First off the diet is pretty much like yesterday.
Day started out crappily. I woke up with a headache, the shower was taken and i just decided to go watch some olympic judo and play some poker after that. Poker wasnt that good, i barely broke even cos of a cooler, and a hand terribly misplayed, as can be seen on liquidpoker if you care. Anyway.
The training today was supposed to be chill and aerobic in nature. It is unknown how many matches in a row i will have to play so anaerobic alone wont be enough.
Im not big on aerobic training- i dont know much about it. It basically consists of one thing and one thing only- 3km jog. Its probably little, but its what i do without overtraining(ie legs so stiff cant workout the next day situation). I did it in the dead heat of the middle of the day- perhaps a bad call, but i really like the mental toughness aspect of the situation. Being mentally tough is 90% of the game. Consider this. When i ran the usual 3km or whatever, i feel like dying on the last lap, my brain and body beg me to stop. My legs want to give in. But come last 100m stretch, i sprint. Yep. I can still sprint. Because there is always more to you. You can always do more reps. More weight. Its your consious mind that has to make your body do more. Your body is there to preserve the energy and thats why it sends to your brain all those signals, which are, false. Recognize this- if you were running away from a vicious dog, you would not feel this at all. In fact you could run twice as much perhaps and not feel tired. Because the body releases the hormones that help metabolism, lactic acid inhibition, painkillers, etc! Point is, you can always push.
I finished the session with 30 sprawl drills and 80 crunches. Boy i was dying on crunches, so tired. And on my normal days i do 3 sets of 80 crunches or so.
Come home i took a hot bath- first one in a long long time. I've done this to relax my muscles and clean the skin pores to ease the release of sweat, and skin breathing. I also used the water softener with bubbles. I did this to first of all to neutralize water's acidity, and second small bubbles are nice, gently massaging my skin when bursting...
Oookay i know thats gay!
The hot bath would be best followed up with cool shower, but i felt sick-ish yesterday, so i decided not to go the hot-cold way.
The side effect of a hot bath is its gonna lower my sperm count, but im not planning on having sex for the next 2 months! And even if i did, im totally fine with low sperm count, we dont want no babies, k thx. Anyway a lot of fighters abstain from sex for several months before a fight(even Andrei Arlovski with his uber hot bimbo ex-gf), however no one says anything about jerking off. Personally(i am not a health professional!) i think jerking off is essential, because brutal fitness program will elevate your testosterone levels to an incredibly high level, and i dunno, i just dont think its good. And personally i find sex inspiring and motivational, its just that sex with a woman is energy draining. Ofc you could say "well ill just make the bitch ride me all day" but honestly when youre there making sweet sweet luuuv will you be thinking "oh i shouldnt change position cos i have a fight" or will you be going "screw it!"
I will have a second training session in two hours or so. I will jump rope my way into aerobic immortality and practice the throws i listed in previous blog post.