Theres days where I wash my hands and fifteen minutes later they feel just as dirty. Doesn't seem like such a big deal but it is. When my hands are dirty I go in depresso mode. It's pretty common to find me sitting on a chair wearing only underwear dazing into space during an unclean hands day. My brain slows down about 100 bpm, the smallest tasks become insurmountable obstacles. I do nothing and doing so makes me even more miserable.
I never watch tv except for specific things. Today I had an incredible amount of 2 things to watch, some french comedy, and a hockey game. This usually means I wont do anything constructive the rest of the day. Even if the game starts at 7:30, at 4:00 I'll probably stop doing any remotely useful things and just sit down and watch my hands get dirtier. I just noticed I tend to be really thirsty all the time when this happens as well.
Worst of all, during these days, I don't feel the need to go crazy and spam my blog with interesting stories/exclusive interviews/beautiful poems, and this is where you, poor tl.net browser, suffer.
Also, I dont give a shit about rankings, but seriously, what's the point of rating a post 1, and not even commenting, not even bashing me in some possibly humourous way that could be useful in some small fragment to the development of greatness in the vast universe. Think about it...
I feel your pain. I have chronic migraines so I'm like that every day, except I've learned to deal with it. I probably have to focus twice as hard as most people to get my mental juices flowing.
I thought this was going to be about some legal scandal
Have you discussed this with a doctor?
Sounds a bit OCD to me. Talk to a doc/psychologist.
Hm, I wiki'd OCD and parts of it reminded me oddly of things I do. But, I don't give a crap and I'm certainly not gonna see a doc for something that is this minor, I've had enough medical experiences lately to last me for quite a while.
On October 23 2007 10:48 decafchicken wrote: Sounds a bit OCD to me. Talk to a doc/psychologist. My thoughts exactly.
There are varying degrees of OCD and in different situations for different people - I am very disorganized in every aspect of my life, except my closet. I am super anal OCD about my closet. I don't know, it's just my thing. The hand washing is a more common one I believe.
And this blog entry differs so much from all your other posts xD
I don't know what it is but reading about OCD and all that and overall thinking too much made me go pretty crazy since I wrote this, but I've cooled out now, and am abnormally happy =S :D
Wash it again, use hand santizer it feels refreshing and smells good
seems like you just need something to distract you from that problem. Try playing more SC.
On October 23 2007 10:54 Pwntrucci[sR] wrote: Hm, I wiki'd OCD and parts of it reminded me oddly of things I do. But, I don't give a crap and I'm certainly not gonna see a doc for something that is this minor, I've had enough medical experiences lately to last me for quite a while.
yo definitely see a doctor PLEASE. Denying it or thinking that its minor can really bite you in the end.
Yea and i think the washing hands thing is one of the more common ocd things. Just get it taken care of due to the off chance of it becoming worse.
Sounds exactly like OCD where people continously wash themselves cause they feel they're always dirty and can't get it out of their skin.
OCD!!! TKD is right, look into talking to a doctor about it
So dude, how are you doing and shit? One second you seem like a raving madman, the other like a normal human being
Dudes, wtf please don't give advice when you don't know anything.
First of all, he said he only washes his hands ONCE, he doesn't say anything about doing it repeatedly, thus there's no obsessive behaviour. He also said he kind of vegetates and becomes depressed and this "watching the hands getting dirty" seems more psychotic to me.
So please, keep your newb advice to yourself about serious matters.
There is NOTHING obsessive-compulsive at all when reading his description, so what the fuck are you guys talking about? You probably just reacted at him feeling dirty.
Him feeling the need to keep washing them is a sign of OCD JoS. --;
Pwntrucci[sR] go to the doctor man :/.
United States3573 Posts
..................so when you're depressed you don't go off on some random shiet?