Poll: Will all Koreans finish top 3?
(Vote): Yes
(Vote): No
Poll: Who do you HOPE will win?
(Vote): Koreans
(Vote): Non-Koreans
Poll: What do you look most forward to on WCG?
(Vote): Koreans raping the shit out of foreigners.
(Vote): Tasteless' shoutcasting.
(Vote): Replays, interviews, and everything posted on community sites.
(Vote): I'm not looking forward to WCG.
Poll: Who, besides SaviOr, will advance from group H?
(Vote): Mondragon
(Vote): Testie
(Vote): ReasoN
(Vote): ChingizKhan (SNES)
And one poll to see how many familiar faces I'll be seeing:
Poll: Will you be attending WCG 07?
(Vote): No.
(Vote): Yes, and I don't know you.
(Vote): Yes, and I know you. Met you earlier. (offline)
(Vote): Yes, and I know you. Met you online.
And the most important poll yet:
Poll: My Afro: Stay or nay?
(Vote): Stay.
(Vote): Nay.
Hope to see the lot of you there