Hi guys, i don't know if i should post like this here, if it is wrong then I'm sorry.
As the title says I need some help in SC2, just got the game this christmas and I'm trying to get into ladder play, but i've got some problems. I have seen a lot of streams and I understand what the streamers says and the reason behind the majority of their actions but when I try to play it myself I just get lost.
I'm mainly playing terran now since is the race that I understand the most, but I can't keep up when I'm playing. For example: at the begginning i do normally like building scvs, then supply deppot at 10 and barracks, but from there sometimes i just get lost. I don't know how many marines to build, or when to get the factory. I've seen some builds that are noob friendly but still can't get them, sometimes I just randomly waste my minerals and build a bunch of barracks, but then i realize that I haven't expanded at 15 min for example.
Just asking for some help and how can I get over this because it's a bit frustrating. I like the game but after me playing it, i'm starting to regret that i've got it.
OP, at lower leagues specific build orders are not very important. There are two basic things that matter
1. Spend you money while keeping your economy up (workers and expansions) 2. Basic unit compositions
I'm a gold league zerg players, and I don't play with any real build orders. You can get that far by simply learning to macro. All it takes is some practice.
Yeah, my problem is that I panic while building things, like when I build 3 barracks I think to myself 'Oh Man, should I be doing this?', and then I start to build and I think again 'Crap I shouldn't have built that, i need a factory and then a starport'. sometimes is when I build a engineering bay but never get my upgrades.
Another thing is that i don't know how I should Hotkey the things, I don't know if I'm supposed to have all Comand Centers in one key or should i have different for others, or barracks and factory should be together or even if I should hotkey the engineering bay. There are some basic controls that I don't know.
Generally it's best to have all CCs on one hotkey. After that it's a lot of personal preference.
And, as a new player, don't worry to hard about doing what's "right". At low levels, as long as you keep a balance of units and workers, it matters very little what specific units you build.
Look up some basic beginners guides, there are some here on TL and some on youtube.
Pretty much what SGTK said. I was in bronze for a long time and the big thing that helped me was making more workers.
I went and played a few ranked games in this little time and I just lost every game, at the beginning i just thought 'ok, i'm getting matched against guys who are better than me, it will balance out and i'll have more balanced games' but then i just got crushed in every single on of them. I got placed in silver after the promotion matches and i checked if there was anyone in my position too like 0 wins and 8 losses, or something like that, but i didn't find anyone.
I've read a lot of times that i should just play ladder and get experience but the only thing that i learn is that everytime my opponnent enganges on me i lose or if i engage on him i'll lose too. Never won a fight. i keep on building constant units but i just get dumped on.
Is there any step to play that i'm skipping to start ladder play? I'm sorry for being such an annoying person.
If you've played the campaign and done the training, the only thing I can say is maybe practice against AI. And you're not annoying, everyone was new at one point
Well against the AI I can't beat the 2nd harder level (when the difficulty bar is on the second half of the hard to the next level). What difficulty do i need to beat to start playing against players?
I really don't know, I never play against hte AI anymore. Sorry bro.
The Ladder on Wings Of Liberty is a lot easier than the Ladder on Heart of the Swarm.
Try playing some Wings of Liberty ladder games before moving on to Heart of the Swarm.
The basic fundamentals of multiplayer success are identical in both games.