so after last season, i decided to start on the first week it came out, as last season, i only played 2 weeks.
after reaching C fairly easily, i was shocked to see D- this season, after like.. 6 games.
so i guessed, yeah, i've been probably facing many b- or above players, as i've been just totally outclassed in ALL my losses.
right now, i'm just pissed as hell, and i'm trying to calm down.. as i try to remember...
winning is practice, losing is learning.
hasn't worked out too well though. i'm sticking with it. i'll just reset my stats, and start fresh..
Yeah, don't fret, it's pretty tough early on. It always is.
Becoming completely molested by previously A ranked korean terrans several times at D level today, I know your pain!
I already gathered up to 8 losses and I'm at least B level myself...
Jep, same here. I've been repeteadly bashed by some incredibly skilled players the past 5 games (all around 300 APM and even more). Oh, and then there was the basic cheesing of course, so all in all, ICCUP is the total gayness atm, but I advise you to not give a fuck at this stage of the ladder. /clearstats YES is your best friend atm..
I just use a different account than my normal, and if I do well somehow (7-0 right now, but I'm trying not to push my luck), i just transfer.
hey shauni i think i saw you today actually o_o;;
i think you had a
i'm not sure about the tag part. anyway good luck to everyone!! i'm not dodging anyone atm, i dont even care about stats. i figured at last, losing will make me better. ALTHOUGH, losing 5 games in a row surely makes me not want to play sc. but then i'm back at it after 30 minutes lol.
(Yes, my nick is Get.Shauni on iccup)