Well the question has been answered.
Using Pgr21, I've statistically calculated, who were the worst progamers ever.
To qualify, they must have played atleast 30 games, and have a terrible winning percentage.
+ Show Spoiler [Before Criticising] +
PGR21 sucks, and hasn't updated since February 2006. 

Now to the list.
5. Aozora - 김대기 - Racepick - 19 Wins 43 Losses, 30.6% Winning Record.
A suprise even for me, for Aozora to be the 5th worst progamer statistically of all time. I thought he was actually alright. I guess not
4. Heaven[30D.O.M] - 윤정민 - Terran - 41 Wins, 81 Losses, 33.6% Winning Record.
Guy that lived with Hexatron, guy who sucked, guy who complained and threw his mouse onto the ground when he lost a game in the MBC Minor League. Record kind of speaks for itself.
3. 이학주 - Terran - 14 Wins, 37 Losses, 27.5% Winning Record.
No idea who this guy was, but he played for Plus/Lecaf. Funnily enough most of his losses were in teamleagues. He lost most games. Most likely got booted off the team for mediocre performances.
2. ToSsGirL - 서지수 - Terran - 13 Wins, 43 Losses, 23.2% Winning Record
Oh, the beloved girl of the progaming scene. Too bad she had to be one of the most terrible players ever to play professionally.
and the Winner is....
1. MannerRush 송동호 - Protoss - 2 Wins, 35 Losses, 5.7% Winning Record (ROFL)
Who the fuck was this guy? Anyway, his only two wins were against extremely random randoms (who aren't even listed on Pgr21) 김지혜 and 윤주영.
EDIT: I have just found out he was in Ideal Space (Boxer's former team).
+ Show Spoiler [Hery, MuMyung and Clon] +
Extra tidbit!
Hery[HyO] - 김윤환 - Terran - 7 Wins 8 Losses
MuMyung - 성학승 - Zerg - 20th (wtf) 192 Wins 183 Losses
Clon - 조형근 - Zerg - 57th 61 Wins 53 Losses
Hery[HyO] - 김윤환 - Terran - 7 Wins 8 Losses
MuMyung - 성학승 - Zerg - 20th (wtf) 192 Wins 183 Losses
Clon - 조형근 - Zerg - 57th 61 Wins 53 Losses
EDIT:+ Show Spoiler [Legionnaire did this] +
Worst Progamers of all time
Protoss: -- stats -- only protoss user stats shown
Mannerrush -- 2/29 (ranked 187)
FrenchBoy -- 0/6 (ranked 178)
[9]everlast -- 0/4 (ranked 174)
(orky)Ghost -- 0/3 (ranked 170)
Terran: -- stats -- only terran user stats shown
Last'SCV^^ -- 5/20 (ranked 172 for terran only)
[9]everlast -- 0/2 (ranked 139)
Maynard -- 0/1 (ranked 125)
NTT -- 0/1 (ranked 119)
Zerg: -- stats -- only zerg user stats shown
[NC]..Navy -- 1/19 (ranked 310)
FrenchBoy -- 0/3 (ranked 283)
(orky)Soul -- 1/3 (ranked 256)
smuft -- 1/4(ranked 248)
Mannerrush -- 2/29 (ranked last @ 351)
[9]everlast -- 1/11 (ranked 347)
FrenchBoy -- 0/6 (ranked 327)
[GG10]Storm~)SDT -- 0/4 (ranked 313)
Protoss: -- stats -- only protoss user stats shown
Mannerrush -- 2/29 (ranked 187)
FrenchBoy -- 0/6 (ranked 178)
[9]everlast -- 0/4 (ranked 174)
(orky)Ghost -- 0/3 (ranked 170)
Terran: -- stats -- only terran user stats shown
Last'SCV^^ -- 5/20 (ranked 172 for terran only)
[9]everlast -- 0/2 (ranked 139)
Maynard -- 0/1 (ranked 125)
NTT -- 0/1 (ranked 119)
Zerg: -- stats -- only zerg user stats shown
[NC]..Navy -- 1/19 (ranked 310)
FrenchBoy -- 0/3 (ranked 283)
(orky)Soul -- 1/3 (ranked 256)
smuft -- 1/4(ranked 248)
Mannerrush -- 2/29 (ranked last @ 351)
[9]everlast -- 1/11 (ranked 347)
FrenchBoy -- 0/6 (ranked 327)
[GG10]Storm~)SDT -- 0/4 (ranked 313)