and over Hamachi since he can't get on Bnet.
Ok so, hopefully he'll figure out how to actually even install Hamachi on his Mac. Now, we're all running on Windows, so will we be able to play SC with each other (us Windows users together with the Mac user) over Hamachi?
Or will it all be in vain?
Anyone with experience on this?
hamachi doesnt work on mac
i have a mac ~_~..
tell him to start investing in a pc
On August 02 2008 21:55 Puosu wrote:http://www.garena.com/portal/a more gaming centered program that does the same thing as hamachi, mostly used by DotAboys. Should work on mac too.
???? ggc barely works on windows lmfao afaik a mac version isn't even in development
ggc > hamachi for a mac. Garena has been very stable
Germany2896 Posts
Why can't he get on bnet/iccup?
is it possible to get on iccup with a mac?
also will hamachix allow pc users to network with mac users (like would it be able to do what we want it to do)?
You should be able to get on bnet with a mac,
also iccup, but no antihack....
so the iccup.reg file will work on a mac? But the installer won't, I understand that.
Germany2896 Posts
On August 03 2008 01:21 sillyboy_tomato wrote: ggc > hamachi for a mac. Garena has been very stable
please link to a mac version of garena
hey so me and another windows user played with the mac guy on iccup. I guess there's a problem with the other windows guy and the mac guy cause whenever both are in the same game, the game will lag heavily. they also complain they can't see each others' messages. Any solution to this?
We might try again later tonight and hope the lag will fix itself
If he has intel mac, he should install windows.
mouse acceleration under osx is really unplayable.
Figured I'd bump this thread rather than post a new one.
Basically, I'm trying to connect from my PC to a Mac to play BW, ideally with LAN latency. Of course, since there's no AH for Mac, it's B.net latency even on iCCup. Currently there's only a Windows version for Garena, and while recently(?) they released a Mac version of Hamachi, the version seems different from the PC version and we can't see each other's games.
Has anyone gotten past this problem? How to play BW between a Mac and PC with LAN lat?
Heyo, Mac user here.
It's not workable. Your friend should use bootcamp and install a Windows partition, and play BW on that. There are numerous benefits of doing that, including the fact that Mac mouse acceleration is very poor for BW.
Thanks, figured if anyone had figured out if it was possible, TL would know.
You can get hamachi to work just fine on OSX if you're willing to do some command line stuff to get it installed and configured. Just throwing windows on there is all around the better option, though.
On January 13 2011 15:27 Eiii wrote: You can get hamachi to work just fine on OSX if you're willing to do some command line stuff to get it installed and configured. Just throwing windows on there is all around the better option, though.
Hamachi works on his Mac running OSX (they have a GUI for Hamachi Mac now too so no command line stuff necessary), it's just that he can't see my game when I create it and vice versa, and I'm guessing it's because of version differences or something like that.