Mexico2170 Posts
I put this on blogs because it was a dream but this very well could be on website feedback so take it into account TL site staff!
Yersteday, i had a very cool dream where i had gone back in time to my highschoool years, i can't remember what happened , but something bad had happened and suprisingly my tyranic school principal was very nice and understanding and she didn't hate me anymore.
After school i wen't to my house, and opened TL trough my phone, but then i guess i teleported to my desktop or something because i was browsing TL through my computer, you know, just dreams stuff.
And then i saw it, a new and redesigned Team Liquid. It had a bunch of weird stuff that you would expect for being a dream, like TL being sponsored by Good Game, but it had a pretty nice interface and layout. It was similar to liquid legends actually, but not exactly the same.
Now to my point:
I dreamt that teamliquid was the main esports hub. The centre of all news esports. The concept was similar to what TL tried to do a few years back, with only one site but segmented in sections (sc2, bw and dota 2, and you could hide the news you didn't want to see for those of you new to TL that didn't saw that). The difference was that the main page was customizable, you could get to TL.net and have news about everygame they covered, or just sc2, or league of legends or dota 2. You could also access the other sites (liquidota, liquidhearthstone etc.) through big buttoms were the "Home, Forum, Streams, Liquidpedia and more Bar is located right now in TL, so even though they appeared as sections they did have their own site i think, i can't remember very well lol, but there was a big emphasis that TL covered a lot of games.
Other games like CS:GO which didn't had a site had their subforum, like they do now, but the most recent article title was displayed in a rectangular image on the front page. Go to liquid legends, see that "HTC sponsor TSM and cloud 9" image? exactly that way.
Now, this dream didn't came out of nowhere, i have been thinking that it would be cool to see TL transformed as an e-sport club or hub, this is no longer part of my dream but lets analyze the idea:
At the moment of writing this blog, tl.net has 4736 active users, liquid dota has 855 users, liquidhearth has 847 users, and liquid legends has 256 users.
As you can see, even though all the other games are bigger than sc2 right now, the starcraft 2 and BW site has exponentially more active users at this moment. This can be atributed to a lot of things. For example, teamliquid.net has been around for a long time, since the BW days in fact, so it has had years to develop a reputation for being the best sc2 site and be the most visited one. Also, it came early to the party, so a lot of people got familiar with it and made it their go-to site.
With liquid legends and liquid dota, TL was pretty late to the party, there were other already stablished news sites on the scene, making it hard to TL to get more users that weren't users from tl.net already. I don't have any statistics, but i can bet the majority of users from liquid legends and dota are TL.net users, or at least used to be.
But there's another reason that shouldn't go unnoticed: People see Liquid Legends as the site for the professional league of legends team liquid. The same applies to the other two (well, except liquid dota, who no longer has a team, but external people saw it as the page of the professional dota 2 team when it was announced).
The point im trying to make here is tha tl.net isn't seen by sc2 fans as the site of the progaming team, TL. This site is seen as the centre of news coverage of sc2. There are a lot of people on this site that their favorite team isn't team liquid, but still come here. However, people that like league of legends, see liquid legends as the site of the team that also do some nice articles.
For example, i like both acer and dignitas, and sometimes they post articles in their facebook feeds and i read it, but i don't go there, its not my community, because i see it as a team site, and im not a fanboy. However i come to TL for news. But the thing is a lot of people from other games don't see TL that way, and i don't even think they know TLpro exist.
So thats the idea, what if TL could be so much more? What if instead being seen by most as the website of a pro team, it was seen as sort of a global esports club, or esport hub? The number 1 site for esport news, coverage and community. What if TL was seen as an esports hub that has profetional teams, instead of a pro team that has a site for each one of the teams they have?
Just a tought. EDIT: Just to clarify, I'm not saying TL should expand to other games, I'm saying that with the games they cover now they should try to change how they are persived by others so people from lol/dots/hs see team liquid as the elite site of news coverage that sc2 players see it as, instead of what happens now in which most people (if you are here chances are you aren't on that group) from.other games sees TL as.
BTW in my dream it looked like this but obviosly more pretty and well organized since i did this with paint LOL + Show Spoiler +
Teamliquid has a pro team?
Nice ideas! I am not a fan of the different websites for legends ecc. I liked the comfort of switching from one game to another just by the left column
I actually applaud TL for not selling out and sticking to its StarCraft roots. What you're suggesting, while laudable from a generalize eSports perspective, really diminishes what Teamliquid is for StarCraft and StarCraft 2 players. This is, essentially, our safe bubble from the horror of moba.
On January 26 2015 09:49 ninazerg wrote: I actually applaud TL for not selling out and sticking to its StarCraft roots. What you're suggesting, while laudable from a generalize eSports perspective, really diminishes what Teamliquid is for StarCraft and StarCraft 2 players. This is, essentially, our safe bubble from the horror of moba. This, tl is sacred keep it as such
Sacred like this: http://web.archive.org/web/20040611171917/http://teamliquid.net/
Tt took me like one or two years to register on teamliquid forum back then, and another one year to make my first post in this temple of Esports. Nazgul, Rekrul, Fisheye, Twisted, Mondragon, FrozenArbiter, Manifesto7, Legionnaire, InControl, FakeSteveTPR and people of such caliber (i can't list them all by memory, so many players), I was so scared to post something, so afraid of being so little compared to those "sacred monsters". - funnily enough sacred and scared are close anagrams, just one twist(ed).
But you have to live with your time and so is TL. Things have changed, Esports have changed, I have changed. I'm glad i'm still reading TL the most out of all the other sites/forum. But TL always delivered me the best insight on some games (mainly SC2,and even LoL on a lesser extent) thanks to the quality of its members and their inner belief into Esports.
So I don't really know if I want TL to trade quality for quantity in terms of audience. I truly don't know. I think TL positions himself higher than any other sites regarding the value of its content and its members, and I think that's why we're there
Mexico2170 Posts
My idea wasn't to trade quality for quantity, in my idea TL wouldn't cover more e-sports than it does now (save for Heroes of the storm i guess, but we already cover that tough we don't have a subforum yet). It wouldn't in fact be too different to what it is now to us, it would mostly be different to the people from other games so they didn't see tealiquid/liquidlegends/dota and the others as the webpage of a team, but saw team liquid as the elite site for quality coverage of e-sports on the internet. It's more of a change in perspective and image than a change in how TL would work.
I would prefer them to gain more users for the games they have now, heartstone dota lol etc are huge games and we should expect a lot more users.
There is no point if we expand to other games and not a lot of interest. It's a waste of resources
On January 26 2015 14:06 ETisME wrote: I would prefer them to gain more users for the games they have now, heartstone dota lol etc are huge games and we should expect a lot more users.
There is no point if we expand to other games and not a lot of interest. It's a waste of resources I honestly love the team liquid that I joined what feels like forever ago. I like the modern TL too, but what the OP is suggesting is unholy lol.
On January 27 2015 02:42 Hesmyrr wrote: I dream of the Purge.
It can't be worse than the movie, so good for you! (i loved the concept, hated the movie....)
I think you have a really good idea, and its exactly why I use TL.net, however IMO TL.net is so good, because it IS mainly SC people. No matter how you look at it, no matter the trolls, no matter the opinions ; Sc (RTS in general) is a game for reasonably intelligent people, or atleast people capable of thinking in different ways.
I think the reason why I like the TL community so much, is because of the indepth topics, not only SC related or game related , but everything. Look at topics like this (i'm lazy, just took some topics from community page 1) ; http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/general/474818-shots-fired-at-charlie-hebdo-offices-france http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/general/273445-dating-hows-your-luck http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/general/203676-iraq-and-syrian-civil-wars http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/general/471672-european-politico-economics-qa-mega-thread
In general, these are all discussions/questions/explanations, which overall have a high rate of intellect in them. I use TL.net not only for games, I keep it for following news in general, and thats only because of the community that it is. If TL becomes a main page, it becomes mainstream, it attracts more lesser individuals and you would get twitch-chat-like situations.
It is however a very good question ; how to increase the influence of a site like TL.net, without reducing the overall educational/ discussion quality?
Mexico2170 Posts
While i agree that in general, sc2 people are less of angry kids on the internet, there sure a lot of those on the game, so i wonder how much is that sc2 players can have more "inteligent" disscussion, and how much is that the TL mods are so strict that you can't go around speaking bullshit and getting out with it like on most other places.