On April 27 2015 01:00 stuchiu wrote:
Vote for BigFan
Vote for BigFan
On April 27 2015 03:36 JimmyJRaynor wrote:
how guys like this and juicygames could ever get eliminated early is beyond me.
how guys like this and juicygames could ever get eliminated early is beyond me.
Thanks stuchiu and JimmyJRaynor for your support and comments

On April 27 2015 06:38 GeckoXp wrote:
Yeah, spoiler or people will call me mr. grumpy again.
+ Show Spoiler [rant] +
I'm just randomly picking names, let's see how you compare against them.
First one is obviously prech. I get why people might vote for Phil, he's an awesome person in Liquipedia, despite what I might have written in #liquipedia to tease him for his motto opinions. However, who the hell is this blind-rawr? I hope you do realize that prech has single handedly changed Liquipedia Brood War and turned it from the dark ages to something really awesome. I spent about 10k edits on just adding data, he did tripple that amount, plus added, ported and/or wrote new templates. He re-modelled the start page, he created - on his own - the SOSPA portal, ..., there's tons and tons and tons of more stuff he did. How the fuck could he lose 0-2 in such a group? He's like, I don't know, the person you'd give a forum star or something.
Chapa - the very same that goes for prech. Except that Chapa fixes your weirdest LP issues in an instant, works his butt off, is OVERLY nice AND adds third party tools, which enable you to contribute in the first time. He lost against... who again? Never heard about this writer kid. November I know from lickypiddy, so hard to say he doesn't deserve it - well, Chapa deserves it a hundred time more. One of the coolest internet persons, with the most friendly attitude out there.
Same for salle. Despite of my teasings against the old man, he's the motor of liquipedia. Always there, always listening to your jibber jabber and always trying to make the best compromize. How in the world can you not like salle?
Let's get that straight - you got one silver coin. That relates to one gold coin like this: 16*your work. These three have five gold coins. That'd be 2*2*2*2*2*16 times the work on the wikis than you have (if the legend is true, I tend to believe it, after all I do have some coins). (hey, KristofferAG is in your group as well, he's TLPD prech-light, Clubfan and nTTax both as well, but not in your group). I have no idea how many characters these edits are; if I had to guess, all their edits combined would be about 200-300 pages in word with a 12 pt font. At least.
All this doesn't take into account, what they did outside of liquipedia: news, TLPD, FAQ in the forums, on irc, promoting this webpage on external sites, creating the very source you news people rely on, do the neccessary research, ... (the list can be continued with things you might not realize yet)
Now, let's have a look at people who're out already: 2pac, itsjustatank, alexoundos. Are you seriously saying these three are not worthy "contributors", or "worse" / "less worthy" than just people with a high post count? 2pac you should know as part of the bw team, tank fits in the same category as prech, alexoundos is one of the most awesome tech people for bw out there, maybe only topped by xboi. Like, these are guys who made the dirty work and rarely anyone said thanks, especially when it comes to alex. But w/e.
TL;DR: If it was truely about time put into making something better, instead of promoting people with a high post count, and/or past notability, half of these names should have been dropping out sooner. Not saying you're the worst idiot of the page (you're still way above a GGZerG), or that you don't contribute, just saying that this just shows that the strange people are voted for, regardless of real effort. I meant it when I said that BigFan is in very good company after dropping out fast, prolly in a better company than some of the winners. I'd be ashamed winning a community effort / awesomeness award when there's still so many way, way better people not nominated or winning.
As for you goes, you stand out in that list, because a) you're not a Kadaver, or a KristofferAG (whose work you see in an instant), and b) you shout very loud to be voted for. Seriously, it's a little silly in comparison. If this was truely fun, without people trying to brag with something they did, it'd be less silly. Strikes me as odd.
Don't let met spoil your fun though, maybe I'm too German about that kind of stuff.
Yeah, spoiler or people will call me mr. grumpy again.
+ Show Spoiler [rant] +
I'm just randomly picking names, let's see how you compare against them.
First one is obviously prech. I get why people might vote for Phil, he's an awesome person in Liquipedia, despite what I might have written in #liquipedia to tease him for his motto opinions. However, who the hell is this blind-rawr? I hope you do realize that prech has single handedly changed Liquipedia Brood War and turned it from the dark ages to something really awesome. I spent about 10k edits on just adding data, he did tripple that amount, plus added, ported and/or wrote new templates. He re-modelled the start page, he created - on his own - the SOSPA portal, ..., there's tons and tons and tons of more stuff he did. How the fuck could he lose 0-2 in such a group? He's like, I don't know, the person you'd give a forum star or something.
Chapa - the very same that goes for prech. Except that Chapa fixes your weirdest LP issues in an instant, works his butt off, is OVERLY nice AND adds third party tools, which enable you to contribute in the first time. He lost against... who again? Never heard about this writer kid. November I know from lickypiddy, so hard to say he doesn't deserve it - well, Chapa deserves it a hundred time more. One of the coolest internet persons, with the most friendly attitude out there.
Same for salle. Despite of my teasings against the old man, he's the motor of liquipedia. Always there, always listening to your jibber jabber and always trying to make the best compromize. How in the world can you not like salle?
Let's get that straight - you got one silver coin. That relates to one gold coin like this: 16*your work. These three have five gold coins. That'd be 2*2*2*2*2*16 times the work on the wikis than you have (if the legend is true, I tend to believe it, after all I do have some coins). (hey, KristofferAG is in your group as well, he's TLPD prech-light, Clubfan and nTTax both as well, but not in your group). I have no idea how many characters these edits are; if I had to guess, all their edits combined would be about 200-300 pages in word with a 12 pt font. At least.
All this doesn't take into account, what they did outside of liquipedia: news, TLPD, FAQ in the forums, on irc, promoting this webpage on external sites, creating the very source you news people rely on, do the neccessary research, ... (the list can be continued with things you might not realize yet)
Now, let's have a look at people who're out already: 2pac, itsjustatank, alexoundos. Are you seriously saying these three are not worthy "contributors", or "worse" / "less worthy" than just people with a high post count? 2pac you should know as part of the bw team, tank fits in the same category as prech, alexoundos is one of the most awesome tech people for bw out there, maybe only topped by xboi. Like, these are guys who made the dirty work and rarely anyone said thanks, especially when it comes to alex. But w/e.
TL;DR: If it was truely about time put into making something better, instead of promoting people with a high post count, and/or past notability, half of these names should have been dropping out sooner. Not saying you're the worst idiot of the page (you're still way above a GGZerG), or that you don't contribute, just saying that this just shows that the strange people are voted for, regardless of real effort. I meant it when I said that BigFan is in very good company after dropping out fast, prolly in a better company than some of the winners. I'd be ashamed winning a community effort / awesomeness award when there's still so many way, way better people not nominated or winning.
As for you goes, you stand out in that list, because a) you're not a Kadaver, or a KristofferAG (whose work you see in an instant), and b) you shout very loud to be voted for. Seriously, it's a little silly in comparison. If this was truely fun, without people trying to brag with something they did, it'd be less silly. Strikes me as odd.
Don't let met spoil your fun though, maybe I'm too German about that kind of stuff.
lol gecko. + Show Spoiler +
While I understand your concern, I don't think it's fair to compare BD to the people you listed. I mean, everyone contributes in their own way. BD has done a lot of casting and BW league coverage over the years so comparing him based on LP coins isn't really proper or fair imo. Personally, I don't think there's a proper way to compare different contributors unless they only do LP work or only writing work etc...
Also, keep in mind that this is meant as a popularity contest. I agree that guys like 2pac and prech etc... being out is a bit odd considering that I know/have seen their work and I know their passion for BW first hand but if they are only known in one part of the website, they'll only get votes from that part and seem foreign to everyone else. If this was a BW contest though, I'm sure either one of them would've made it to the finals just due to the sheer amount of work done. As for BR, he actually legit wanted prech to win lol but he's someone who was contributing way before either of us set foot on TL, whether LR or other tasks and that by itself is good enough for me. He also needed more people to nominate him in than TL staff so he got through that too.
ps BD didn't do any shouting this time around; he only did last TLCMAT lol.
Also, keep in mind that this is meant as a popularity contest. I agree that guys like 2pac and prech etc... being out is a bit odd considering that I know/have seen their work and I know their passion for BW first hand but if they are only known in one part of the website, they'll only get votes from that part and seem foreign to everyone else. If this was a BW contest though, I'm sure either one of them would've made it to the finals just due to the sheer amount of work done. As for BR, he actually legit wanted prech to win lol but he's someone who was contributing way before either of us set foot on TL, whether LR or other tasks and that by itself is good enough for me. He also needed more people to nominate him in than TL staff so he got through that too.
ps BD didn't do any shouting this time around; he only did last TLCMAT lol.