Anyways, I plan on talking about drama. Drama can go between anything. It can affect your real life, it can affect your friends, whether it’s online, school, work, and all this other shenanigans. But I’ve noticed a pattern when it comes to drama. I’ve always noticed, but this could just be for me, that there’s always one month out of the entire year that is just explodes. It just takes over your life and you become a wreck, and you’re not focusing on things you need to focus on. In my case, if I were to have a giant shitstorm of drama, it would affect how I act, how I feel, and all these other shenanigans.
There’s a very easy way to get over it. There’s always a way to break that cycle of drama, because it’s supposed to come, and it will always come. Whether you can see it or you can’t see it, but I’ll tell you that the solution, the best answer for me, dealing with some stupid shit, is being straightforward, and being honest, and know that regardless of how old or young you are, that drama can affect a large range of people. Drama comes regardless of the age. It’s one of those set things that is always there, but you never expect it. The best way I can explain it is by telling a little story, without mentioning names, and I’ll tell you what the outcome of doing the right thing is right away, and the concept of waiting and letting it all pass through.
And I guess for some cases, it’s tolerable, and you can do it and get away with it, but in my opinion that’s the worst approach. Because it just sucks. You just wait for this magical, invisible person or being or magical monster to take the drama away so you can continue with your life, but the reality is that if you want to finish with drama, if you want to squash it, be honest. Be straightforward. I know it’s easy to lie. Anybody can lie. Look guys, I’m a purple hippopotamus. There, another lie. That was easy to say, and when you lie, you feel very guiltless. I don’t know if the fact that I said I was a purple hippopotamus would come back and get me. Who knows, but hopefully not, but the reality behind this is that you’re being straightforward and honest. It just seems to alleviate a lot of things.
You’re allowed to see people for who they truly are, you can see people that actually care about you, or the subject at matter. And here comes a little story for example. So, my friend and I were having a, I guess, misinterpretation of what was going on, and we almost lost touch, to the point whereas we wouldn’t even talk to each other anymore ever again if this continued. Because I lost a lot of friends to drama, and that’s the worst part. Like, if you don’t know how to deal with it, if you don’t know how to approach it correctly, the damage could be devastating. It could be that you might have a fallout with your family members, or even a friend in my case.
What happened was that we played the waiting game. And what this did was that it kind of built up what was almost like anger and hatred towards each other, and that’s the worst. So at one point, I got tired. I’m like “all right, this is bullshit, let’s talk.” And what the end result is that what we were really mad about, or upset about was really fucking stupid. And that’s usually what happens. Either a miscommunication of something, and majority of the time, it’s usually something like that. You don’t communicate. Or there could be other things that get involved, like you do something wrong without knowing, but usually everything comes down to communication.
You have to take your time too. It sucks because you have to grow some balls, regardless if you’re a female, or an “it”. If you’re a fucking dog and you’re watching, a female dog, you’ll grow balls. But you have to grow the balls and take a stand. If this matters so much to you, and it’s really bothering you constantly, and it’s eating you up constantly and not letting you work, or do your every-day things properly, maybe it’s time for you to stand up and talk to this person.
Whoever it is, if it’s your family member or whatever. Usually, you can squash shit more easily. And when I did this with my friend, it was really dumb. We were arguing over really, really dumb shit. In the end, I felt really stupid about it, like “this is really dumb. Why are we fighting about it? Why would we put our friendship on the line over something as small as this?” and that’s the best advice I can give you guys when it comes to this.
I guess another example was one that was very successfully done, for me at least, and it was recently. And there was a lot of people saying stuff about one of my friends, and this really bugged me because I really care about this person a lot. And I was like “what the fuck? How would this be true?” and everything you’ve shown me in the past few days, or weeks, or months was different. And I said to myself “you know what, I’m gonna stop this shit right away. Stop it and be done with it.” And in that instance, right away, we talked about it and it was literally drama for a day. It didn’t drag on. It was done and over.
And that’s the best advice I can give you when it comes to anything. If this is going on in school, at work, anything, talking it out will be the first best option. If this doesn’t work, this person’s being and asshole and you shouldn’t want to be part of their life. You don’t want somebody that can’t communicate, not make themselves be heard and understand it. That’s my two pieces of advice. Talk it out, and if not, just let it go. Legitly let it go. Usually after the first time, everything will settle down.
Make sure that before you go into the conversation, you know what you’re going to talk about. You want to know how you want to express yourself, and all that other shenanigans. And everything else should be smooth sailing, at least from what I have learned.
But to everybody listening, thank you so much. I think I’ll do this a little more often, because there are a lot of topics you guys want to talk about, and you guys need to be addressed. And if I have some understanding, or some actual knowledge on it, I’ll definitely talk about it. Anyways, thank you guys so much guys. You’ve all been awesome. Make sure that if you have any problems, talk it out. Chances are, you can just squash that shit really quick.
Take care. See ya guys later. Bye