So this blog entry is me asking you for help. To introduce new players as well as viewers, you are invited by me to select three videos.
- The goal of this selection is to hook players and viewers to SC:BW or SC2.
- These videos don’t need to be the best, and instead should have great commentary.
- Consider children to be the target audience. Explain me like I’m five is a good way to approach this.
- The contrast between units of the players and as well as the background needs to be high.
- No video should exceed 20 minutes in length.
If you have other recommendations for the selection, feel free to post them as an answer as well.
Some links about me:
- Tobias Clemens Häcker on YouTube Music
- Tobias Clemens Häcker on Facebook (as Franz Bieberkopf)
- Tobias Clemens Häcker on LinkedIn
- Tobias Clemens Häcker on X (Twitter)
- Tobias Clemens Häcker on Reddit
- Tobias Clemens Häcker on Instagram (barely used)
- Tobias Clemens Häcker on TikTok (using only German so far)