I play guitar for a living, my girlfriend is probably sick of hearing me practicing 4 measures of a solo over and over for 3-4 hours at a time until I've got it nailed.
I''ve been a professional singer/guitarist since I left school at 16, almost 15 years ago now. When I used to play up in my room, my mother would always complain about "that horrible racket" I was making. When she first came to see me play with my band, she was shocked, her exact words to me "I didn't know you could sing like that. You sound terrible when you are in your bedroom" to which i replied "That's what practice sounds like, when I'm learning something new, and its pushing my voice, it will sound bad. Once I've got it nailed, I don't practice it anymore except for at rehearsals with the band".
Needless to say, music is a personal thing. Some people will like everything you do, other will hate everything. If you don't enjoy it anymore then it's cool, but don't let others stop you.
On April 11 2014 05:45 TheFish7 wrote: buy an electric guitar and plug it into headphones
electric guitars are sweet problem solved!
On April 11 2014 07:41 emythrel wrote: I play guitar for a living, my girlfriend is probably sick of hearing me practicing 4 measures of a solo over and over for 3-4 hours at a time until I've got it nailed.
I''ve been a professional singer/guitarist since I left school at 16, almost 15 years ago now. When I used to play up in my room, my mother would always complain about "that horrible racket" I was making. When she first came to see me play with my band, she was shocked, her exact words to me "I didn't know you could sing like that. You sound terrible when you are in your bedroom" to which i replied "That's what practice sounds like, when I'm learning something new, and its pushing my voice, it will sound bad. Once I've got it nailed, I don't practice it anymore except for at rehearsals with the band".
Needless to say, music is a personal thing. Some people will like everything you do, other will hate everything. If you don't enjoy it anymore then it's cool, but don't let others stop you. This is the advice of champions. Get another guitar (it can be an electric to plug it in with headphones if you'd like, just don't hurt your ears man), keep chugging. Also, get a teacher. I know you said you didn't like it, and I didn't at first either, but once I found my current teacher, I grew leaps and bounds simply because I liked the guy and I liked guitar rather than just liking guitar. I promise its worth your while.
On April 10 2014 23:25 BobMcJohnson wrote:Dunno how your relations with your sister usually are, but from this story she kinda sounds like a cunt
I played guitar for fun, not to get better
Man if people would just do this more; Thats actually how many got famous, and its so much fun when your just worrying about having fun and not just boosting the ego trying to become a technical machine. Also talk to your sister. try to soften the shock, and tell her that what she said really hurt you. Not exactly what she said, but how she said it. People can say things and not realize the impact of their words. I' m sure that if you talk with her about it, even if she will not like your music, she will not want you to give up something you like, because very probably she loves you and wants only the best for you.
On April 11 2014 05:45 TheFish7 wrote: buy an electric guitar and plug it into headphones
electric guitars are sweet
That is the only valid answer to this thread.
Sister who probably enjoyed the quietness and freedom when she lived alone in that apartment has to adapt to sharing it with her brother. Couldn't so she raged. You overreacted, just stop playing when she's around.
Any music, whether good or bad is annoying when you don't want to hear it. People practicing instruments always sounds like shit or gets tiring really fast, no matter how good they are. A piano sonata, even when played perfectly will annoy you when it's played 3 times in a row. I don't know the relationship with your sister, but me and my brother tend to insult each other regularly (maybe a competition thing), but we hold absolutely no grudges about that. I always saw it as something that siblings just do.
Now, I don't know how if you are genuinely shit at guitar. I've known some people who just have 0 musical talent. They aren't able to play in time at all, but don't even notice that they are completely off. I'm not talking about minor timing or groove errors, everyone does that, I'm talking about playing 5/4 when the signature is 4/4. Maybe you are one of those people? When you play with other people (do you?), does it work? Have you tried recording and listening to yourself?
Now sometimes there are just those days where I can't even stand my own playing. I pick up the guitar, everything I play sounds like shit and I put it down again. It's all about the inspiration. If you don't want to give up guitar, get an electric and practice with headphones, It's what I do most of the time since I live with 4 other people (my roommate absolutely cannot stand the sound of a metronome or distorted guitar, it drives her nuts). My roommate is the bass player in a quite promising band. There is absolutely nothing wrong with his playing from a musical standpoint, still, listening to him playing is annoying to me when I'm not specifically there to listen.
so I guess TL;DR: it's normal that people don't enjoy you practicing near them, it has nothing to do with your skill. Get an electric and don't give up
Dude, everyone likes different music. Just because your sister doesn't like your music doesn't mean it isn't good.
You deserve music time.
IMO you should be more assertive :D