that could possibly happen to anyone has happened to me.
I hurt my right index finger.
I fell on it (or something. I was severely intoxicated when this happened.) and it scraped the left side of the finger pretty bad and knocked the nail out of place. It is now very obvious that my nail is now crooked as shit and that the scrape isn't healing very well even with regular bandage changes and soaking in epsom salt and water. It leaks pus constantly which then dries and makes removing any type of dressing very fucking painful.
So, what should I do? It's been 3 days and I'm getting really irritated with it. Time to just get it cut off? Exactly how long would it take before my nail grows back and looks normal again?
United States24495 Posts
If it looks fairly serious you might want to consult your doctor. Might want to leave out the part about how you were intoxicated or he'll probably give you the lecture I'd give you if I didn't understand how the internet works.
Infections can always lead to horrible things.
If you're like me and don't have insurance or just can't stand going to the doctor, be sure to keep it clean and use some sort of peroxide on it to kill the infection.
I'm no doctor, so take that advice at your own risk.
I'd recommend checking elsewhere on the internet than TL. Not too many RN's or MD's on here.
haha, man that sux. no more mouse... i hope it gets better soon. but if it doesnt and you have to see doctors, know this first.
conventional doctors can't do anything for broken ligaments. -they will first give you antiinflammatories (which stops inflammation needed to repair ligaments/tendons/collagen/connective tissue) -then they might give you steroid/corisone/(epidural in lower back cases) in attemps to "calm the muscles". it's also an anti-inflammatory treatment. but one peculiar thing about corisone and steroid shots is that they also use it to break down collagen. so why on earth would you want to further weaken your already damaged ligaments? cortisone also destroys the bone, not only ligaments and tendons. -then they resort to surgery, which is really just artificially patching you up and hampering normal function forever.
(its probably unlikely that any bones are broken in the fingers. its usually the stuff in between the bones that get damaged. ligaments and joints only if not severely crushed or damaged to the point of nerve damage and broken bones etc.)
the logical thing is to repair whats broken. ligaments and collagen. and not to stop the natural healing process. inflammation. ligaments and tendons,however, don't show up on mri's or x rays. but it's readily palpable and response of pain can tell a good doctor exactly where and what the problem is.
the treatment of choice is prolotherapy. it triggers inflammation, our body's own natural repair and defense mechanism. and it's the only way ligaments heal faster. so you don't want to stop this. and it's a permanant, complete CURE. conventional doctors don't use that word very often these days. and better yet, after the ligaments grow thicker and stronger, and repair themselves, you end up stronger than you were before. (a good idea even if you're not hurt, but want to strengthen yourself if maybe ur an athlete... yes, even a cyber athelete xp. prevent career-ending injuries haha)
and if it's insurance ur concerned about, it may not be covered by most insurances, but its way cheaper than steroid shots or surgery, which don't even help drastically. and plus, would you rather treat it the wrong way and have it covered by insurance, or pay from your own pocket and fix it permanantly? when the choice of treament options are "helps" vs "makes it worse", then the issue of whether ur insurance covers it should really be a non-issue. but it is unfortunate that our medical system isn't as free as it could be. best of wishes to your finger and gaming.
caringmedical.com to read how prolotherapy works getprolo.com to find a prolotherapy doctor
i had this happen to my big toe actually and it got worse and worse over a period of a month or so (it probably started off not nearly as bad as yours)
eventually I had to have a little operation done on my toe where they removed the right half of my toenail
so I guess my advice is, see the doctor
keep it clean, don't play sc for awhile
just learn to use fingers 3 and 4 (middle/ring, respectively) instead of 2 and 3. =)
On August 19 2008 14:47 Delirium wrote: just learn to use fingers 3 and 4 (middle/ring, respectively) instead of 2 and 3. =) you crazy man! I'm so pro i use fingers 5 and 6! edit: [To OP] Don't worry, you're a tank + Show Spoiler +
Go see the doctor immediately. If you don't, there's a good chance nothing will happen, but one of three bad things could happen.
A) Staph infection. This means you're life is basically fucked for a few months, longer if its Drug resistant. B) Gangrene. This means that the finger goes into mass necrosis, i.e. it dies off and turns black. They will have to amputate to save the rest of your hand. C) The nail could just keep growing across your finger and just be a painful bitch if you warped it incorrectly.
Definitely go to a doctor. You want to get it fixed ASAP or you'll never play SC the same. =(
On August 19 2008 16:18 Narrator wrote: You want to get it fixed ASAP or you'll never play SC the same. =(
I assumed I could just let it heal on its own and that a new nail would grow underneath and the old one would just fall off. But either way, I wouldn't have the patience to wait for that. I'm gonna try and get to a doctor tomorrow (or later today, as it were).
Be a man and do it yourself. I removed my toenail and documented here!!
go to the hospital. you dont it to get infected do you?
i can think of tons of things that are so much worse than this
Australia1187 Posts
amputate, maybe the whole hand. Since it's already the worst thing in the world happening, any solution can only improve the problem no?
I called it the worst thing in the world because it means I can't play SC and this is a web forum dedicated to that game, you faggots.