Poll: French - Gentlemen or Gaylord language? (Vote): Gentleman! (Vote): Gaylord! (Vote): Je ne sais pas...
damn! It wasn't very good... I think I got a mark of 4 or 5... (I think in the United States it's a D or E ?)There was a text with unknown vocabulary and you should answer some questions of this text. Usually it's not hard if you read papers or articles on internet in French ( and else language). I read lots of www.jeuxfrance.fr. Unfortunately I totaly failed this time-.- I have got French for two years and still suck at some basics. ;D I'm in 9th grade. In the lessons I'm pretty well, but in the tests I always write some weired shit. :[
Yo have french, too? Or had you even such a lame situation in any subject, where you practised alot, but your brain got a blackout?
Le français est la langue des nuances. C'est pour cette raison qu'elle a souvent été considéré comme la langue des nobles en Europe.
France1963 Posts
Et c'est aussi pour ça qu'elle est beaucoup utilisée en diplomatie ;p
Or had you even such a lame situation in any subject, where you practised alot, but your brain got a blackout?
Yes German. I am not joking 100% truth  I
Hehe, les francais (how can I do this: ç ) and les allemands... ils ne vont pas étre copains :D Et oui, c'est la langue pour cool gens comme moi. :D *joke*
French sounds pretty sophisiticated if you have no clue what they are talking about.
quelle tête tu fais!
i can understand everything that's written in this thread but i can't actively produce anything. i studied french for several years but it was a long time ago and now it's all gone >_<
French from quebec is the most awesome language evore.
for me german is the hardest (non asiatic) language !
But it's true that french is difficult too, a lot of frenchies speak french horribly 
btw if you need help someday.. you can ask ;p
Oh, I think I'll need help very soon... we are doing the forme of l'imparfait... I think it's fucking hard oO Well many Germans also can't speak their own language well... it's pretty hard if you'r a foreigner (turkeys, russians, iraqi and so on.)
Gotta put it in context...
France French is a delicate language of love.
Quebec French is a guttural troll language.
je parle un petit peu de francais. gaylord languaje though : D
Belgium6763 Posts
J'ai étudié le français pendant 9 ans en école mais j'ai toujours ue des problèmes avec l'écrire.
Here in Belgium, for those that dont know, the northern part speaks dutch, the southern part speaks french and Brussels is 'bilingual'. I live near Brussels so I often speak French with people. Its quite handy to have learned it in school since the age of 9. Also, a scientific study once showed why dutch-speaking people are better at french pronounciation than the other way around. Something about the frequencies of the french language being smaller than the dutch ones? Not sure, too lazy to look it up.
mange moi lderriere calice
lol Hollow I hope you know what you just wrote there
Lol, my French teacher is paranoid about cheating, so she actually printed out contracts that said bullshit like: 1. I realize French 3 is hard therefore I will not complain 2. I will not cheat or help others cheat 3. If I don't sign this contract I can't continue French 3 second semester. 4. Please suck my dick
I mean come on, how hysterical can you get!
France1963 Posts
On December 04 2007 03:12 Tonkerchen wrote: Oh, I think I'll need help very soon... we are doing the forme of l'imparfait... I think it's fucking hard oO
Imparfait is not that hard, actually ^^; Wait until you study "passé simple" or (but it's hardly spoken) "imparfait du subjonctif" :D Good luck for it anyway, don't hesitate to post if you have any problem with it ;p
EDIT : oh and "ç" is Alt+135, too (which is faster than Alt+0231) ; most French letters can be made using Alt+130 to Alt+151.