First of all, people may or may not know me, but I wrote a series of 3 articles during the beta that I named "The Manifesto of Game Design" as well as the very controversial topic "The Warhound: Did We Make a Mistake?" I've also helped out people regularly in the Protoss Help Me Thread. All of these things were for the community and I've had a lot of fun writing them and seeing the responses people have had to them. It's made me want to write more, to put out more of my thoughts and get feedback from the community. Here is a list of my notable posts:
Manifesto of Game Design: Individual Freedom
Manifesto of Game Design: Skill
Manifesto of Game Design: Positional Balance
The Warhound: Did We Make a Mistake?
Widow Mines, Tanks, and Space Control
Generally outdated but fairly decent guide:
TvZ: A 4-Rax Biomech
Very recent Build Order Archive:
Build Order Project: 2013 SPL Playoffs
I've taken a lot from writing these articles and guides and grown immensely from each one. While many of them were written when I was less informed and perhaps even wrong at the time, I think they were well done and I'm quite proud of them

Moving into the future, I've been starting to look at writing more articles like these as well as working to write more strategy guides to benefit players.
So, in the end, this is an announcement: Recently I got in touch with TL Strategy and pitched a guide to them, which they accepted with open arms. I'll be spending this week writing it and getting together some screenshots, etc., and after another week of editing and beautifying it, it should be out to the public as another high quality TL strategy guide. I hope you all look forward to it! (hint: it's a PvP guide)
If you read this, thanks for reading! I hope I can produce increasingly high-quality work for the community moving forward to help out as many people as possible!