Roses are red
Violets are blue
Oracles are IMBA
But not as OP as you
I needed some minerals
To buy you a token
But I'm trapped on 2 base
Swarm Hosts are broken
I managed to break out
Really desperate to expand
But the zerg switched to mutas
And it forced my hand
I made a stargate
Hoping to just get by
I think of you when I kite mutas
It makes my heart fly
I managed to get 4 base
And 3 colossus too
But the zerg made swarm hosts
I'm only still in this for you
I took the fourth base
And made a warp prism
If you ever left me
My heart would have a giant schism
But the only schism here
Is on the map
Being attacked from 3 sides
"Fuck, this game is a trap"
I warped some zealots
Into the Zerg's main
Hoping for some damage
So he would leave the game
But my attack was futile
Spines covered the ground
It's exactly how I feel
When you are not around
I made some tempests
Needing to kill some spores
Then it came to me
"I can make you s'mores!"
But I wanted to win the game
And bring happiness to me
I was winning the APM battle
4 to 3
2 hours in, I was starting to worry
Will this game ever end?
I was starting to win
My opponent was starting to bend
But then I realized
It was Valentine's Day
I wanted to do something for you
Because I love you this way
I made 50 cannons
Hoping not to die
And took you out to dinner
So I could eat more than Ham on Rye
T'was a magical night
And I spent it with you
And guess what?
I won the SC game too!
I came back late in the night
The game was still on
I was still on 6 base
But the zerg's army was gone
I wonder what happened
But it was all the same
When I read that message
"EG.Stephano has left the game!"