Later on that Summer after the game came out my cousin had it and he let me play it a bit. I thought it was a pretty fun game but again it was just a game. I was really into shooters and I was in a clan in MW2 (Shame on me I know right?). But my dad bought me SC2 to play with him and my brother later on that Christmas, I just remember having a blast with him and my brother, going over our replays and just laughing at each other turtled as Terran and I myself played Protoss because my buddy Mickial helped me learn the game. I laddered here and there and was actually one of those people that build 2 Gateways and ran 3 zealots into peoples bases. It was so funny and actually my first season of being ranked I was in Platinum. I didn't play after I was ranked because to be honest I was scared and didn't have that great of a computer so I just didn't really play. So I played a lot of 2v2s with Mickial and learned the game and soon did 3v3s with him and one of his friends. So Mickial and I were Protoss and he was Zerg! We did early Nydus attacks and DT rushes. It was a BLAST. Shortly after that I started getting into the Pro Scene.
One of the first matches I remember was FnaticALive vs Squirtle. I thought it was so cool! Watching just how the game was really played and that people played this game in tournaments and winning money for these tournaments! Later on. I played 2v2s with our 3v3s Zerg buddy, and we both thought Terran was OP (lets be honest. Everybody in Bronze thought Marines were just stupidly good.) So we both play Terran and just rushed Marines! I kind of knew how to play Terran just because of watching my brother and my Dad play Terran, and also Mickial played Terran here and there because that was the first race he played. But actually after those 2v2s.
I just kept playing Terran. I thought it was so fun. Playing with Marines, Stim, Medivacs. I mean in Bronze that's all you needed! I mean of course you needed Battlecruisers and tanks ofc . But I just kept playing. And started laddering myself and playing 1v1s and just learning the game. The whole game was just great. I played Protoss here and there but I just kept playing Terran. Anyway! That's the whole story of why I play Terran! After learning a lot from pros and climbing the leagues in ladder! Today I've been Diamond 3 times and I'm just disappointed with the whole MMR system. I've been dying to All ins on ladder and just not learning the way I want to be learning. I have Teammates in Alchemy Gaming. But some of them practice. Some just BM. But a future in Esports. That's something I have my goals set on. That's my Goal.
EDIT: Sorry about the poor English! I just write sometimes and not think about all of the English rules and stuff. Sorry thanks for the feed back