my explanation of OP's "fuck boner" (lol) is that its the alcohol. Fuck sometimes comes out when inhibitions are suspended for one and it also portrays a sense of surrender to deep and human emotions."duude i fuckin love you.. like fuckin LOVE, i mean it dude... fuck! can't you see..fuck man.. i do.
So drunk outta my fucking mind - Page 2
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Canada301 Posts
my explanation of OP's "fuck boner" (lol) is that its the alcohol. Fuck sometimes comes out when inhibitions are suspended for one and it also portrays a sense of surrender to deep and human emotions."duude i fuckin love you.. like fuckin LOVE, i mean it dude... fuck! can't you see..fuck man.. i do. | ||
United States1176 Posts
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United States262 Posts
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Canada1109 Posts
Here we go again. I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty FUCKED right now. Something that strikes me hard right now, is the realization that alcohol does not make me a fiend. What I mean by this is that it does not make me less motivated, does not produce enough euphoria, does not act like opiates that makes me simply forget about all my worries and lose all my motivation and produce that aura of ABOSTLUTE and UTTER blanket of warmth and invincibility that just reduces me into a wreck of human being fueled by fake endorphins. It makes me think. Hard. Harder than any other substance known to me, and my repertoire is pretty impressive to say the least. It's not the fucking out of the world revelations of trips meeting with gods realization of the meaning of life bullshit etc etc that comes with certain hallucinagens, but rather quite simply DEEPPPPP introspection into my very soul. It all comes down to the question, "how should I live my life to the fullest?" Certain things come to mind. From experience reports on (a MASSIVE website for bith orbjective and subjectivsve informations and drugs), I know for almost certainty, for fact that hoerin is the most intense feeling of euphoria, of pure utter fucking ecstasy for the body. If I were to IV an pappropirate amount of H into my system, NOTHING would ever top that shit in terms of just feeling raw heavenly "good" and peace. But really, that is not what I want. The mind is just as important as the bodyd. The mind produces such profound feelings of "understandting", for a lack of a better word, of utter insight, relevation, that it needs to be stimulated enough to produce the utlimiate euphoria known to mankind. What i'm talking about probably doesn'tt make a whole lot of sense to you as a reader, but fuck it makes perfect sense to me and I'm sure if i were suber and attempeted my best to expliain, you would undeerstand it too but fuck, just not capablble right now. ZBasically, what to take away is that susbstance use should be controlled (on a personal level). They are probably the best thing to happen to a human being, where a such insignficiant chemical chould cahnge one's peception, mood, mental pattern, of SOUL so profoundly on such an expectedly short notice, produceing the UTMOST feelings of EUPHORIA (of what it feels like to be simply human) so suddenly. So therefore, TLDR: Sbubstance use is to be respected. It IS fucking beneifical if one is in a good state of mind and body (financial, physical, emotional well-being). So, as fucking pathetic as it sounds (but it is true for me, I realize that it is going to be basically what I'll value above almost all other aspectss of life), I'm going to pursue a life of perfect emotions. Whether it comes from real life endophorin of "feel good" chemical releases [e.g., chocolate, ahceivements in life, love, etc.], or chemical enhancements, I am going to fucking chase the perfect cominbation of emotions. I've always prefered the pilosophy of that it is better to live a life of extremes, of sadness and happiness, of down and up, of insight and shame, of godliness and guilt, etc. etc. that to live a life of mediorcity. Right now, thinking about the future of perfect chemisty in my brain, do I pity my more successful friends what went on to achieve "more" in the physical word, of making more money, of having better social circles, of whatever that is valued as more successffull in contemporary society. I pity them because, I now know for a FUCKING fact, that they would NEVER feel as good as I do with all my epxperiences and knowledge of chemcial angelic ehcancements. TLDDDDDDR: From the mouth of the guy that introducesd me to chems, I thank him and quote: I'm here for a good time, not a long time. | ||
Canada1109 Posts
An analogy that I could best conjure right now is sex - drugs. 1. If you had sex with your most beloved person EVERy fucking day for as many times as you can, you will NOT feel as good each time. Sex/masturbation much too frequenty will dull the experience, producing probably only 1/100000000 of the euphoria that you experience the first time you orgrasm. 2. Now imagine you were locked away in a senory deprivation room for 3 years. Then as soon as you're released, you get to FUCK the most beautiful woman in the entire fucking world. Now how absolutely amazing would that be? indescribable in words, absolutely. a. same shit with chems. If you were to indulge in whatever chem you fancy everyday, chasing that fake high, those shameful dopamine, then every experience just gets progressively worse with use dosage. b. Now iamgine you work hard, make you body and mind deserve the chemical pleasures, and THEN indugle. Alcohol/weed/whatever experiencess once a year in the perfect state of mind and physical well-being along with careful preparation? Fuck god, that shit is gold. 9.5/10 in absolute terms in terms of "feel good". Do it everyday? 0.5/10 in absolute terms of euphoria. Averaged out, doing whatever you want living a hedonistic lifestyle every single fucking wake moment produces more dopamine totalled then averaged out over a certain period of time. But that shit is pathetic, mediocre, weak, fucking shameful. It's those extremems of highs and lows, of hardwork/determination vs. ultimate reward that's worth living for. Even forr normal people, it's the fucking same shit. Eat chocolate everyday and be lazy everyday? feels good, but then negative life aspects such as obesity and mediocrity sets in. VS> work super hard 6 days a week and indulge in sex/food/entertainment to the utmost degree on sunday? Fuck yah, that's the puropose of life. Play hard, as hard as you fucking possibly can without endagering the future, and work even harder. | ||
Netherlands928 Posts
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United States9633 Posts
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