I hearby solemnly swear that I will commit to Tomfoolery. I will proxy gate vs every Terran I see. I will use hidden DT tech to make Terran flame me. I will cannon rush every Zerg with the two probe shuffle. I will make my opponent cry "cheese" and respond with, "strategical play kthxbai."
I will use Tomfoolery, to the point where everything becomes backwards in logic and executing a standard play is considered "cheese!"
You just got owned in 0-4 series, haven't you?
I hereby declare this blog foolish. Good day sir.
please don't ask me for a game :O
80% of the time I use cannon rushes vs zerg I got a really nice technique on longinus works a lot on D/D+ players higher than that its really hard to take the advantage.
LOL I am the king of D- tomfoolery beating C+ players You must fight me for the crown