TLADT24920 Posts
Stories from ancient times spoke of the ever changing nature of our world. Where there was once peace, there is now only war. Selfish desires, rampant corruption and resource grabs among others have led to this ludicrous change. As the battle commences, a different war rages at home; that of the common folk. Though many might have never tasted bloodshed in their entire life and can be considered physically strong; mentally, it is quite easy for their psyche to be shattered. All it takes is an outlier ...
and yet, despite all the suffering, all the bloodshed, all the shattered lives, some just flat out refuse to acknowledge the current state of our world. Some take it a step further and chose to live side by side with what many of their kin consider their sworn enemies ...
Is coexistence not possible? Can we, for once, look past our different racial traits and work together for the common good? After all, war isn't all its cracked up to be!
Nice blog, this is WAR! 5/5
bf being edgy
(attempting to)
United States10034 Posts
im so confused right now.
TLADT24920 Posts
Thanks for the comments. nope, protoss wasn't peruvian. You can see who it is from the gifs. Made them large enough for that purpose (and to see the finer details).
FlaShFTW, what's confusing you? lol.
TLADT24920 Posts
For anyone confused: + Show Spoiler [Explanation] +This is essentially a bugged replay, thus the title Gone Rogue. Essentially, the story goes: War has started and people can't cope mentally thus a shattered psyche. This means there is no further differentiation between friend or foe, so you start to see these individuals destroy valuables (ie see cannon attack gateway, probes, forge, zealot, nexus. Probe starts attacking other probes, core etc...). In the midst of all this, some people just refuse to acknowledge war and continue their daily lives which can include living with their enemy (last pic).
instructions unclear deleted system32
Canada11279 Posts
Oh. I was trying to figure out when I tilted so much that I would get mad enough to attack my own wall and probes. But I had no memory of the event- bugged replay, that makes more sense.