For the past few weeks I've been wanting to start playing BW again, as I haven't played it much the past couple years. I used to play it quite often, well, more then quite often, to put it simply, starcraft was my life. For the better part of five or six years I played ALOT. Of course during this time was filled with the random breaks etc. that I would take, but I would always end up back on starcraft.
The first few years in gaming was of course the single player adventures, then the money map/ums map adventures, then eventually I was led into 'low money' maps and competitive gaming. From there I was hooked for the next few years, trying to get as good as I could. Then as time went on there were other demanding things in my life that I began to slow down my gaming, and then stopped playing starcraft completely. Since that time I've played maybe a week or two at a time in the span of three to four months, but I pretty much stopped playing starcraft.
I still played computer games, mostly wc3 because my internet at the time could not run many games(i was on diaulup, for a number of years i could only connect to 14.4k then later 28.8k). I got a laptop for christmas and would go to a local area nearby and use the wireless internet, so part of the time I had fast internet and the other I had slow net. I got into playing CS while I used the faster internet and used the dialup for WC3. Then a few months ago I got wireless internet, or well, my parents and our neighbors got wireless together.
At first the idea of fast wireless internet was great, until they installed it. First day, forty minutes after it was installed the router they put in crapped out. They came back out, put a new one in, worked fine. Later that day it had more problems, it would turn off but you could reset the router and it would work again for another few hours, rinse and repeat. It was extremely frustrating and annoying to deal with, as trying to play any online game was torture as it could disconnect at any time. So it turned out there was something wrong with the equipment, they came out, did whatever it is they did, and said it was working now. Wrong! It wasn't working. Yes it worked better, but it still wasn't great. Now the wireless is really unstable, from one hour to the next you never know what the fuck it's going to do. Somedays it works just fine, others you're punching the wall trying to do anything and it just won't bloody work.
This is where my interest in wanting to play Starcraft clashes with my new "wonderful" internet. I finally got around to installing starcraft, got the patch just fine, got online just fine, but as soon as I went to join a lagged. Joining the game took a few seconds, then after the countdown it lagged, then in game it was horrible. Massive lag that usually ended in me either disconnecting from the game or everyone leaving. It's quite unplayable. So in hoping it wasn't me, I tried for a few hours trying to join games/play games with the same result each time.
I've searched the internet in hopes of finding a solution, and there was part of solution that my friend found. I have to update the firmware on my router(if there is an update) and this should allow me to play starcraft without lag. The only problem is it requires accessing the router, and i do not know the routers username/password, and if i did theres still the problem of it 1) being the companies router we have our wireless from and 2) it's a shared service between five of us. So I have to try and get the username/password, if they give it to me, and then make sure everyone doesn't care I access it to try and fix my problem.
I'm begining to wonder if it's some sort of an omen that I shouldn't start playing starcraft again, I mean really, what reason do I have to play it now? I'm definetly going to buy Starcraft 2, so, maybe I should just wait until that comes out and neglect returning to broodwar. If I did fix my problem and started playing starcraft's not really for entertainment value, when I play it I want to get good and play well. Sure there is some factor in there regarding it being fun, but for the most part it's the drive to be good that I played. So part of me wants to play again, at least for awhile... but then I might just not and wait for Starcraft 2, whenever that comes out. I'll probably stick to Dota though.