Hello again ! 9 months went by quickly.. But here i am , a citizen again !
For those who do not know what a Presidential guard is here is a link to my first blog which was made during my training and a picture of me in some of my best moments.
Read First Blog , It is important to understand what the Presidential Guard is : http://www.teamliquid.net/blogs/448583-will-serve-as-a-member-of-the-presidential-guard
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/xDjSjz1.jpg)
Well.. yesterday i was released of my duties.. the last 8 months have been Hell , doing my service with 40 degrees outside.. 4 hours of sleep every day.. injuries.. but all these things are in the past , only the good memories remain ! I also becoame one of the best and was made a Trainer for the new recruits in the last 1.5 month :D
I know everything about the Eyzones and more. You can ask me anything, anything !
Ok, I will be the first. Why are you guys wearing skirts?
I find this really intriguing. Good luck!
On November 30 2014 22:40 bioboyAT wrote: Ok, I will be the first. Why are you guys wearing skirts? Why do guys not wear skirts more often?
We wear Lederhosen instead.
Just wondering if it is a Greek national clothing or just something special for the guards.
Eyzwnes used to be the Elite Light fighting unit when Greece fought for freedom. And this was their uniform. So every Sunday and in every national holiday we wear it. Also every part of the uniform from the folds in the Skirt (400 as many as the years of slavery) to the nails under our shoes represent something, But because it takes more than an hour to wear Monday - Saturday we wear a more "causal" one.
Summer : ![[image loading]](http://www.digital-camera.gr/photos/symmetria_26103.jpg)
Winter :
Ok... this is something I really wanna know! Why the need to stand still... unflinching... Doesnt that make it easier to target you? Isnt it really counter productive to be a guard that only stands still. What if you find someone doing a crime in front of you or worse. Is it all just for the pomp of the thing or is it of some other use.
Also many kudos to you for getting thru your service. Respect.
Well this is where most people get it wrong. There are 2 guards in front of the Greek parliament , 2 guards in front of the Presidential palace and 1 in front of the camp. The taller guys go to the parliament and the shorter ones go to the Palace. I am a "hobbit" with 1.91 cm and i was sent to the Palace.. go figure..
So to your question. We get a lot of shit from younger people for guarding the politician etc. but they all got it wrong. We do not guard anyone ! We guard ideals and the memory of every fallen soldier greek or not that has died for our freedom. It just so happens that the statue of the Unknown soldier lies in front of the parliament. And the guards in front of the Palace guard the idea of Democrasy. We are ceremonial guards. You know how they say " Please 1 moment of silence for X person " Well we do exactly that but 24/7. This is why we never move or flinch or anything.
But strange things happen ! For example 2 months ago at 2 a.m. a crazy guy appeared.. He started running and then punched 1 guard. The upper body of the guard fell a bit back and then he repositioned himself not even giving the guy a look. A few seconds later police grabbed him. But there is your answer , you NEVER EVER move. Also a few years back during the Athens Riots , some idiots did this..
![[image loading]](http://kartesios.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/fylakio_syntagma_floges.jpg)
the guard remained still with the house burning next to him till 2 police officers came and took him away by force.
But i also have to say this.. never has a crime happened to someone else in front of me. Once a bag was stolen and i banged my weapon to the ground to alert a police officer.
IF a serious crime happened in front of me.. Someone kicked a dog (more than once) or a woman or something like that.. I would step down and intervene not worrying about the consequences ( not caring if i would rewarded or given jail days). And i think the same thing would be done by most of my friends.
On November 30 2014 23:11 Nesserev wrote: I remember reading your blog; 8 months already passed O.o Well, congratulations ^^ same...wow! what are you going to do next?
also, my wife and I visited Crete and loved it. It was super touristy but we can't wait take another vacation to Greece. Do you have any recommendations on vacation spots?
Has it ever been seriously suggested in greek political circles weather mandating that all young men throw away 9 months of their life is the best idea, given the economic climate in the country?
Not taking the piss here, I'm really curious if stuff like this is totally off the table or not.
On December 01 2014 19:09 n00b1n8R wrote: Has it ever been seriously suggested in greek political circles weather mandating that all young men throw away 9 months of their life is the best idea, given the economic climate in the country?
Not taking the piss here, I'm really curious if stuff like this is totally off the table or not. As long as we are in the army we are not considered Unemployed ! So they want to increase it even more..
Crete is amazing ! My girlfriend is from there so i visit a lot.. you can try mmm Leukas next time  But tbh every island is amazing in its own way.
On December 01 2014 02:28 kaiz0ku wrote: Well this is where most people get it wrong. There are 2 guards in front of the Greek parliament , 2 guards in front of the Presidential palace and 1 in front of the camp. The taller guys go to the parliament and the shorter ones go to the Palace. I am a "hobbit" with 1.91 cm and i was sent to the Palace.. go figure..
So to your question. We get a lot of shit from younger people for guarding the politician etc. but they all got it wrong. We do not guard anyone ! We guard ideals and the memory of every fallen soldier greek or not that has died for our freedom. It just so happens that the statue of the Unknown soldier lies in front of the parliament. And the guards in front of the Palace guard the idea of Democrasy. We are ceremonial guards. [..]
Then why is it called "Presidential" Guard?
Can you explain the "strange" walk?
Well the service includes a number of steps/military commands. For example 7 steps forward then you turn 180 degrees etc. But every military command has a different version when you are a Presidential Guard. Everything is done more slowly and in a more spectacular way. But most of the steps somehow resemble a kick. The Euzwnes used to hide a small blade in the small black thingie on their shoes (its name is Fouda) and kicked their enemies in close combat to kill them.