The training level follows. Scroll down to /start here/ to begin the true dark slowls
! Arrr, I do be a Pyrate. - - -
Why-Rat of the Seven She's
My cherry pie she bleeds, she became the onion'upside-down platoon and so forth..
But it was all only a dream.
And so it was that I was coerced, by my very anchor,
to withdraw my sneeze,
And to reache for my fanny-pouch discomfit
Turns out that it was nearly christmas,, partridge hanging from a dingleberry. and so forth - xD
Would you care for (the letter A) Frosty Beaver-Ridge? (the question mark was emphasized)
Well of course it was emphasized. Probably crohn's-aticized while he was at it...
Have you heard about the Cronuts? They do be a crossover from donuts and croissants. Ideal for Crohn`s parteez, guaranteed to hilare. Honestly worthy of a bonus round. Hell, what IFE I TOLD YOU you are in a bonus round rite nowe? O : . . . . . . . my apollo-G's, they do be excessive in this regard, `_
(start here I guess lol..)
Man when I first heard about Starcraft: Brood War.:::....
I was a kid you know, A koole kyd, but still.
Giyom was on the tele-vee, the local news2 wanted to seem hip with the young crowd or something1
(cynicism prevails1)
(2and we do be in Quebec matey, so you understand) WHHhhoosh ! ! !
I couldn't get over it man. The APM. I didn't know what APM was. But I could see the screen flashing from place to place like crazy. There were dragoons everywhere. The ground was covered in drag-goo.
I had to play and become good. I had played before,, but only games against the computer. Inventing stories about my dude and delving into the drama-filled universe of Hydralisk life, love, death, etc... (with all my harte and sole survivor, just for the porpoise of your informative turtle recall. Haha, life is pretty cool sometimes)
First though, I knew I'd have to completely master the fine art of ZUMA, I figured the sexy reflexes I'd glean from doing so would be well worth the large risk of seizures (to be induced by a friendly aztec Frohg on LSD shooting multiverses at each other, then harvesting the souls of the dead infant inhabitants of the various whirlds., and so forth.. x )
Its ZUMA! And the crow-de goes oscar wylde ! "Zuma! Please suck down the soul of my firstebourne!" a plump young physics graduate mother was quoted as spraying (everywhere)
Aye sue'N gave up on le Zuma. Le zuma was no royale with the cheeze, and I knew that tyme it did be flyin' - ! Skills HAD TO BE harvested !through the use of free time(), and I was swimming in that goop. Had my mother been a cat,
(and I dance dance dance and I,,,) kitty cat btw )(
..she would have had Free-Tyme placenta leftovers to choke down till under the my kingDome ice came. (After all, I do be an ice fairy,,) (meow)
Fuck, where was I
Anyhoo, Lounge story short , I played dat game a shitload, and it compleated mea. It became my person. I loved clickin and typitty super rapide and attack moving with gad-damn eunuchs.
I played on the internet with my buddies from the Teen'sliquiddot knet, of good times, there were partout. all over that place and spewing joyprotoplasm unbiasedly, loved dat good tymes man,
+ Show Spoiler +
Cronuts by the way, delicious colonoscopy compainions.
Well that old time flow it did stain me, from head to shoulders'_'
My values they were fluctuating, Like a pokemon in the process of ecstasy-volving
Living with others Peru'v-d , to be no mean feat. I smirking "B" was mashed repeatedly.
The stench of insecurity never set out on a journey from my soldspice, to anywhere else, never
ever, And old man-drink rang his conical Bell Canada
And there stands the non-issue of the magazine of lie-f
TO BE racoon-tenued
please calmint, its all a joke really xD Everybody say "Fuck Satan" ! 1
1aka please comment, if you dig and its coole for you : )