I got to the airport early morning at 9:30am. Qyx and Day[9] picked me up at JFK. Headed to Qyx's apartment after a brief stop at Costco so I could unpack my luggage.
<img src="http://calbearmnm.smugmug.com/photos/158924277-S.jpg">
<img src="http://calbearmnm.smugmug.com/photos/158924317-S.jpg">
We headed to Central Park. Threw the frizbee around a bit. We didn't want Day[9] physically injuring himself so he didn't participate in the games.
<img src="http://calbearmnm.smugmug.com/photos/158924435-S.jpg">
<img src="http://calbearmnm.smugmug.com/photos/158923143-S.jpg">
<img src="http://calbearmnm.smugmug.com/photos/158923228-S.jpg">
Headed for the theater to watch Pirates of the Carribean 3. We were an hour early and they wouldn't let us in the theater right away. They made us line up outside and we were first in line. Movie sucked.
<img src="http://calbearmnm.smugmug.com/photos/158923288-S.jpg">
<img src="http://calbearmnm.smugmug.com/photos/158924091-S.jpg">
<img src="http://calbearmnm.smugmug.com/photos/158924129-S.jpg">
Headed back at 1am. It's like 4am right now and I should be sleeping. Figured I'd do a bit of an update before I went to bed.
haha that was great and love the pictures. it loves me a warm feeling inside...
Edit: "it loves me a warm feeling inside" hahah leaves
Go Sean!
51341 Posts
that is many video games yes
lmao that's the best luggage i've ever seen
Lmao, that would be pretty heavy to carry. O_O
Cool pictures, higher resolution please  That is an impressive luggage
How come Homer is missing an arm? I'll buy it off you guys if you stole it.
i post high res later. wanted good blog format pics.
lol mother fuckers wouldn't let you guys in.
Day looks like a total nutzo!.
Nice pics, huge thanks mnm!
I like your only non-electronic form of entertainment: Apples to Apples!
Bahahahahaa I love Day[9] Nice pictures. God he's awesome.
I totally love the last picture.
Caption for last picture:
Day: "WTF!!!!!!!!!!" mnm: "I second that"
hahaah nice pics day looks funny
hahaah nice pics day looks funny