sheets for cool songs
the fuck is this
12/8 or 9/07- dream
ahaha. The metal robot in "The incredibles" that the evil villian uses @ end of story (gigantic ball) I'm fightign it, its shooting many lazers and shit at me. I'm dodging around, I think i get in this little shuttle port, but it gets blown up.
Im running around school, spomthing happeend every1 gathered in library. Jason stuck his foot on me? Like in city of god lil ze vs ned. He beating me up? grabbing my ear? I think im driving. driving really fast for some reason. i was cool with him fr a while and said somthign i think?
Somthing else happened, but back to the intense gigantic robot fight. looked like galatic war, if i coudl draw i woudl draw it, was crazy sci-fi action. hmm i forgot the better parts of the dream sad. All i rem is green lazer coming to hit me and i think i morph , hazzy sky its greyish with smoke from the battle.
such an odd fukcnig dream and such sad speling.