Computer gaming has always been very big here. I guess this is becouse in the end of the 90s and in the beginning of the 2000 there was boom of pc clubs (bangs?) in Bulgaria. Literary there was one at each corner. The most played games were Quake 2,3 and of course SC. I started playing immediately after its release ,but words such as pro-gaming,Korea etc were absolutely unknow to me.
I played for near a year with my friends only 4vs4 BGH. It was great fun.As you can imagine I was already very addicted to this game.
The one day, I went to this pc bang and some guy saw me playing SC said "do you want 1v1". I agreed and on the 6th minute I had lurkers droped in my base. This was something absolutely amazing for me as for now my only goal in the game was to turtle and make 200/200 Carriers BC or Guardians and press attack.
I gotta work now to be continued...