Ok, so are you leet? I used to be, atleast my head did think so. I used to play World of Warcraft, and there 1337 used to get quite alot of atention. Basically everytime you crit or hit with your spells/abilitys for 1337, its instant screenshot and shout it out on guild-chat. Or during raids people used to roll /random 1337(randomly choses a number between 1 and 1337), and everybody started doing it during raids(25/40 ppl gathered doing dungeons) Anyone who got 1337 was no1, and ofcourse that resulted into SPAM, and more spam, not to mention when people figured out how to make macros(several commands in one) to increase their chances, the spam became endless in the chat. Those raids were epic lol. Had to end with whoever rolled without permission got kicked out of the raid. However, my point here aint anything but 1337. That numbers been drilled into my head after playin WoW. I mean, literally, my head has a clock, and it makes me look at my watch, and I allways seem to look at it exactly 13.37. I lol everytime. Or everywhere I go, I see that fuckin number. Does that make me leet?? So after couple of months, I started missing it, like I allways looked at my watch, and its one minute too late. And Im like "shit, its 13.38, I missed it, damn!" Im getting out of shape. Haha, so I decided to put my clock 1min back to check if it was really me, the clock inside that is messed up.(due to my toally fucked up sleeping patterns) Well obviously didnt work, so I just had to conclude with that im totally out of shape. Im so depressed lol, I need to train more! ^^
EDIT: ahh I forgot, it was actually all because of that stupid thread on gg.net "post here everyday at exactly 13.37 to become leet" I blame them, that thread got old!
That's pathetic obsession.
But, WoW does that to you doesn't it? I must admit the idea of hundreds of people furiously rolling numbers, hoping, nay, praying that they land on the holy number of 1337 makes me giggle inside.
39489 Posts
hahahha your blogs are so subtly awesome <3
you power level is no longer over 9000, you require more training.
Watch the number 23... That'll mess with you even more
I was in the guidence office making my schedual for next year (high school) and I asked my counceler to reserve locker 1337 for me since it's a senior locker anyway. She had no idea why I would want it and I just kinda said it was an inside joke or something so... SUCCESS!
Jesus, man I just quit WoW 2 weeks ago and now there's a thread about it on TL.net ?
Nothing is sacred anymore.
thats weird but its not like you can help it =/
haha Valentine, SUCCESS!! btw Firstborn, I quit WoW aswell. and this thread isnt about WoW, it was just an example. sorry for the trouble.
and dont take everything I say seriously, i feel ppl dont understand all the jokes
4... 8....15....16....23...42. I can feeel the numbers, the curse. awhhhhhaaaaa
1337 is so 1998... but 1337/leet/lame are still very good words, I like them. I also find it funny when I see 13:37 etc.
On August 12 2008 03:46 0xDEADBEEF wrote:1337 is so 1998... but 1337/leet/lame are still very good words, I like them.  I also find it funny when I see 13:37 etc.
I used to take a screen shot just about everyday in a spur of the moment thing when i do /time and it says 13:37. I usually delete them an hour or so later
no that doesnt make you 1337..it makes you a nerd
jp :D
I thought every nerd on the internet gets excited when they randomly cross the number 1337? I know I do. 
You are not alone!
On August 12 2008 01:33 ThePhan2m wrote: I mean, literally, my head has a clock, and it makes me look at my watch, and I allways seem to look at it exactly 13.37. I lol everytime. Or everywhere I go, I see that fuckin number. Does that make me leet?? So after couple of months, I started missing it, like I allways looked at my watch, and its one minute too late. And Im like "shit, its 13.38, I missed it, damn!"
I do something similar, except with 1:11 pm. Back in high school, one of my friends and I were in this PE class for really lazy people, Walk Fit. You basically just wander around for the class period, so we were always making up stupid shit. Anyway, we decided to synchronize our watches when it was 1:11, and every day after that, when it was 1:11 we would start yelling "ONE ONE ONE WOOOOOO!!!" and high fiving with the group we walked in.
To this day, every time I see 111 I have a little party in my head.
1337 minerals is awesome. But your macro still sucks.
Korea (South)17174 Posts
tasteless has 1337 in his phone number
pretty smart
This use to be my favorite number, my favorite word, my favorite everything.
Why did it have to end? =[
EDIT: Too much of a good thing is bad for you I guess xD
i always notice when its 13:37. leet o'clock bitches! but yeah i notice the number alot. in terminator:the sarah connor chronicles theres a scene where he is in a computer shop and you see 1337 written on the glass door backwards (so that walking in it would say 1337) for about 1 second, and i noticed it instantly. wierd.
I took a screen shot of my trackmania nations (within AUS) rank being 1337. Although that was a long long time ago.