (ingame stuff TvP) Arbiters, wtf is that vs Terran? how am I gonna deal with that on my level. It feels like its so imba newb tool, to counter it I have to scan scan scan, my vessel gets killed in 2 seconds, then im out of scans, toss just moves around with his army. It seems so easy mode vs Terran at my level, makes me wanna change race. But seriously, Arbiters + Army control and then recall, freeze shit. Not hard at all right?? When Terran has to like move around and shit, get reinforcments, plant mines, get vessels, scan scan, focus fire with gols on arbiters, scan scan. Try to EMP everywhere, while building shit loads of turrents to defend drop. fuck that, makes me wanna quit. 10% of my games vs arbiter tosses I manage to win, and those are vs looser tosses that cant control their armys. I thought that my TvP was my best MU (cuz I used to play alot vs my brother, like TvP all day) and now i feel like its my worst just because of this.
I feel ya, man. Sounds pretty shitty.
On August 26 2008 07:00 arb wrote:Show nested quote +On August 26 2008 06:56 ramen247 wrote:On August 26 2008 03:35 ThePhan2m wrote: Ok, so I was just recently playing, and some stuff just annoys the shit out of me. I just need to get it out.
1st thing I make a game that says D+ 1v1, and ppl above my level and lower join, why?? a C- joins, and they realize im not C- they leave. Its so often, ppl join and leave so freakin fast. cant they make up their mind BEFORE they join?? Cant ppl fucking read??
2nd thing So I dont give a fuck about stats, so I mass play, try out all kind of crazy stuff, do it again, even if I fail many times. Tho I'm not good, I would say I'm still better than my stats says. The thing that annoys me, is ppl that look at my stats in the channel. they have 10-0 in stats, and ask me for a game just cuz I'm I have horrible stats. Thats just retared. the thing is, its not sometimes? its 90% of the times. Stats loosers like that should be banned forever.
3rd thing (ingame stuff TvZ) I go 1rax into CC and hurray, every time I get mass linged. I know im bad, and its hard to go 1rax CC, but still, sometimes ppl are lame, I defend first attack, and they come again with mass lings. Retarded all inn tacts.
4th thing (ingame stuff TvP) Even that stupid 1 zealot at start that toss sends its just retarded. Or when they take my gas, WTF am I gonna do??? If I go fast CC or even mass rines i dont have a chance. If I delay it and put scvs on it and kill it fast once rines come out, I'm suddently massivly behind. I know the deal, practice practice practice. And I'm horrible somtimes, my multitasking just wins the newb-polls.
5th thing (ingame stuff TvP) Arbiters, wtf is that vs Terran? how am I gonna deal with that on my level. It feels like its so imba newb tool, to counter it I have to scan scan scan, my vessel gets killed in 2 seconds, then im out of scans, toss just moves around with his army. It seems so easy mode vs Terran at my level, makes me wanna change race. But seriously, Arbiters + Army control and then recall, freeze shit. Not hard at all right?? When Terran has to like move around and shit, get reinforcments, plant mines, get vessels, scan scan, focus fire with gols on arbiters, scan scan. Try to EMP everywhere, while building shit loads of turrents to defend drop. fuck that, makes me wanna quit. 10% of my games vs arbiter tosses I manage to win, and those are vs looser tosses that cant control their armys. I thought that my TvP was my best MU (cuz I used to play alot vs my brother, like TvP all day) and now i feel like its my worst just because of this.
there is propably more, much more. but this is all I can think of for now. Im pissed and annoyed (and having a bad day lol) gg dude...you are just really bad... if the toss freaking takes you gas, then go and scv rush. when you see the toss probe come in, if you are paranoid, then fucking make a refinery before the probe makes an assimilator and stop production right after and continue later... you lack basic understanding of the game. starcraft requires a lot of vsion and you should be able to scout out an all-in before its already ripping you apart. if mass lings lost to terran 1 rax cc effortlessly, who the fuck would do it. terran would be the next "i dont need to scout" race and i would be fucking stupid. keep your scout alive until you can see what the hell he is going. understand the timings of zerg and toss. Straight SCV rush is about the worst thing you can do in the situation..If you get stole i usually just camp get a ctrl group and a half of mnm then all in against them since most will expand knowing they're safe and have less units
sry for lack of elaboration
When the toss takes your gas just go 14 CC with a bunker and get an acadamy with rine range. You will be about even after that.. Just repair it with six scvs while you get siege, chances are he went 3 gate goon to kill you so you can still win if you live.
On August 26 2008 05:36 Pads wrote:Show nested quote +On August 26 2008 03:35 ThePhan2m wrote:
2nd thing So I dont give a fuck about stats, so I mass play, try out all kind of crazy stuff, do it again, even if I fail many times. Tho I'm not good, I would say I'm still better than my stats says. The thing that annoys me, is ppl that look at my stats in the channel. they have 10-0 in stats, and ask me for a game just cuz I'm I have horrible stats. Thats just retared. the thing is, its not sometimes? its 90% of the times. Stats loosers like that should be banned forever.
how exactly do you know he's just asking you for a game? can you see other people's whispers? he's probably just going down the list with /w ctrl n right click paste. At least that's what I do.
Same thing happens to me, weird thing is that usually its the guys with xx-1 (very smurfy stats) that whispers. Then again I don't whisper because they can always make games and I can't (cant host) so just make games and you get to play eventually.
about nr.3: dealing with zeal: wall-in? or micro marines, if ur above 80 apm should be no prob  stealing gas: i fear that, too. if i see prob going strait for my gas i cancel building scv and quickly build gas. or i try 2 rax m&m scv rush works surprisingly well for me
United States24579 Posts
On August 26 2008 07:39 Jumperer wrote: it appears that 99% of the people here in this thread has no idea what they are talking about. Stop complaining and get better at the game. You may be a carrier, but I'm confident that this is not true. If you are going to insult everyone, at least back it up (or better yet... don't do it).
The responses in this thread have been decent (except for Chill he sux).
Number 1 and 2 are okay to complain about. The rest are your own fault.
Ling all-in is annoying, even if you easily hold it off . Yeah, its a valid strategy that I don't mind losing to when the player is good and therefore does a good job hiding it. But I am pretty sure a lot of Zergs D range just do it every game against an expo build. Whats the point in doing that? You somewhen hit a blockade where players will always hold it off, and then can't win with the all-in and can't win in a straight up game. I usualy don't get gas stolen, because when that probes enters my base I just start the refinery and put the scv back on minerals until I start the rax.
On August 26 2008 05:30 kroko wrote: 1) Joining pub game -> 1min delay before game starts cause hes checking ur stats from site. GAY 2) "race ? RACE ?! RAAAACEEEE ?!?!?!?!?" Then picking himself @ countdown... SUPER-GAY 3) Joining game which is higher then ur rank... Omfg how hard its to read.... TOOLS
Also iccup has too many all-in players (not complaining its imba, but I would like to play also games longer then 10mins etc).
Yea, this isn't Starleague, this is ICCup Cheesefest, prepare accordingly. When I played in TSL, the few games that I did play were pretty much all cheese. Proxy buildings, all-in, 1 base strats, w/e, they do all of it to win quickly. Just play defensive and out-macro -> win
On August 26 2008 10:35 Equinox_kr wrote:Show nested quote +On August 26 2008 05:30 kroko wrote: 1) Joining pub game -> 1min delay before game starts cause hes checking ur stats from site. GAY 2) "race ? RACE ?! RAAAACEEEE ?!?!?!?!?" Then picking himself @ countdown... SUPER-GAY 3) Joining game which is higher then ur rank... Omfg how hard its to read.... TOOLS
Also iccup has too many all-in players (not complaining its imba, but I would like to play also games longer then 10mins etc). Yea, this isn't Starleague, this is ICCup Cheesefest, prepare accordingly. When I played in TSL, the few games that I did play were pretty much all cheese. Proxy buildings, all-in, 1 base strats, w/e, they do all of it to win quickly. Just play defensive and out-macro -> win "Yea, ok". Some here dosent play for points, but for fun. A - K - A ME !
On August 26 2008 05:30 kroko wrote:[/B] QUOTE]
Yea, this isn't Starleague, this is ICCup Cheesefest, prepare accordingly. When I played in TSL, the few games that I did play were pretty much all cheese. Proxy buildings, all-in, 1 base strats, w/e, they do all of it to win quickly. Just play defensive and out-macro -> win[/QUOTE] "Yea, ok". Some here dosent play for points, but for fun. A - K - A ME ![/QUOTE]
If you are playing soley for fun, then iccup isn't the right place for you. It is the most competetive international ladder ever. And between the ranks D/B- you have the entire world ladder climbing against each other. Some people take cautious steps up this ladder, others pump themselves as fast at they can, and some choose to take shortcuts.
Battle.net with friends is fun.
Iccup is war.
If you don't look at it like that, then the constant cheese and Build Order loses you'll endure will drive you nutts. Don't Loggon without being ready to win at all costs, or you will logoff upset by somebody who was willing to win at all costs!
Know your enemy gentleman! ....
United States10774 Posts
Umm, get better. How do you beat a 2-2 180 supply Terran army without arbiters?
Thanks for the feedback and the tips. Gonna try some of it, tho I knew the most, hard to get it into motion. My multitasking sucks as I mentioned I'm allways abit ironic when I write a post, so if your here to flame me for complaning, dont write a reply.
Obviously I'm aware of that 3-5 are my own faults, and I try and try. I find it hard to scout all the time and do everything else perfectly. One zealot issue, I dont wall cuz it just fucks up macro, and it takes so much longer to move units up and down incase of drop / arbiter recall.
Building placement I get, but sometimes they go 2 gate zealots. and staight for my scvs. thats the worst part, and they keep killing scvs that build factory, and by the time its up, and i finally get out first vult, he has 3-4 zealots there. Rines vs zealots is hard, even tho you have a nice build placement. He can still kill lots of scvs. And i have to micro my vults, and my scvs die. And my eco sucks. Thats pretty much it. Tho bunker in mineral line helps. often its too late if i scout him last in 4 player map or he has proxy gates.
I just find it sad how people go for the win allways, just to get the wins, even if they arent as good as their ranks, if you know what i mean. So they go these shitty tacts, cuz they see the opening, only to get the win. Starcraft games arent fun then, their just annoying, and its not an acomplishment if you win by doing so. 6th annoying thing: when ppl change races in last moment, and it doesnt show. My scout doesnt scout them at first and they go for some kind of cheese.
1st thing I make a game that says D+ 1v1, and ppl above my level and lower join, why?? a C- joins, and they realize im not C- they leave. Its so often, ppl join and leave so freakin fast. cant they make up their mind BEFORE they join?? Cant ppl fucking read??
I always do this ): But it's not on purpose! Often when i'm surfing through games looking for one that's my level, I double click on a room when I mean to single click it (i tend to spam when i'm looking for a game, much like early game spam .-.). I leave right when i enter though, cause I know how annoying that must be for the host.
I don't see why you're complaining that people are adapting to your build. I do that every time. I scout early usually on maps just to punish the jackass toss who goes next first, or the T who tries to skimp out on defense in his fe.
My games played on iccup: 333 games played, 111 wins, 222 losses
On August 26 2008 15:08 ThePhan2m wrote:
I just find it sad how people go for the win allways, just to get the wins, even if they arent as good as their ranks, if you know what i mean. So they go these shitty tacts, cuz they see the opening, only to get the win. Starcraft games arent fun then, their just annoying, and its not an acomplishment if you win by doing so.
You'll find all kinds of people on ICCup, but you'll mostly find people who only care about the win. And there's nothing wrong with exploiting an opponent's mistakes when they see an opening. It's a huge part of competition. Maybe some (or several) of them are just cheesebots who do some sort of cheese every single game, but it's entirely their choice how they choose to play. You should look at their cheese as a great opportunity for you to gain a huge advantage.
edit: oh, and if you scout 2gate zealots, I'd suggest building a bunker by your minline. I don't play terran though, so weigh that as heavily as you'd like.