Hello dear reader!
I'm glad you're taking the time to read this blog, because I feel like I have an important message to deliver.
+ Show Spoiler [Info about me] +I'm 24 years old. When I was a kid my brother introduced me to BW and I played against AI with cheats, making dark archons and mind controlling the enemy workers to make a huge army of all races. It was fun. I thought protoss was the coolest race then, and I still think it is now. I started playing WoL at the retail date and started out as terran because of the campaign, but quickly switched to protoss and have been playing it ever since. It took me around a year of casual play to reach master league even though it wasn't really a goal of mine, it just sorta happened. I learned as I played and I learned from watching a lot of streams as well, and in my opinion this is the best game I've ever played in my life and I'm still playing it as much as I did before.
I'm hoping you are a dedicated reader and read the info about me, but if you're not then to sum it up, I am a master league protoss player. I play 1v1 2v2 3v3 and 4v4... Mostly 2v2 though - me and my friend are currently the second best double protoss team in the world!! 4 years ago I would've never thought that could happen, but these days it almost seems natural.
Anyway to get to the point. Since the beginning of my time playing SC2 there seem to have been this overall negative view towards protoss. A lot of them are ex-BW players who can't seem to move on and don't understand the deathball mechanics and how protoss works nowadays. Because it is not similar to BW. There have been tons of threads saying the core design of protoss should be re-made.
And all i've heard every single year, patch after patch, nothing changes, people are shouting "Protoss Imba" or "Protoss OP". And I'm getting fucking sick of it.
And here's why... This is not a balance whine blog.. No this is getting kinda annoying because I feel like i'm not being appreciated for the skill that i've acquired over the years i've been playing this game. Every time I win a game I don't get complimented. no GG. no WP. no... Its always "Fuck you protoss piece of shit noob"..."Play a proper race retard"... "LOL protoss so IMBA" etc etc etc etc etc you get the point. And i'm sure you've even said this yourself or you're a protoss player and you share my feelings on this one...
But I understand why the people say what they say. There is a psychological aspect to the Protoss race, and let me enlighten you on this if you didn't already know. There are 3 races in Starcraft. And if you had to look at them objectively: The zerg is a biological race that uses their various "animals" for attacking - this seems primitive right? The terran is basically the human race, just slightly more advanced than we are now, we use machines and human technology, seems alright for space warfare right? But then we have the Protoss. The more advanced civilization of the 3 races. They have teleportation, lasers and have far superior technology compared to the other races right? So what I'm saying is, there is a pyschological aspect to why Protoss seems more IMBA, because if this were real life, yes they would probably stomp every other race hard! But really this game isn't realistic (yeah i know, mind blown!) it is balanced around numbers. And if you die because you are behind and I sniped your third base and all you make is roach ling against my sentry colossus force and you rage quit because you think protoss is imba, THAT is retarded in my opinion. And I'm sitting here thinking YES i fucking did it, my macro and micro and decision making was good. I won the game. And then i get a message saying that the only reason i won the game is because of how OP my race is? Jesus fucking christ...!
It's especially lately, these last couple of months I feel like there's been a "Protoss OP" hype train that everyone seems to jump on. In 2v2 we get it so much because we are double protoss. Either people don't "gg" or people actively say shit against our race. In 1v1 its the same. And If you look at the statistics. What is it, like 5% are master-gm? the rest are people who haven't fully understood this game yet. And when I see polls of what race is most imbalanced, its always protoss and Its always lower league players complaining. And yes, I see if you cant macro or micro and you get colossus in your face and you dont have any anti air or whatever, you die! And when I read twitch chat in tournaments (even people holding up signs) people saying "Protoss OP". But remember that 95% of those people are sub-diamond. Their opinions don't count. But that hype is spreading and that is what sucks. Protoss might be doing well on the very high level lately, but that's not the case everywhere and hasn't been for a while. Most years it has been either terran or zerg doing well in GSL.
So this blog is mostly to get out my own frustration. But also to plead to you to jump OFF the hype train and try to look at the game objectively and see what mistakes you made and put yourself into my shoes as a protoss player. When I play, I'm really trying. My heart is pumping, i'm constantly thinking of what to do and my apm is going strong. Yet you're sitting there thinking Protoss have some auto-bot making every structure and unit for me? LOL.. I'm so done with people like that. I get so mad sometimes. Because I really felt like I played well, but my oponent can never appreciate that. And if you can't handle protoss late game, then I suggest you try something else, like a midgame timing. Otherwise just go ahead and continue your retarded whining. But guess what, you're hurting me with your shit talk, and you're hurting yourself too, because you will never improve with that mindset. You will just write off your loss as Protoss being OP? How retarded are you?.. Blizzard has a team that dedicate their lives to professionally balancing this game. You think you can do a better job? I'm not so sure. Every patch I've seen has had logical changes in my opinion. And I dunno if you noticed it, but there's been more buffs than nerfs to protoss. So if Blizzard don't think Protoss is OP (yes ok, the khaydarian amulet was imba sure but that was 4 years ago) then neither should you. I've said this before in other balance threads, or threads about david kim. But I actually believe DK is a genius. He always seems to be a few steps ahead. He knows the meta game, he knows everything there is to know about this game really. How can you question this guy? I really feel like balance whine is so fucking childish. Whenever i read it, it just makes me think of a kindergarten of screaming kids complaining that they don't get their ice cream. If you lost a game, there's probably very good reason(s) for it. And if you are SO convinced that Protoss is so IMBA then how about you switch race and watch your league drop?
End of rant, hope you enjoyed it..
Can't really say I enjoyed the read because it was a lot of poorly articulated whining that is easily condensed into the below:
I am a master league protoss player me and my friend are currently the second best double protoss team in the world!! I feel like i'm not being appreciated for the skill that i've acquired over the years i've been playing this game. I feel like there's been a "Protoss OP" hype train people don't "gg" or people actively say shit against our race I get so mad sometimes. I really felt like I played well, but my oponent can never appreciate that just go ahead and continue your retarded whining. But guess what, you're hurting me I don't take pleasure in being a dick, but to be completely honest, nobody cares. I'm not saying you're wrong about anything balance wise or the tendencies of other players you mentioned, but what I get from your post is that you think you deserve respect that you are never going to get.
I get that it's a rant, but I don't know what kind of constructive comments you're expecting. Just kind of sounds like you want some other butthurt protoss players (can't really think of a more accurate/pleasant way to say it) to join in and have a circle jerk about how people are meanie pants.
Nothing is going to change. The gaming community has always been like this and, in my opinion, will always be like that people are idiots. Yep... shit sucks.
There are two types of player. Those who can accept their loss was down to something they did wrong/they were outplayed, and those that want to find an excuse for their loss. The latter will never be the best. The former can. Take comfort knowing that the people bitching about your race are just trying to find excuses for being beaten, rather than accepting defeat and working on it.
On April 04 2014 17:47 MagnuMizer wrote: He knows the meta game, he knows everything there is to know about this game really. That's hilarious. I'm sure you weren't saying the same thing in Wings of Liberty during the BL/Infestor era.
Honestly it seems like a bunch of rationalizing bullshit. Sorry that you don't like being called OP. Considering Rain just called my race the "BL/Infestor" race after his race won the last 4 premier tournaments in a row, you don't really get any slack. I'm glad that you feel that being in masters means that you understand the game better than everyone else, so that everyone who is worse than you doesn't even deserve an opinion. It's ridiculous that you even had to write about the "psychological" aspect of Protoss as part of the reason of why it's "perceived" OP. Really?
I thought it was a good read. the problem I think is, well you know... people who get very emotional about a loss and abuse the anonymity of the internet...
Sorry can't agree with you here.
Sure you have some points going for you here, but also you got some things completely wrong (and I'm not even talking about Balance)
For example
But remember that 95% of those people are sub-diamond. Their opinions don't count.
I mean WTF are you talking about?!
First of all: I bet not a single person in this world has figured out this game completely 100%, we're getting close, maybe, but I don't think we're right there yet (or will ever be, if I'm honest)
I hate people who actually care about what league you are in because a higher league means more knowledge of the game. Sure - there are players from lower leagues who did not get the game at all and talk only bullshit but this comes even from master league players.
Think about that: SC2 is a GAME and GAMES are about having fun. I know, it is a very competitive game and I also want to win my games but if I don't have fun while playing the game (winning/losing doesn't matter) I stop playing it. I bet there are tons of people who also have a GOOD opinion which could very well count, even if they are just playing like twice a week and thus are only silver league or whatnot. Some players maybe are just worse than others and even if they know why the should do certain things and how to do it, they still idle anywhere in gold league with thousands of ranked matches.
My problem with Protoss is that I for myself find the race boring to play and (sometimes) frustrating to play against.
I don't even argue balance wise but there are a few things which are just not fun at all if you play against Protoss and you can't do anything about it.
and this: Storms (sorry no good picture)
You just can't attack a big Protoss army with a few units only - and - if you attack with many units at once, thanks to the natural clumping behavior, you have a big blob of units and Protoss has by far the best weapons to deal with big numbers of clumped up units.
I can understand you, really - but - I can also understand the players who get frustrated because their whole army get's obliterated because whoops the one templar did not get EMP'd and still had two storms left or whoops I did not spot that DT shrine and four of them snipe my main base in like 15 seconds what a shame.
I know you mentioned way more points but addressing them all would take me too much time, especially written in English.
And by the way: You can't tell me that you're really taking the Twitch chat serious, if you do so, stop doing that - immediately ^^
OP, dude. Honestly, get off it.
As a reasonably successful casual SC2 player and a Protoss, just ignore the whine. If you can't, soak it in and enjoy the tears. But, don't beg QQ Terrans and Zergs to respect you. They won't anyway, and the begging is pathetic. Savour the good times while they last. The game goes in swings, and Terran and Zerg will rise again while Protoss decline and so on.
If you're so bothered by OP messages in chat and don't want to disable chat, just tell your opponents that you know your race is OP and that you love it. Rub their faces in it and really make them rage. Try to make them smash their keyboards.
And David Kim isn't a genius. He does better than many give him credit for but let's not go overboard.
But, just a little more seriously, stop taking the game and yourself so fucking seriously.
And, finally, get off it.
Protoss is genius, David Kim is genius, i am genius. Everyone's a genius. Except low level players. They don't understand a thing. And high level whiners. They should just make timings. Protoss is not op, because it has only gotten buffs. No way its op then, right? People are jealous of pewpew lasers. Everyone wants them. Terran is boring because they are just like human, zerg is just primitive.
Whiners fuck off, give me my respect, i deserve it, cause i played well. Please gg the next time you lose.
Play some Zerg and Terran, you catch flak as every race. It's not even necessarily that all people think particular races are unbeatable, just that in the moment you can feel so helpless losing a match. It's not always as obvious why you lose a game and it's a human habit to blame the gods when they can't explain shit that happened.
You seem to forget that Terran had it's fair share of hate in the beginning of SC2 and so has Zerg at the end of WoL, if you think this is exclusive to Protoss players you're mistaken.
On November 10 2012 17:47 MagnuMizer wrote: Seriously, fungal should be able to affect your own units, its completely illogical otherwise.. EMP affects your own units, Storm, Siege tank fire, HSM, Forcefields (lol)...
I'm glad at least people finally have realized how imba zerg is ^^ excited to see what they decide to change, nice poll
On April 04 2014 18:29 Gowerly wrote: There are two types of player. Those who can accept their loss was down to something they did wrong/they were outplayed, and those that want to find an excuse for their loss. The latter will never be the best. The former can. Take comfort knowing that the people bitching about your race are just trying to find excuses for being beaten, rather than accepting defeat and working on it. I think you forgot the third type: People dont care (how) to lose and win, they just play for pastime.
And here we have another pseudo-elitist guy, who genuinely thinks only masters and gm players "understand" the game. Dude, it is a videogame not a string theory thesis.
While that attitude alone is pretty shitty already, the cherry on top is "wanting to be worshipped for playing".
Let me give you some quick life-advice: If you want/need to boost your ego or self-esteem with the admiration from others, you look in the worst place possible: - SC2 is a videogame which most people play for fun/entertainment - It has the asymetrical three-race-design - Its played vs. more or less anonymous guys over the internet
The chances that you get recognition for the "work" you put into it, are almost non-existent, because either the people don't care how "good" you are or blame something else (the race, the map, the ping, the weather, w/e).
If admiration is what you seek and still want to play a strategy game, i recommend you try playing chess in a local chess club and try to get your ELO there to 2000+. Other options would be sports (Tennis, Darts, Billard...) or trying to pick up an instrument (beeing good at the guitar is a real pussy magnet, btw). Just imagine: if yor tennis double team would be the 2nd best in the world, guess with how much fanmail you could wipe your ass? Edit: I forgot body-building.. that too gets you attention ('you 'mirin?')
In all seriousness, an even better approach would be to just not give a fuck what people think of you, your favorite videogame or your race you play in it. Just take a step back and remember its just a game and from the impression i got from your text, you are waaayyyyy to deeply involved in it. So much that it makes you sound like a complete tool (see beginning of my post).
TLDR version of that wall of text (parody included):
Aye yo nigga You love to hate me because i'm a rich nigga You're the second worst thing after a snitch nigga I pwn you errday on the ladder you bitch nigga When I rape you I stream it on twitch nigga Me and David Kim are genius nigga Your balance whine is tedious nigga You fucking suck and it's a fact nigga Show me a proper respect nigga
Generally people whine. Most people can ignore them. I think people hear one person saying 'TOSS IMBA' and just assume it's true. I mean I get what you're trying to say (as a Protoss player I cop it too) but it's really not worth getting worked up over it. If you cop a bit of BM after a game who cares you probably won it - and if you get bm during the game they're giving you a few seconds where they aren't macroing so again bonus.
Can't we talk about something else for a change?
ITT the OP has only ever played Protoss and thinks that people don't bitch about every race.
well solution is dont play protoss and get master with terran. HF
I love the low level leagues something.
In Wol i was plat, and i watched ALL tournaments and analyze ALL the games i watched (well some i just enjoyed sure) and i was better at spotting things in replays that some masters of my ex team. (not the case anymore on hots, i'm so noob)
I understood the game because i watched, listen a lot of thing. For exemple. I'm not a biker, but i could recommend a noobie what to pay attention to when the guy want to buy a used bike (motor bike i speak).
You are elitist. If you are sick of balance white, just mute players. I got Roachs OP against a freaking immortal allin that i held 2month ago. Every persons whine about something. Banes, Marines, Protoss. It's just the same thing.
People rage not because they don't get it. They need to vent. I vent. I know that i lost because i had bad macro, late base, poor inject. But i need to vent so i say protoss imba (i don't type it i find this disrepectfull).
If you are sick of this. Play Terran and get masters, or Zerg it's equally hard since it's different mecanics. Or enjoy the rage and switch to random (you will get more rage than protoss).
Anyway have fun and get off your high horses.
On April 04 2014 20:24 reapsen wrote: And here we have another pseudo-elitist guy, who genuinely thinks only masters and gm players "understand" the game. Dude, it is a videogame not a string theory thesis. It's still a very deep game. Of course you might think you undersand it.. People of all levels naturally think they understand the game pretty well and race/time/age/lag or whatever else is holding them back. Noone likes to feel they're ignorant and it's hard to be aware of what you don't know. So in that sense I agree with the OP that everyone tends to voice their opinions like they're valuable whilst only higher league players actually understand the sheer depth of the game and have some impression of how much deeper it goes. You simply can't enjoy this game purely as a spectator and expect to have the same insight as a seasoned Master/GM. It doesn't mean lowbie opinions are irrelevant but they often are, at best, shallow and overly simplistic.
TLADT24920 Posts
Honestly, read your blog and it seemed like a good start. The rant was fine and all but then once you wrote this, I think you hit the wrong spot:
On April 04 2014 17:47 MagnuMizer wrote: But remember that 95% of those people are sub-diamond. Their opinions don't count. do you really believe this? I hope not but ya, thanks for telling me my opinion doesn't count because I didn't have the time to put into the game to get to masters -_-; Best I got was plat in WoL playing some diamond players then I stopped because I wasn't enjoying it. Also, I'm pretty sure there are players who are masters who are less knowledgeable than those who aren't as well. I think you fail to realize that you can still acquire the knowledge without having played a ton of games and that some people are mechanically better players (think age for ex) so making masters is easier for them. Not to mention being able to cram 5-6 hr a day play sessions for others. Maybe I help you rephrase that lol:
But remember that 95% of those people are sub-GM. Their opinions don't count.
See what I did there? Based on this, you have no right to discuss balance
I dislike it when people look down on others. It's one thing to say that the whole OP talk is ridiculous, takes away from the game experience and that people in lower leagues may have less expeience but adding that line doesn't help imo. Also, while I think the hate on DK is a bit much considering balancing is a difficult task and I do think he's doing an ok job(BL/infestors days were ridiculous though, still can't believe he never patched that shit), I wouldn't call him a genius lol. Anyways, that's some constructive criticism for you. Other than these two comments, I agree with everything else.
Reminds me of the kids who got masters by just 6 pooling then claiming to know the entire game lol. Kid you dont know shit, masters is like the black belts of martial arts. All it means is youve gotten the basics under control.