How do you GET SOMEONE TO quit an MMORPG? - Page 3
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United States22883 Posts
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United States2061 Posts
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France3318 Posts
A material ? You can touch concepts with your hands ? Let's just say "waste", then again, like every single person in this thread, you make a fucking judgement over someone wich is stupid. Upon seeing the dead body of his greatest friend, the wise shall answer to the persons asking him why he isn't moved by such a death and doesn't cry : "This is not my friend, this is a dead body." | ||
France3318 Posts
On May 22 2008 01:15 Hypnosis wrote: If he is getting good grades in college who the fuck cares? At fucking last a person with a brain posts. | ||
United States22883 Posts
Hell, rights themselves are a man made relativist concept. How do you have the right to tell other people that they don't have the right to affect other people? Your point of view is essentially non-Humanism. | ||
United States22883 Posts
Why does it matter that he's getting good grades in college? What if he were failing out of college? From everything you've posted so far, it's consistent that he and his parents should still leave the brother alone. | ||
France3318 Posts
On May 22 2008 01:22 Jibba wrote: You're right, we should live in anarchic relativism where no one shall cast a judgment on another person. Should I ask how much human contact you get when you game all day for months at a time while enjoying it, or would that leave everyone here to make a ghastly judgment about your personal life. Hell, rights themselves are a man made relativist concept. How do you have the right to tell other people that they don't have the right to affect other people? Your point of view is essentially non-Humanism. Humanism is an utopia and has nothing to do with it. Original humanists beeing actually the one supporting what I just told you. | ||
United States22883 Posts
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United States32027 Posts
Id just be pissed about being woken up at 2am. Thats fucking annoying. | ||
France3318 Posts
On May 22 2008 02:20 Jibba wrote: Care to answer my earlier question? I don't believe you actually enjoy hardcore gaming all day for months at a time. Rafl, who's stupid enough to willingly do something he doesn't enjoy if his life ain't on the line ? | ||
Last Romantic
United States20661 Posts
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39489 Posts
If you care about someone's wellbeing, I think you have a shot at convincing them to quit. But if you are on bad terms and you dont really give a shit about one another (even if you're siblings) then your message likely won't come through. Esp if the reason for you wanting him to quit isn't so he'll make something of himself / doesnt go into a shithole, but rather b/c you're ticked off at him and his behavior. JLIG, ignore him, get into a decent college yourself w/ hopefully financial aid, and get the hell away from him. | ||
United States2705 Posts
The problem here is not WoW--it's that your brother is addicted. The problem is addiction--not what a given person is addicted to (exception: nicotine and other substances purposely designed to be addictive). So, until your brother wakes the fuck up and realizes there's more to life than his Puerto Rican girlfriend (read: obese white lonely man from Minnesota) and WoW, you can't really do much. Sorry, I'm sure you wanted an easy way to control your brother's behavior. | ||
Greece2394 Posts
I really feel for you man I really do -_- my brother is also obese, gives no shit about hygiene, is apathetic, refuses to engage in conversation with logic, burns his life away playing wow all day. he already wasted 4 years of his life playing lineage2 while he was supposed to be studying away from home. my father cut him off, so he's back to my hometown (he then stopped L2 and started WoW) and he's now attending some shit school from which he's supposed to be graduating in a few months (it requires literally no studying at all so I suppose he's going to graduate from that one). he's 25 (i'm 22) luckily i'm not staying home. i'm away at a different town studying so I don't have to be bearing with this shit every day. but i do go back for a few days every now and then and i'm fully aware of his situation. what people defending them fail to realise is the toll this whole situation brings to the family. i mean if you're living on your own with your own money somewhere then fine. do what u fucking want with your life. i'm only going to be bothered for a while to practically losing a potential brother and then go on with my life. but when you're living with your family you can't act as if you're on your own. refusing to live a somewhat normal life. refusing to take a bath at least every fucking 2 or even 3 days. refusing to participate in anything. refusing to be a son, or a brother. for the few days i get to spend with my family i have to spend them in an environment of sorrow and bitterness all stemming from this fucking situation. from all the various incidents that cause these feelings. feelings of emptiness and desperation. you can't give up on your son. you can't give up and not care about your brother. plus he's being an everyday burden. he gets food, shelter, money, "education" and gives nothing back. i can now realise the bad effect he has had in my life. even unconsciously, when you have an older brother he's being kind of a role model of you. but i've been having a wholy different life and mindset from him since about the age of 12. he's deprived me of the older brother i had before he gets into this bad self of his. and what's worse i can't enjoy my time in my fucking home cause it's a sad place because of him. and this is a big fucking deal. I've seen my parents trying to deal with it with so many ways. good and bad. calm and angry. thoughtful and desperate. they all fail cause there's no cooperation. it's like talking to a wall. if you're spending all day doing one single thing, your mind starts failing to progress. he can't see beyond his miserable pathetic self. i've tried to talk to him too but as i said before, that's not an easy thing to do when u fail to discuss with logic. he's like "i know this is white but fuck it. it's black". my parents won't kick him out because they're afraid of him getting into trouble. he has "stolen" money before from them and from me and he's been a liar since he was a kid. a kid... that's what he fucking is. he's refusing to grow up. be a man and get a life. i don't know if there's a way out. but seriously if anyone finds it i'd be thankful if you let me know -_- p.s.: hmm.. the post sucks and maybe it's not really coherent but I hope i get through what i want to say | ||
United States445 Posts
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Canada1519 Posts
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Greece2394 Posts
On May 22 2008 15:30 Pwntrucci[sR] wrote: Your brother makes me feel pretty good about myself, even though I wake up at like 2 pm every day and basically watch time pass by. that's not good either seriously -_- | ||
11782 Posts
How do you stop someone like that? You don't, you can only do it for yourself not for someone else. You can't convince people like that why the game sucks, why it's a waste of time etc, they don't listen to logic. edit: also 'timing' their movie at the same time to watch it together. hahahahaha sorry man but that's just fucking hilarious :D hilariously lame | ||
United States7395 Posts
I don't want to derail this thread but, instead of my brother playing WoW he instead is an audiophile and is a total faggot because of it. He complains that I don't make enough money (I work as a TA at this Korean academy) when he doesn't even have a fucking job and spends thousands of dollars on one fucking pair of headphones realizing a couple of days later that he doesn't like it. The guy trashes my room (I have to share my room with him wtf), leaves paper bags and leftover food and shit everywhere and whenever I tell him to clean his shit up he talks about how I'm a whiner. He turns 21 today and he still is a fucking retard. | ||
United States7395 Posts
On May 22 2008 05:24 Last Romantic wrote: Go on his account and drop all his shit on the ground. Then hide. Fuck that is actually a good idea. First I laughed because I thought it was a joke but then I realize it's practical too. Just sneak into his room when he goes to the bathroom and pull this shit on him. I love Starcraft because nobody can take skill away from you :D | ||
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