Star Tale: Ground Wars is the name given to the strategy game parts of the overall Star Tale project.
This entry is about the Units that you can choose from to create your army.
Its not these: (ninazerg)
The list below contains examples of units from various factions. Not all factions can pick from all of these Units, and not all Units are listed.
Vehicles are chassis, you have to add guns and equipment to them, so the role of the vehicle is variable. For example the role of the Light Tank can vary widely from an APC to Artillery.
Size 5
Quadbike (or Motorbike or Skyboard depending on Faction etc)
Size 6
Smallest Mech
Mounted Cavalry (Horse or equivalent)
Size 7
Large Jetbike (equivalent to Eldar Vyper)
Skimmer Transport (equivalent to Landspeeder Storm)
Light Mech
Medium Mech (equivalent to Tau Crisis suit)
Heavy Mech (called a Vulcan for Terran Faction) (equivalent to Space Marine Dreadnought)
Size 8
Light Tank wheeled
Light Tank tracked (equivalent to Rhino or Chimera in 40k)
Light Grav Tank
Attack Helicopter
Mech 1
Mech 2 (equivalent of Tau Broadside)
Size 9
Main Battle Tank
Spider Tank
Grav Tank
Mech 1 ("Main Battle Mech")
Mech 2 (equivalent to Ghostkeel)
Multirole Helicopter
Close Air Support Plane (equivalent to A-10 Thunderbolt II)
Fighter Plane (equivalent to F-22 Raptor)
Size 10
Large Tank wheeled
Large Tank tracked (equivalent to Landraider)
Large Grav Tank
Heavy Lift Transport Helicopter (equivalent to Chinook or King Stallion)
Mech (equivalent to Riptide)
Large VTOL (equivalent to Thunderhawk)
Size 11
Mech 1
Mech 2
Very Large Tank tracked (equivalent to Baneblade)
Very Large Grav Tank
Size 12
Archon (equivalent to Warlord Titan)
Biggest Ground Vehicle
Lets talk about Transporting stuff:
The Size 7 Skimmer can carry 6 troops.
The Size 8 Light Tank can carry 12 troops.
The Size 9 Multirole Helicopter can carry 24 troops.
The Size 10 Large Tank can carry 48 troops.
Lets talk about how much space things take up when being transported:
6 troops = 4 Hexo = 2 Smallest Mech = 1 Size 7 Mech (excluding Heavy Mech)
1 Size 7 Heavy Mech (Vulcan) = 12 troops or 2 Size 7 Light or Medium Mechs
1 Light Tank = 24 troops or 2 Vulcans
1 Main Battle Tank = 48 troops or 2 Light Tanks
1 Large Tank = 96 troops or 2 Main Battle Tanks
So thats some more information about Star Tale: Ground Wars. As always, everything is public domain. You are free to use anything however you wish. See you next month on the 12th.
Next time Im going to show some pictures from the "galaxy" map.