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Bookmarks added (now you don't have to check TL to see which streams are up)
- bookmarks are stored in cookies
- type in the exact channel name
- checks the status of the stream every minute
Get and share layout URL
Stream is now draggable instead of only handle
Channel database has now grown to 220k channels. I wasn't expecting there to be so many twitch channels. Current rate of new channels is more than 200 per half hour. I thought I would have retrieved most of the channels within 2 weeks but it does seem like the new channels just keep sprouting.
As a reminder, typing anywhere focuses the textbox. This allows you to cover the search and input box and have no worries.
URLs can be accessed in two ways: or,0,512,810,1,0&snipealot2=464,303,512,810,31,1
Happy watching!