Hello friends, I am harodihg a new member of Liquid DotA community! I have come to spread joy and friendship and stop bullies worldwide. Today I would like to assist everyone by giving them a fast and easy to use rating calculator to determine their chances of winning based on hero picks alone. Below I have used two measurements, Hero Rating and Certainty, to rate each hero in public matchmaking. Below some of my ratings I have listed explanations as to why I gave that hero the rating or certainty. I hope that you find this rating not only fun and interesting but also useful. Enjoy!
I am in no way calling any hero underpowered or overpowered, nor am I making any claims about professional play. This is simply my own opinion based on the types of players that play certain heroes.
Ratings, what are they?
Hero Rating is the scaling of how good a hero is.The rating goes from -10 to 10 with -10 being awful and you hope that it's on the other team whereas 10 is da bes and you hope that this hero is on your team. For reference, 10 is Dendi Pudge and -10 is pgg Enigma.
Certainty is how certain I am in my rating given. It ranges from 0-10 with 0 being me completely uncertain on how good a hero is or there being too wide of a gameplay margin for me to give it one rating, and 10 is that I am 100% certain in my rating.
Hero Ratings by Name
+ Show Spoiler +
Abaddon: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
Although Abaddon isn't very good in laning phase he is almost indestructible and easy makes any carry unstoppable.
Certainty: 6
Sometimes you get brainlessbaddon who shields creeps in teamfights q_q
Alchemist: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 9
Alchemist is extremely annoying and tryhard to pick. It can play any role and does super duper damage at any stage of the game.
Certainty: 10
You'd better hope that he's on your team
Ancient Apparition: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 3
Despite having one of the best teamfight ults in the game it is incredibly hard for pubs to land it on heroes.
Certainty: 4
This certainty is somewhat in the middle because ever so often a good AA will dominate your game.
Anti-Mage: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -6
People who pick Anti-Mage are always boneheads who think that they're amazing but end up with no creeps killed. Also it's your fault that they have no farm, cyka.
Certainty: 8
I didn't give AM a 10 on the off-chance Black^ is in your game.
Axe: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -10
It makes me so angry seeing this hero on my team because every time they just call jungle and sit there farming for 20 minutes just to end up with ONLY a vanguard and by then that hero is already useless. His ultimate is nothing more than a glorified killsteal. Just abandon if someone picks Axe on your team.
Certainty: 10
Fuck Axe.
Bane: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -4
They always cast their ult on creeps and nightmare the guy you're trying to kill. Useful.
Certainty: 6
Every once in a while a bane comes along that actually grips enemy carries.
Batrider: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -4
Despite Batrider having very easy time laning they always want to jungle but have no idea how and leave the jungle at 20 minutes with tranquil boots and a bottle with no blink anywhere even remotely close.
Certainty: 5
Beastmaster: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 7
Most of the time you have a good player who roars carries, uses hawk to scout, and doesn't feed in whatever lane he takes. I think that this is because foreigners and noobs are scared of the sexy manlyness that is Beastmaster.
Certainty: 8
Bloodseeker: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 2
Even if the player sucks his passive is still really useful for you slaying the enemies.
Certainty: 0
I just don't even know what this is....
Bounty Hunter: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 7
Invisible? ☑
Nukes? ☑
Ultimate that gives your team a ridiculous amount of gold? ☑
Certainty: 10
Even if a feedlord takes the hero track is still ownage.
Brewmaster: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -3
This hero requires micro. Noobs can't micro.
Certainty: 4
Bristleback: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 6
Bristle is incredibly hard to feed on so it's safe to have on your team most of the time.
Certainty: 8
Broodmother: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
Top 3 stupidest heroes in DotA and chances are that if someone picked it they practice it in their basement 18 hours a day and are ready to make their opponents life's miserable.
Certainty: 9
Centaur: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 5
It's really hard to screw up pressing R.
Certainty: 5
Sometimes people screw up pressing R.
Chaos Knight: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -1
Has no mana. Has no manners. Will pick this hero after you already have 4 carries.
Certainty: 0
I've been wrong before.
Chen: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -9
Nobody can micro in pubs and his creeps just end up being walking midas uses after 10 minutes.
Certainty: 9
Clinkz: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 0
Why did you pick clinkz we already have a carry, a mid, an offlaner, and a jungler?
Certainty: 4
Clockwerk: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 6
This is the one skillshot hero that everyone seems to be at least decent with.
Certainty: 2
This may be giving pubs too much credit however.
Crystal Maiden: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 0
Ultimate early game ganker, or useless feed machine? You decide
Certainty: 5
My kawaii love goes out to you CM v_v
Dark Seer: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 7
Even if they suck they screw up the enemy carry's farm and clicking wall isn't that hard.
Certainty: 6
Clicking wall someplace useful is, however.
Dazzle: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -2
Too many spells, noobs can't handle it.
Certainty: 6
Death Prophet: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
So much easy to play ~_~
Certainty: 9
Disruptor: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 7
This hero tends to attract decent players who make duh beeeg playyysss
Certainty: 7
Doom: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 6
Certainly: 8
Dragon Knight: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 9
Incredibly gosu with big stun, big nuke, and big dragon mode ^_^
Certainty: 9
Drow Ranger: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 1
Lean mean feed machine! But good lord the damage she can do when she hits 6 is insane.
Certainty: 5
Earth Spirit: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 10
Fuck anyone that picks this broken piece of shit
Certainty: 10
Go fuck yourself
Earthshaker: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 5
Easy antipush and grandslam playmaker
Certainty: 6
Elder Titan: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 7
Even when he never hits a single ult his spirit just does SO MUCH DAMAGE
Certainty: 8
Sometimes he hits his ult and boy oh boy is that great!!
Ember Spirit: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 0
I'm just not sure...
Certainty: 0
Enchantress: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 4
Sometimes people ham out on this hero, and other times it's still a nice distraction to have on your team being almost unkillable with untouchable.
Certainty: 5
Enigma: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -5
If pgg couldn't own, what chance do pubs have?
Certainty: 6
Faceless Void: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -6
Can people stop making battlefury on this hero, seriously.....
Certainty: 9
Hey nice job chronoing our entire team in that jakiro ult!!!
Gyrocopter: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 3
He just does so much damage even in the hands of imbeciles he's useful
Certainty: 7
Huskar: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -8
Understand English? ✘
Comprehend DotA? ✘
Ability to feed first, last, and every blood inbetween? ✔
Certainty: 10
Invoker: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -7
They always click invoke with only 2 orbs out and expect something...
![[image loading]](
Certainty: 8
Warlock: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -5
Always makes a fucking midas and takes your farm
Certainty: 9
Io: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -5
This hero shouldn't even be in matchmaking, nobody has any clue how to play it.
Certainty: 7
Jakiro: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 9
Something about this hero attracts players that can land spells
Certainty: 7
Juggernaut: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
The hero practically spins I mean plays itself
Certainty: 9
Keeper of the Light: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -9
Can you fucking stop blasting my creeps every wave?
Certainty: 10
ot svolach, blyat
Kunkka: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -6
Misread ability, boat now stuck in anus, please call for help
Certainty: 7
why god, why?
Legion Commander: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -9
Please stop picking this shit and jungling......
Certainty: 10
I die a little bit more on the inside every time...
Leshrac: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -7
Too squishy, too skillshotty, too useless
Certainty: 5
Lich: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 9
It's just a game winning hero, even if the player sucks.
Certainty: 8
Lifestealer: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -3
Not every team needs a fucking jungler you goddamn LoL players
Certainty: 7
Lina: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
Pubs always own on this hero, it's miraculous
Certainty: 8
Dem titties nice too
Lion: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
Same thing as Lina except not as nice of titties.
Certainty: 8
Go figure.
Lone Druid: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -5
They feed first blood more often than they skill bear at level 1
Certainty: what kind of hell is this?
Luna: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 0
Can go either way
Certainty: 6
Lycan: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 9
Runs at towers and doesn't afraid of anything
Certainty: 10
Magnus: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 2
Some people make RP look harder to hit and hook and arrow combined
Certainty: 7
Medusa: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -8
I don't even know where to begin so I'll just spam a few emoticons.

Certainty: 9
Meepo: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -10
Fucking little cretins
Certainty: 0
This heroes so polarizing.... either the players the best shit ever or they're just off the boat from Malaysia and eager to ruin your DotA games.
Mirana: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -8
You can't land arrows and you don't skill your ultimate at level 6, why are you on my team?
Certainty: 5
Morphling: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -8
They're always either at max agi and feeding, or at max str and still finding a way to feed, what the fuck, man?
Certainty: 9
Naga: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -9
Why the fuck did you turn your ult on right as Engima black holed all 5 of the other team? Explain your goddamn actions you ape
Certainty: 7
Natures Prophet: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -10
I don't think I need to explain.
Certainty: 10
Necrophos: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 7
Surprisingly ownage
Certainty: 7
Night Stalker: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
It runs around and kills shit. It's pretty difficult to screw up.
Certainty: 8
Nyx Assassin: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
It runs around and kills shit. It's pretty difficult to screw up.
Certainty: 8
Ogre Magi: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 2
Luckgod if he's on the other team, and feedlord when he's on yours
Certainty: 4
Omniknight: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -9
60% of the time, he repels enemy carries every time
Certainty: 8
Outworld Devourer: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 10
You've got no self-esteem if you pick this hero and I wish you the best in counselling
Certainty: 10
Phantom Assassin: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 3
Critlord on the enemy team, Support-In-Disguise on yours
Certainty: 7
Phantom Lancer: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 10
Sometimes I pick this hero just so nobody else can and then repick into something else after everyone else has picked just so I can maintain some selfworth.
Certainty: 10
Puck: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -4
Way too difficult for pub players
Certainty: 5
Pudge: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -10
Certainty: 10
Pugna: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -5
He'll decrep you so he can last hit, mark my words, trust no one!
Certainty: 9
Queen of Pain: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 6
This one was pretty tough, but I'll give it a decent score just because of how easy it is
Certainty: 3
Razor: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 5
Dunno sometimes it's decent
Certainty: 2
Riki: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -5
But we already had 4 carries and they have a bounty hunter
Certainty: 6
Rubick: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -5
You only make that hero look bad now stop picking it
Certainty: 8
Sand King: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -8
No more of this hero, please
Certainty: 7
Shadow Demon: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -7
Stop disrupting the person we've almost killed and start using it when I get stunned
Certainty: 8
Shadow Fiend: + Show Spoiler +
Rating -10
You suck: a beginner's a guide to making everyone else around you as miserable as you are!
Certainty: 10
Shadow Shaman: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 0
Suffers from the same shit CM does.
Certainty: 5
Silencer: + Show Spoiler +
Rating -9
How the fuck does rubick steal your ultimate you little shit?
Certainty: 10
Skywrath Mage: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 4
Decent I guess
Certainty: 2
Slardar: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -8
Somehow it's always feeding
Certainty: 7
Slark: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 9
You should feel dirty for picking this shit
Certainty: 9
Sniper: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -9
Please no more of this shit lmao...
Certainty: -9
Spectre:+ Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
Certainty: 8
Spirit Breaker: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
It just wins games
Certainty: 9
Storm Spirit: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -5
You're not ownage stop playing mid please
Certainty: 6
Sven: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 4
Decent at best
Certainty: 3
Templar Assassin: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 7
It just does so much damage how can't someone own with it?
Certainty: 8
Tidehunter: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
Certainty: 8
Timbersaw: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 10
Please nerf >

Certainty: 10
Tinker: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -7
Wait why do you have arcane boots?
Certainty: 8
Tiny: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -8
max craggy first huehuehue
Certainty: 7
Treant: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -4
"Tree armor please"
*clicks on self*
Certainty: 7
Troll: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -5
Just another popular pick to round off the 5 carry team
Certainty: 8
Tusk: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -7
Please Tusk, stop snowballing me into the enemy team for fucks sake...
Certainty: 10
Undying: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
Zombie house has no counters
Certainty: 5
Ursa: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 4
haha let's level 1 rosh lulz sew gewd~
Certainty: 6
Vengeful Spirit: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 5
Good support and normally played by halfway decent human beings
Certainty: 6
Venomancer: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
Lean mean gank machine with a game winning ultimate
Certainty: 10
Viper: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 10
Shame on you for picking this hero.
Certainty: 10
Visage: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -4
Always feeds their birds and never nukes...welp
Certainty: 7
Warlock: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -5
Always makes a fucking midas and takes your farm
Certainty: 9
Weaver: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 6
Hard to kill and farms well normally
Certainty: 4
Windranger: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 6
Normally played by pretty good players
Certainty: 8
Witch Doctor: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -3
Always foreign and feeding
Certainty: 9
Wraith King: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -9
Absolutely useless, why would you pick this hero?
Certainty: 9
Zeus: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 6
Decent and has a good teamfight ult that's easy to use
Certainty: 8
Hero Ratings by Rating
+ Show Spoiler +
Earth Spirit: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 10
Fuck anyone that picks this broken piece of shit
Certainty: 10
Go fuck yourself
Outworld Devourer: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 10
You've got no self-esteem if you pick this hero and I wish you the best in counselling
Certainty: 10
Phantom Lancer: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 10
Sometimes I pick this hero just so nobody else can and then repick into something else after everyone else has picked just so I can maintain some selfworth.
Certainty: 10
Viper: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 10
Shame on you for picking this hero.
Certainty: 10
Timbersaw: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 10
Please nerf >

Certainty: 10
Jakiro: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 9
Something about this hero attracts players that can land spells
Certainty: 7
Slark: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 9
You should feel dirty for picking this shit
Certainty: 9
Lich: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 9
It's just a game winning hero, even if the player sucks.
Certainty: 8
Dragon Knight: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 9
Incredibly gosu with big stun, big nuke, and big dragon mode ^_^
Certainty: 9
Alchemist: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 9
Alchemist is extremely annoying and tryhard to pick. It can play any role and does super duper damage at any stage of the game.
Certainty: 10
You'd better hope that he's on your team
Lycan: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 9
Runs at towers and doesn't afraid of anything
Certainty: 10
Death Prophet: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
So much easy to play ~_~
Certainty: 9
Venomancer: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
Lean mean gank machine with a game winning ultimate
Certainty: 10
Spectre:+ Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
Certainty: 8
Lina: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
Pubs always own on this hero, it's miraculous
Certainty: 8
Dem titties nice too
Lion: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
Same thing as Lina except not as nice of titties.
Certainty: 8
Go figure.
Tidehunter: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
Certainty: 8
Spirit Breaker: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
It just wins games
Certainty: 9
Undying: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
Zombie house has no counters
Certainty: 5
Abaddon: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
Although Abaddon isn't very good in laning phase he is almost indestructible and easy makes any carry unstoppable.
Certainty: 4
Sometimes you get brainlessbaddon who shields creeps in teamfights q_q
Broodmother: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
Top 3 stupidest heroes in DotA and chances are that if someone picked it they practice it in their basement 18 hours a day and are ready to make their opponents life's miserable.
Certainty: 9
Juggernaut: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
The hero practically spins I mean plays itself
Certainty: 9
Night Stalker: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
It runs around and kills shit. It's pretty difficult to screw up.
Certainty: 8
Nyx Assassin: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 8
It runs around and kills shit. It's pretty difficult to screw up.
Certainty: 8
Beastmaster: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 7
Most of the time you have a good player who roars carries, uses hawk to scout, and doesn't feed in whatever lane he takes. I think that this is because foreigners and noobs are scared of the sexy manlyness that is Beastmaster.
Certainty: 8
Templar Assassin: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 7
It just does so much damage how can't someone own with it?
Certainty: 8
Dark Seer: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 7
Even if they suck they screw up the enemy carry's farm and clicking wall isn't that hard.
Certainty: 6
Clicking wall someplace useful is, however.
Necrophos: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 7
Surprisingly ownage
Certainty: 7
Elder Titan: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 7
Even when he never hits a single ult his spirit just does SO MUCH DAMAGE
Certainty: 8
Sometimes he hits his ult and boy oh boy is that great!!
Disruptor: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 7
This hero tends to attract decent players who make duh beeeg playyysss
Certainty: 7
Bounty Hunter: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 7
Invisible? ☑
Nukes? ☑
Ultimate that gives your team a ridiculous amount of gold? ☑
Certainty: 10
Even if a feedlord takes the hero track is still ownage.
Bristleback: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 6
Bristle is incredibly hard to feed on so it's safe to have on your team most of the time.
Certainty: 8
Clockwerk: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 6
This is the one skillshot hero that everyone seems to be at least decent with.
Certainty: 2
This may be giving pubs too much credit however.
Queen of Pain: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 6
This one was pretty tough, but I'll give it a decent score just because of how easy it is
Certainty: 3
Doom: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 6
Certainly: 8
Windranger: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 6
Normally played by pretty good players
Certainty: 8
Zeus: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 6
Decent and has a good teamfight ult that's easy to use
Certainty: 8
Razor: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 5
Dunno sometimes it's decent
Certainty: 2
Vengeful Spirit: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 5
Good support and normally played by halfway decent human beings
Certainty: 6
Centaur: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 5
It's really hard to screw up pressing R.
Certainty: 5
Sometimes people screw up pressing R.
Earthshaker: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 5
Easy antipush and grandslam playmaker
Certainty: 6
Ursa: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 4
haha let's level 1 rosh lulz sew gewd~
Certainty: 6
Enchantress: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 4
Sometimes people ham out on this hero, and other times it's still a nice distraction to have on your team being almost unkillable with untouchable.
Certainty: 5
Sven: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 4
Decent at best
Certainty: 3
Weaver: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 6
Hard to kill and farms well normally
Certainty: 4
Skywrath Mage: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 4
Decent I guess
Certainty: 2
Ancient Apparition: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 3
Despite having one of the best teamfight ults in the game it is incredibly hard for pubs to land it on heroes.
Certainty: 4
This certainty is somewhat in the middle because ever so often a good AA will dominate your game.
Gyrocopter: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 3
He just does so much damage even in the hands of imbeciles he's useful
Certainty: 7
Phantom Assassin: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 3
Critlord on the enemy team, Support-In-Disguise on yours
Certainty: 7
Ogre Magi: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 2
Luckgod if he's on the other team, and feedlord when he's on yours
Certainty: 4
Bloodseeker: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 2
Even if the player sucks his passive is still really useful for you slaying the enemies.
Certainty: 0
I just don't even know what this is....
Magnus: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 2
Some people make RP look harder to hit and hook and arrow combined
Certainty: 7
Drow Ranger: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 1
Lean mean feed machine! But good lord the damage she can do when she hits 6 is insane.
Certainty: 5
Clinkz: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 0
Why did you pick clinkz we already have a carry, a mid, an offlaner, and a jungler?
Certainty: 4
Ember Spirit: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 0
I'm just not sure...
Certainty: 0
Crystal Maiden: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 0
Ultimate early game ganker, or useless feed machine? You decide
Certainty: 5
My kawaii love goes out to you CM v_v
Shadow Shaman: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 0
Suffers from the same shit CM does.
Certainty: 5
Luna: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: 0
Can go either way
Certainty: 6
Chaos Knight: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -1
Has no mana. Has no manners. Will pick this hero after you already have 4 carries.
Certainty: 0
I've been wrong before.
Dazzle: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -2
Too many spells, noobs can't handle it.
Certainty: 6
Brewmaster: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -3
This hero requires micro. Noobs can't micro.
Certainty: 4
Witch Doctor: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -3
Always foreign and feeding
Certainty: 9
Lifestealer: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -3
Not every team needs a fucking jungler you goddamn LoL players
Certainty: 7
Visage: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -4
Always feeds their birds and never nukes...welp
Certainty: 7
Treant: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -4
"Tree armor please"
*clicks on self*
Certainty: 7
Puck: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -4
Way too difficult for pub players
Certainty: 5
Batrider: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -4
Despite Batrider having very easy time laning they always want to jungle but have no idea how and leave the jungle at 20 minutes with tranquil boots and a bottle with no blink anywhere even remotely close.
Certainty: 5
Bane: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -4
They always cast their ult on creeps and nightmare the guy you're trying to kill. Useful.
Certainty: 6
Every once in a while a bane comes along that actually grips enemy carries.
Troll: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -5
Just another popular pick to round off the 5 carry team
Certainty: 8
Pugna: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -5
He'll decrep you so he can last hit, mark my words, trust no one!
Certainty: 9
Storm Spirit: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -5
You're not ownage stop playing mid please
Certainty: 6
Rubick: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -5
You only make that hero look bad now stop picking it
Certainty: 8
Riki: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -5
But we already had 4 carries and they have a bounty hunter
Certainty: 6
Enigma: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -5
If pgg couldn't own, what chance do pubs have?
Certainty: 6
Io: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -5
This hero shouldn't even be in matchmaking, nobody has any clue how to play it.
Certainty: 7
Lone Druid: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -5
They feed first blood more often than they skill bear at level 1
Certainty: what kind of hell is this?
Kunkka: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -6
Misread ability, boat now stuck in anus, please call for help
Certainty: 7
why god, why?
Faceless Void: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -6
Can people stop making battlefury on this hero, seriously.....
Certainty: 9
Hey nice job chronoing our entire team in that jakiro ult!!!
Tusk: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -7
Please Tusk, stop snowballing me into the enemy team for fucks sake...
Certainty: 10
Tinker: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -7
Wait why do you have arcane boots?
Certainty: 8
Anti-Mage: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -7
People who pick Anti-Mage are always boneheads who think that they're amazing but end up with no creeps killed. Also it's your fault that they have no farm, cyka.
Certainty: 8
I didn't give AM a 10 on the off-chance Black^ is in your game.
Shadow Demon: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -7
Stop disrupting the person we've almost killed and start using it when I get stunned
Certainty: 8
Invoker: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -7
They always click invoke with only 2 orbs out and expect something...
![[image loading]](
Leshrac: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -7
Too squishy, too skillshotty, too useless
Certainty: 5
Certainty: 8
Slardar: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -8
Somehow it's always feeding
Certainty: 7
Tiny: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -8
max craggy first huehuehue
Certainty: 7
Morphling: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -8
They're always either at max agi and feeding, or at max str and still finding a way to feed, what the fuck, man?
Certainty: 9
Sand King: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -8
No more of this hero, please
Certainty: 7
Mirana: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -8
You can't land arrows and you don't skill your ultimate at level 6, why are you on my team?
Certainty: 5
Huskar: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -8
Understand English? ✘
Comprehend DotA? ✘
Ability to feed first, last, and every blood inbetween? ✔
Certainty: 10
Medusa: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -8
I don't even know where to begin so I'll just spam a few emoticons.

Certainty: 9
Sniper: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -9
Please no more of this shit lmao...
Certainty: -9
Wraith King: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -9
Absolutely useless, why would you pick this hero?
Certainty: 9
Naga: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -9
Why the fuck did you turn your ult on right as Engima black holed all 5 of the other team? Explain your goddamn actions you ape
Certainty: 7
Chen: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -9
Nobody can micro in pubs and his creeps just end up being walking midas uses after 10 minutes.
Certainty: 9
Omniknight: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -9
60% of the time, he repels enemy carries every time
Certainty: 8
Legion Commander: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -9
Please stop picking this shit and jungling......
Certainty: 10
I die a little bit more on the inside every time...
Keeper of the Light: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -9
Can you fucking stop blasting my creeps every wave?
Certainty: 10
ot svolach, blyat
Silencer: + Show Spoiler +
Rating -9
How the fuck does rubick steal your ultimate you little shit?
Certainty: 10
Shadow Fiend: + Show Spoiler +
Rating -10
You suck: a beginner's a guide to making everyone else around you as miserable as you are!
Certainty: 10
Meepo: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -10
Fucking little cretins
Certainty: 0
This heroes so polarizing.... either the players the best shit ever or they're just off the boat from Malaysia and eager to ruin your DotA games.
Natures Prophet: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -10
I don't think I need to explain.
Certainty: 10
Pudge: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -10
Certainty: 10
Axe: + Show Spoiler +
Rating: -10
It makes me so angry seeing this hero on my team because every time they just call jungle and sit there farming for 20 minutes just to end up with ONLY a vanguard and by then that hero is already useless. His ultimate is nothing more than a glorified killsteal. Just abandon if someone picks Axe on your team.
Certainty: 10
Fuck Axe.
I think that's all of them, if you spot any mistakes let me know and I'll correct them
I hope you hated reading this as much as I hate playing DotA
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I may or may not be asian and not have english as my first language...