Short rant blog. I have 15/1 internet, which is now the slowest speed my ISP offers. Phoned in earlier today to try and upgrade to 25/5. "Sorry our website is wrong, talked to our techs, you live in one of the few areas of Vancouver where it's not available". This is literally in the middle of the residential area of Vancouver. Been waiting for like 4 or 5 years at this point, which is fucking stupid.
No way to go to another ISP with the ~600-800GB a month my family goes through. AFAIK most(all?) of the other companies charge for overages, with abysmal bandwidth caps, which is quite frankly the only reason we're staying.
And lastly, the reason why I'm pissed off. This is what happens when ANYBODY in the household decides to upload stuff without throttling(photos, videos, even torrents at anything more than ~20kB/s)
QOS on router is supposed to be enabled, but doesn't do jack shit for some reason.
The normal result is ~10-20 ping, 15ish down and 0.8 up
What this basically means, is that I immediately disconnect from battlenet, or League, or any other online game that requires steady latency. Not a lot of fun. And unless I can track down which one of the dozen+ devices in the home that's causing the problem, I can either disable wireless entirely(most of the wired ones aside from mine [admin rights OP] have desktop side throttling), or just wait. Neither are good solutions, especially if people decide to upload shit overnight because of the abysmal upload speed.
Kind of the same here, man, but I have absolutely no idea of what to do.
And to have things worse, I share network with my neighbors.
I live in Germany, most people use "DSL6000". This is between 6/0.4 and 6/1. My router is 3 floors under me, I also get only 1.5/0.5 and ping is ~20. But this speed is fast enough for me. I can watch sc2 streams on high quality without lag.
They did construction works on many street in my city for DSL100000 (100/10) but didnt work, its pretty unstable. Many people switched back to DSL6000.
Setup a linux router with fireqos. You can even use a Virtual Machine to try it first.
I had some initial math wrong, but I think using 600 GB on your connection would require something between 55 and 90 hours of continuous full-stress Internet usage. That's roughly equivalent to Netflixing five different one-hour series for an entire season, in the span of one month.
Canadian ISP in a nutshell.
I live on the other side of the country and experience the same kind of b.s.
Canada11355 Posts
Whatever you do, don't switch to whatever Eastlink is masquerading as in your area. In my area (delta cable, I'm not even an hour drive from you) they don't have enough server power to allow all users online at once and if you happen to be on a full server when peak hours hit, you will probably disconnect randomly and for undefined amounts of time.
I have been on the phone with them probably 10 times in the past two months. Very rarely do you get transferred to a tech that knows the issue and will actually fix it beyond "Ok restart your router... hmmm yeah everything seems fine on our end"
Seriously Canadian ISPs suck.
Canadian internet is fucking bullshit!@!! i had slightly better internet than what you had but i recently got it upgraded. i couldnt play league of legends without 3k ping spikes and i was often disconnected in the middle of BW ladder games resulting in a free loss for me :'(. i can't help you that much because you live in BC (im from ON) other than to give you some sort of comfort by saying, i know what it feels like.
edit: its pretty sad when borderline 3rd world countries are on par with Canadian internet speeds
Hooray for google fiber...only a few shirt months left...currently only got 45/3 :/ seems like a lot till you actually try to use it on multiple pcs at once.
What I want to know is how to throttle other people's bandwidth usage around the house... having the same EXACT problem
On August 28 2014 16:13 MooMooMugi wrote: What I want to know is how to throttle other people's bandwidth usage around the house... having the same EXACT problem Ideal way in most cases is to activate QoS(Quality of Service) on the router, and assuming it's set up properly, it'll try and keep everything moving, even though absolute top speed is somewhat reduced.
I'm using a network shaping program on my parents computer(because some shit like PPS and other stuff like that will eat all the upload you have).