I have always been wanting to understand the mentality of the type of races people play and why they choose one particular one. Is it a subconscious thought that drives, is it a nurturing and caring that chooses something for them or is their girlfriend or mom wanting them to play something.
Could it be your ideal image as you see yourself? This psychology of your decision (and to confess partly me not being able to decide a race forever in warcraft 3) is what led to me to read articles on Starcraft and their races. In the next couple of entries, I will post more about them.
Here is a discussion/definition that I have found (from many sources and some of my own input, so if you wrote this and I didn't credit you, I'm sorry and will mention your name).
The Races of Starcraft
The Terrans are a insolent, opportunistic, and greedy humanoid race not unlike the humans in Warcraft, but far more advanced in technology. Their government is disjointed with a weak link more like a confederation of petty, jealous, self-serving, ingrates. The terrans are described by Bill Roper, producer and senior designer, as scum. The Terrans are humans. Their strengths lie in defense and mobility. Their main buildings are capable of liftoff and relocation, and their Science Vessels are lethal to both Zerg and Protoss.
The Protoss have mechanized units that automatically create other units through allocation of resources. The Protoss are the most ancient, noble, haughty, and powerful race in the galaxy. They have a highly structured society based on the preservation of their thinking. Protoss have psionic powers, but suffer from inflexible thinking in their relations with other races.
The Protoss are a psychic race of hunters. They are naturally stronger than the other races, but also much more expensive. It takes a lot of time to develop an army, but it is not unheard of for a squad of upgraded Zealots to rush/rape an enemy base before a defense can be formed.
The Zerg have little or no use for technology as we know it, but whether the living ships and weapons they deploy are biological constructs or indeed merely alternate forms of the Zerg themselves has yet to be determined. Few signs of intelligence have been observed other than a marked propensity for cruelty, but this evidence is far from conclusive. As yet, all attempts at non-military contact have been entirely futile.
The Zerg are an insectlike, evolving race, controlled by an Overmind. Their main strength: sheer numbers. Their units regenerate, but that hardly matters when you have 100 cracklings ripping through the enemy's defense.
Perfection of Form/Essence
The Protoss are an elitist race. One borne of high blood and honour. They are said to be perfect of form - Graceful, meticulous, rigid and rich in harmony. But they suffer from inflexibility of thought. They let ego creep in and therefore shun other races that lack their innate purity. The essence that is essential for a race to be complete was in conflict (lacking) in the Protoss.
The Zerg on the other hand are the other end of the spectrum. Formed out of one pure strain they are the perfection of essence, of adaptability. That of pure cunning, and driven by an instinct to conquer and make it's own. The Zerg are evolutionary, they are parasitic, but offer a strange form of adapatation and evolving to meet the needs of their survival, shown aptly by their development of the hide skin.
The Terrans are the ghoulash of both. The ones stuck without either identity and therefore on a thin line of perfection between both form and essence but not subscribing to either. They were not created, they were evolved into what they are over many years of training and also run by a tight fist.
So my question (and analysis over the future) is what makes a player choose one of these races?
- Highly adaptive thus the zerg. - Offers great flexibility therefore is of terran - One of an over all seer and precise perfection, therefore protoss?
I hope you can share some insight too! And thanks for reading.
heh too long to read, i think most ppl chose their race cuz either they were more successful with it when they were noobs or follow a particular progamer who awed with either storm, vulture or muta control...
i like protoss cuz they are so many cool things you can do with it.
Thanks that was a good read. Basically following this, I wanted to analyse each players style along with their race and see if anything fits or I find something interesting..
I think you focus too much on the background story and fiction of the races. When you play bw, you don't think about that stuff and the units become only elements of the strategy.
I know this has been discussed before, and I suppose there is some truth to it. For example, ever since I started bw I focus a lot on the economic aspect of the game. So I chose zerg since their economy is more different and you have more options. I don't want to face the opponent in an equal fight and win with better skills or some brilliant move that takes him by surprise. I want to get an edge by smarter management and just sit back and let it grow until I can roll him over. I guess that says something about me.
lol i also have written a couple page about race in starcraft and social structure. I'll type n post them next week, too bz with team project this week.
i chose terran because...when i first started playing at like 11 it seemed like the race most familiar to other rts's such as aoe which i played alot...get a guy to make a building, make units out of building, simple stuff like that. I always saw it as easiest.
but that all went out the window after i saw all the boxer vods and hype, he is pretty much the reason i started playing terran, and his vultures <3
now i just keep at terran because i know all the build orders and am most familiar with mechanics or w.e, though i have considered changing...
i liked the post. Nice read! But zerg owns
Russian Federation4235 Posts
Terran is the easiest case. While all the other races can just select units and run around with them, terran units all have special abilities, so you pretty much require that left hand. That is a very simple way to get rid of a masturbation habit - you can't masturbate and play terran at the same time. Naturally, it develops a strong psychological bound between APM and physical pleasure. Terrans are very fond of, even hedonistical about clicking stuff and doing it often. Consequentially, terrans have that sort of hedonistical arrogance because, like all the masters of unusual pleasure recorded by history, they seriously think they know something other people don't and that that knowledge somehow makes them better. They will never stop spamming websites about how much a superior thing the terran race is and despise their counterpart race, the protoss (because terrans' mastery of inept logic is developed enough not only to compare a dick to Vivaldi's seasons, but to come out with a conclusion that a dick is superior). Some terrans that are particularly advanced also recieve pleasure not just by raw clicking but by executing complex clicking orders they dub "sick macro" and "unreal timing senses". The amount of sexual excitation they recieve from accomplishing this is still unmeasured, but it has been confirmed that such advanced individuals don't experience any need for a direct sexual partner, man or woman.
Zerg is a gangsta race. They like being in your face and running around and stuff. Think of a typical gangsta rapper. Yes, large pants you can't run or jump in, chains and bracelets, a bandana and a pair of 500$ sunglasses he usually wears at nighttime. Also fur over bare skin because it is badass. How does it relate to a zerg player? Well, easy. Like a bunch of black gangstas, zerg will only attack if they are at least 2x your numbers and have a gun. Whenever you try to fight back, they call you "fucking asshole" (with the characterisical rising frequency voice), say that they'll get to ya, and run. As described above, the looks of gangsta rappers zerg units are fucking disgusting, but the zerg player finds them badass and cool. Zergs share something in common with terrans - they believe themselves to be the best thing in the universe, but unlike terrans, who bring out a grand failure of logical basis for their belief, zergs don't need any logical basis, they just know they're the best. Zergs like chicks, asses and attention. They also, like true gangsters, enjoy breaking stuff and seeing shit burn just for the sake of it. Many times, they will break into your base just to run around (yoo ain't gonna get us, snowflake!) and try destroying stuff that lies on the outskirts. They also revel in feeling invincible (and will keep standing under a dark swarm just to annoy you, that's probably a side effect of political correctness) and they don't really understand the difference between a replica and a desert eagle, so often they will employ the cheapest gun with limited ammo that always fails. Among zergs, though, this is proudly pronounced as a "low economy style".
Protoss is the race of aesthetical perverts. When you think protoss, you imagine many large and different buildings of yellow and bronze, with elegant crystals popping out of everything. Protoss players get inspired by this festival of shapes and colors and will bathe in aesthetical pleasure just by looking at it. Consequentially, in games, they will construct intricate, well-planned and beautiful bases out of gold and blue and often forget to attack. They have a repute of whiners, but imagine that you spend 10 hours building a sand castle, then some faggot decides it's a good idea to fall on it. Naturally, even killing the motherfucker won't bring the castle back, so whining is the only option. Protoss experience pretty much the same emotion when their bases get decimated, because no cause in their eyes can justify the destruction of the perfect constructs of beauty they make. They are known for that kind of elitism that is often noted in well-educated and enlightened people. They make claims of having "good taste", "superior understanding" and other bullshit, but at least some of those are justified. Gold with blue crystal does, in fact, look good. Protoss are generally divided into two subspecies: the ones that enjoy looking at their buildings more, and those will generally build many units (experience of thousands of games as P taught them your pretty base gets destroyed if you don't kill your enemy) and send them to the enemy just to make him busy while they toy around with their precious pylons and nexi; and those who enjoy the power of protoss technology, they despise fighting with low-tier units (in fact, they despise anything low-tier, including cheap wine and hamburgers) and will risk everything just to produce a high-tech unit and jack off just by staring at it. Like the first category, some of them are advanced enough to realize that the longer they live, the longer they get to stare at their precious units, so they are fond of launching suicide missions with their super-duper units, attempting to outmicro 50 goliaths with 1 carrier. They call it "intelligent warfare" though, because, as already mentioned, there's nothing that arouses a protoss more than being called intellectually and aesthetically superior.
Random is the most ridiculous case. While all other races are arrogant in one way or another, these believe they are superior to goddamn everyone. Why? Because they think they are good with all the three races of a godforsaken 10-year-old videogame. Downright amazing people.
On April 16 2008 00:14 BluzMan wrote:
Excellent post haha. I lol'ed reading it. Great humour and thanks for the insight :D.
Canada7170 Posts
Calgary25959 Posts
Protoss - People who like free wins and crying about stupid shit. Terran - People who like to defend Zerg - People who like to attack
Case closed.
On April 16 2008 00:14 BluzMan wrote: Terran is the easiest case. While all the other races can just select units and run around with them, terran units all have special abilities, so you pretty much require that left hand. That is a very simple way to get rid of a masturbation habit - you can't masturbate and play terran at the same time. Naturally, it develops a strong psychological bound between APM and physical pleasure. Terrans are very fond of, even hedonistical about clicking stuff and doing it often. Consequentially, terrans have that sort of hedonistical arrogance because, like all the masters of unusual pleasure recorded by history, they seriously think they know something other people don't and that that knowledge somehow makes them better. They will never stop spamming websites about how much a superior thing the terran race is and despise their counterpart race, the protoss (because terrans' mastery of inept logic is developed enough not only to compare a dick to Vivaldi's seasons, but to come out with a conclusion that a dick is superior). Some terrans that are particularly advanced also recieve pleasure not just by raw clicking but by executing complex clicking orders they dub "sick macro" and "unreal timing senses". The amount of sexual excitation they recieve from accomplishing this is still unmeasured, but it has been confirmed that such advanced individuals don't experience any need for a direct sexual partner, man or woman.
Zerg is a gangsta race. They like being in your face and running around and stuff. Think of a typical gangsta rapper. Yes, large pants you can't run or jump in, chains and bracelets, a bandana and a pair of 500$ sunglasses he usually wears at nighttime. Also fur over bare skin because it is badass. How does it relate to a zerg player? Well, easy. Like a bunch of black gangstas, zerg will only attack if they are at least 2x your numbers and have a gun. Whenever you try to fight back, they call you "fucking asshole" (with the characterisical rising frequency voice), say that they'll get to ya, and run. As described above, the looks of gangsta rappers zerg units are fucking disgusting, but the zerg player finds them badass and cool. Zergs share something in common with terrans - they believe themselves to be the best thing in the universe, but unlike terrans, who bring out a grand failure of logical basis for their belief, zergs don't need any logical basis, they just know they're the best. Zergs like chicks, asses and attention. They also, like true gangsters, enjoy breaking stuff and seeing shit burn just for the sake of it. Many times, they will break into your base just to run around (yoo ain't gonna get us, snowflake!) and try destroying stuff that lies on the outskirts. They also revel in feeling invincible (and will keep standing under a dark swarm just to annoy you, that's probably a side effect of political correctness) and they don't really understand the difference between a replica and a desert eagle, so often they will employ the cheapest gun with limited ammo that always fails. Among zergs, though, this is proudly pronounced as a "low economy style".
Protoss is the race of aesthetical perverts. When you think protoss, you imagine many large and different buildings of yellow and bronze, with elegant crystals popping out of everything. Protoss players get inspired by this festival of shapes and colors and will bathe in aesthetical pleasure just by looking at it. Consequentially, in games, they will construct intricate, well-planned and beautiful bases out of gold and blue and often forget to attack. They have a repute of whiners, but imagine that you spend 10 hours building a sand castle, then some faggot decides it's a good idea to fall on it. Naturally, even killing the motherfucker won't bring the castle back, so whining is the only option. Protoss experience pretty much the same emotion when their bases get decimated, because no cause in their eyes can justify the destruction of the perfect constructs of beauty they make. They are known for that kind of elitism that is often noted in well-educated and enlightened people. They make claims of having "good taste", "superior understanding" and other bullshit, but at least some of those are justified. Gold with blue crystal does, in fact, look good. Protoss are generally divided into two subspecies: the ones that enjoy looking at their buildings more, and those will generally build many units (experience of thousands of games as P taught them your pretty base gets destroyed if you don't kill your enemy) and send them to the enemy just to make him busy while they toy around with their precious pylons and nexi; and those who enjoy the power of protoss technology, they despise fighting with low-tier units (in fact, they despise anything low-tier, including cheap wine and hamburgers) and will risk everything just to produce a high-tech unit and jack off just by staring at it. Like the first category, some of them are advanced enough to realize that the longer they live, the longer they get to stare at their precious units, so they are fond of launching suicide missions with their super-duper units, attempting to outmicro 50 goliaths with 1 carrier. They call it "intelligent warfare" though, because, as already mentioned, there's nothing that arouses a protoss more than being called intellectually and aesthetically superior.
Random is the most ridiculous case. While all other races are arrogant in one way or another, these believe they are superior to goddamn everyone. Why? Because they think they are good with all the three races of a godforsaken 10-year-old videogame. Downright amazing people.
On April 16 2008 01:33 Chill wrote: Protoss - People who like free wins and crying about stupid shit. Terran - People who like to defend Zerg - People who like to attack
Case closed.
roflz n boflz.
Russian Federation4333 Posts
On April 16 2008 00:14 BluzMan wrote: Terran is the easiest case. While all the other races can just select units and run around with them, terran units all have special abilities, so you pretty much require that left hand. That is a very simple way to get rid of a masturbation habit - you can't masturbate and play terran at the same time. Naturally, it develops a strong psychological bound between APM and physical pleasure. Terrans are very fond of, even hedonistical about clicking stuff and doing it often. Consequentially, terrans have that sort of hedonistical arrogance because, like all the masters of unusual pleasure recorded by history, they seriously think they know something other people don't and that that knowledge somehow makes them better. They will never stop spamming websites about how much a superior thing the terran race is and despise their counterpart race, the protoss (because terrans' mastery of inept logic is developed enough not only to compare a dick to Vivaldi's seasons, but to come out with a conclusion that a dick is superior). Some terrans that are particularly advanced also recieve pleasure not just by raw clicking but by executing complex clicking orders they dub "sick macro" and "unreal timing senses". The amount of sexual excitation they recieve from accomplishing this is still unmeasured, but it has been confirmed that such advanced individuals don't experience any need for a direct sexual partner, man or woman.
Zerg is a gangsta race. They like being in your face and running around and stuff. Think of a typical gangsta rapper. Yes, large pants you can't run or jump in, chains and bracelets, a bandana and a pair of 500$ sunglasses he usually wears at nighttime. Also fur over bare skin because it is badass. How does it relate to a zerg player? Well, easy. Like a bunch of black gangstas, zerg will only attack if they are at least 2x your numbers and have a gun. Whenever you try to fight back, they call you "fucking asshole" (with the characterisical rising frequency voice), say that they'll get to ya, and run. As described above, the looks of gangsta rappers zerg units are fucking disgusting, but the zerg player finds them badass and cool. Zergs share something in common with terrans - they believe themselves to be the best thing in the universe, but unlike terrans, who bring out a grand failure of logical basis for their belief, zergs don't need any logical basis, they just know they're the best. Zergs like chicks, asses and attention. They also, like true gangsters, enjoy breaking stuff and seeing shit burn just for the sake of it. Many times, they will break into your base just to run around (yoo ain't gonna get us, snowflake!) and try destroying stuff that lies on the outskirts. They also revel in feeling invincible (and will keep standing under a dark swarm just to annoy you, that's probably a side effect of political correctness) and they don't really understand the difference between a replica and a desert eagle, so often they will employ the cheapest gun with limited ammo that always fails. Among zergs, though, this is proudly pronounced as a "low economy style".
Protoss is the race of aesthetical perverts. When you think protoss, you imagine many large and different buildings of yellow and bronze, with elegant crystals popping out of everything. Protoss players get inspired by this festival of shapes and colors and will bathe in aesthetical pleasure just by looking at it. Consequentially, in games, they will construct intricate, well-planned and beautiful bases out of gold and blue and often forget to attack. They have a repute of whiners, but imagine that you spend 10 hours building a sand castle, then some faggot decides it's a good idea to fall on it. Naturally, even killing the motherfucker won't bring the castle back, so whining is the only option. Protoss experience pretty much the same emotion when their bases get decimated, because no cause in their eyes can justify the destruction of the perfect constructs of beauty they make. They are known for that kind of elitism that is often noted in well-educated and enlightened people. They make claims of having "good taste", "superior understanding" and other bullshit, but at least some of those are justified. Gold with blue crystal does, in fact, look good. Protoss are generally divided into two subspecies: the ones that enjoy looking at their buildings more, and those will generally build many units (experience of thousands of games as P taught them your pretty base gets destroyed if you don't kill your enemy) and send them to the enemy just to make him busy while they toy around with their precious pylons and nexi; and those who enjoy the power of protoss technology, they despise fighting with low-tier units (in fact, they despise anything low-tier, including cheap wine and hamburgers) and will risk everything just to produce a high-tech unit and jack off just by staring at it. Like the first category, some of them are advanced enough to realize that the longer they live, the longer they get to stare at their precious units, so they are fond of launching suicide missions with their super-duper units, attempting to outmicro 50 goliaths with 1 carrier. They call it "intelligent warfare" though, because, as already mentioned, there's nothing that arouses a protoss more than being called intellectually and aesthetically superior.
Random is the most ridiculous case. While all other races are arrogant in one way or another, these believe they are superior to goddamn everyone. Why? Because they think they are good with all the three races of a godforsaken 10-year-old videogame. Downright amazing people. In other words Terrans are fags, Protoss are whiny bitches, and zerg are gangsta. Even a toss player admits Z is the best.
I chose protoss because long ago when everyone was a noob I found the easiest way to win was a massive zealot rush.
lol bluzman at random... look at testies sig >.>
Protoss players:Who likes playing like a hero and want his freedom. Terran players:Who turtles like a pussy and happy owning noobs because of his l33t tanks. Zerg players:Who likes taking orders from some creature.
Calgary25959 Posts