So my sleep scheudle is messed up, and I'm awake at 8:30am. (havent slept b/c I think I woke up at like 10pm after sleeping 3 times today) I hear the cleaners come in (who clean the common areas in the building and hear something along the lines of "Again! ------ every day -----. There's a sign right here --------!" and I fil in the blanks to discern that they are complaining that I left something on the stovetop (not heated or anything, just sitting there), plus maybe 1 pot with water in it on the counter.
I felt bad for approximately 42 seconds while playing bw with zxk3, but then I realized... it's basically been like this ALL YEAR, right ALL YEAR before you new bitches came in after the old lady left. Suck it. It's not like it's a massive despicable mess, it's like two things that you can basically ignore. Secondly if it's that much of a hassle fo ryou, fucking leave it the fuck alone. I'm the only one living in this area of the buidling anyways.
And the thing that really made me not give a flying fuck after I remembered - these ladies (two of them) talk really fucking apeshit loud at 8:30am onwards till like 11am in the area, have a laugh that resembles a crow's cry and generally arent efficient at their work anyways. I can still hear them, 9am, squealing and screeching away with themselves. Fuck off bitches, we pay you for your meager job so suck it. THe least you can do is let me sleep in peace in the morning and you fail to even do that.
So after a wasted 42 seconds, I dont feel bad at all, b/c they've caused much more inconveniences to me on a daily basis than I have to them.